- 関
- decide、decision、definition、determination、determine
- fix in scope; fix the boundaries of; "the tree determines the border of the property"
- find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort; "I want to see whether she speaks French"; "See whether it works"; "find out if he speaks Russian"; "Check whether the train leaves on time" (同)check, find_out, see, ascertain, watch, learn
- establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study; "find the product of two numbers"; "The physicist who found the elusive particle won the Nobel Prize" (同)find, find_out, ascertain
- fix conclusively or authoritatively; "set the rules" (同)set
- shape or influence; give direction to; "experience often determines ability"; "mold public opinion" (同)shape, mold, influence, regulate
- influence or determine; "The vote in New Hampshire often decides the outcome of the Presidential election"
- reach, make, or come to a decision about something; "We finally decided after lengthy deliberations" (同)make up one''s mind, determine
- bring to an end; settle conclusively; "The case was decided"; "The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff"; "The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their inheritance" (同)settle, resolve, adjudicate
- cause to decide; "This new development finally decided me!"
- the act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation; "the determination of molecular structures" (同)finding
- the quality of being determined to do or achieve something; firmness of purpose; "his determination showed in his every movement"; "he is a man of purpose" (同)purpose
- deciding or controlling somethings outcome or nature; "the determination of grammatical inflections"
- clarity of outline; "exercise had given his muscles superior definition"
- a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symbol
- the act of making up your mind about something; "the burden of decision was his"; "he drew his conclusions quickly" (同)determination, conclusion
- a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration; "a decision unfavorable to the opposition"; "his conclusion took the evidence into account"; "satisfied with the panels determination" (同)determination, conclusion
- (boxing) a victory won on points when no knockout has occurred; "had little trouble in taking a unanimous decision over his opponent"
- the outcome of a game or contest; "the team dropped three decisions in a row"
- (前もって)…‘を'『決定する』,はっきりさせる / …‘を'『決心する』,決意する / 《『determine』+『名』+『to』 do》〈物事が〉(…することを)〈人〉‘に'決心させる』,決意させる / …‘を'『左右する』,決定づける / 〈数量・位置・速度など〉‘を'測定する,確認する / (…を)決心する,決定する《+『on』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 〈人が〉〈論争・問題など〉'を'『解決する』 / 〈人が〉『決心する』 / 〈物事が〉…'を'決定する / 〈物事が〉〈人〉‘に'決意させる,決定させる / 『決定する』 / (…に不利な,有利な)判決を下す《+『against』(『for』,『in favor of』)+『名』》
- 〈U〉『決心』,決意,決断力 / 〈U〉(…の)『決定』,決着《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(法律上の)(…の)判決,裁決,終結《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…の)測定[法]《+『of』+『名』》
- 〈C〉『定義』,語義の記述 / 〈C〉(本質・特徴を)明確にすること《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(映像・音声などの)鮮明度
- 〈C〉(問題・疑義などの)『決定』,解決;結論《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉『決心』,決断 / 〈C〉(法廷での)『判決』;判定 / 〈U〉決断力
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English Journal
- Evaluating the Effect of a Patient Decision Aid for Atrial Fibrillation Stroke Prevention Therapy.
- Loewen PS, Bansback N, Hicklin J, Andrade JG, Kapanen AI, Kwan L, Lynd LD, McClean A, MacGillivray J, Salmasi S.
- The Annals of pharmacotherapy. 2019 Jul;53(7)665-674.
- Stroke prevention therapy decisions for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) are complex and require trade-offs, but few validated patient decision aids (PDAs) are available to facilitate shared decision making. To evaluate the effects of a novel PDA on decision-making parameters for AF patients c
- PMID 30724102
- Assessing optimism and pessimism about genomic medicine: Development of a genomic orientation scale.
- Horrow C, Pacyna JE, Sutton EJ, Sperry BP, Breitkopf CR, Sharp RR.
- Clinical genetics. 2019 Jun;95(6)704-712.
- Efforts to characterize stakeholder attitudes about the implementation of genomic medicine would benefit from a validated instrument for measuring public views of the potential benefits and harms of genomic technologies, which would facilitate comparison across populations and clinical settings. We
- PMID 30868559
- Local Therapy Decisional Regret in Older Women With Breast Cancer: A Population-Based Study.
- Advani PG, Lei X, Swanick CW, Xu Y, Shen Y, Goodwin NA, Smith GL, Giordano SH, Hunt KK, Jagsi R, Smith BD.
- International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. 2019 Jun;104(2)383-391.
- Older women with nonmetastatic breast cancer can often choose from several surgery and radiation treatment options. Little is known regarding how these choices contribute to decisional regret, which is a negative emotion reflecting the idea that another surgery or radiation decision might have been
- PMID 30716524
Japanese Journal
- Disavowable Public Key Encryption with Non-Interactive Opening
- IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences E98.A(12), 2446-2455, 2015
- NAID 130005111996
- 小学校高学年における「バランスのとれた食事」に関する意思決定バランス尺度の開発
- The KDM-CCA Security of the Kurosawa-Desmedt Scheme
- IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences E98.A(4), 1032-1037, 2015
- NAID 130005060894
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- 決定する、特定する、確定する、判定する、測定する、定量する
- 関
- assay、assessment、decide、decision、decisional、definition、definitive、determination、estimate、fathom、measure、measurement、particular、quantitative determination、specification、specify
- 関
- clarity、confine、decide、decision、decisional、define、definite、determination、determine、limit、resolution、resolving power、restrict、restriction
- 英
- decision、determination、definition、decide、determine、decisional
- 関
- 解像度、解像力、決断、限定、測定、定義、定量、判断、判定、特定、決める、確定、明確さ、決心
- 関
- assessment、decision、decisional、definition、definitive、determination、determine
- 関
- assay、assessment、decide、decision、decisional、definition、determine、quantitative determination
- 関
- assessment、decide、decisional、definition、definitive、determination、determine、judge、judgement、judgment、read、reason