- 関
- autosomal dominant disorder
- exercising influence or control; "television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion"; "the dominant partner in the marriage"
- (music) the fifth note of the diatonic scale
- (of genes) producing the same phenotype whether its allele is identical or dissimilar
- an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
- caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology; "diseased tonsils"; "a morbid growth"; "pathologic tissue"; "pathological bodily processes" (同)morbid, pathologic, pathological
- of or relating to an autosome; "autosomal gene"
- 『支配的な』,最も有力な / (位置が)群を抜いて高い,そびえ立つ / (手・目など左右のいずれかが)力のある / (遺伝で)優性の / (音階で)第5度音の,属音の / (遺伝の)優性形質 / 第5度音,属音
- (体の)『病気』,疾患 / (精神・道徳などの)病気,病弊
- 女性の話術芸人 =diseur
- 病気にかかった / 病的な,不健全な(morbid)
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English Journal
- Spinocerebellar ataxia type 28.
- Mariotti C, Bella DD, Di Donato S, Taroni F.SourceUnitâ di Genetica delle Malattie Neurodegenerative e Metaboliche, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico "Carlo Besta", Milan, Italy.
- Handbook of clinical neurology / edited by P.J. Vinken and G.W. Bruyn.Handb Clin Neurol.2012;103:575-9.
- We have recently mapped the spinocerebellar ataxia type 28 (SCA28) locus on chromosome 18p11.22 in a four-generation Italian family. The clinical phenotype in affected individuals of this family was characterized by juvenile onset, slowly progressive gait and limb ataxia, dysarthria, hyperreflexia a
- PMID 21827917
- Spinocerebellar ataxia type 14.
- Chen DH, Raskind WH, Bird TD.SourceDepartment of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
- Handbook of clinical neurology / edited by P.J. Vinken and G.W. Bruyn.Handb Clin Neurol.2012;103:555-9.
- SCA14 is an autosomal dominant hereditary cerebellar ataxia that usually has an onset in early to mid adult life, with slow progression and normal lifespan. Although generally an uncomplicated cerebellar ataxia with gait imbalance, dysarthria, and nystagmus, there is occasionally sensory loss, hyper
- PMID 21827914
Japanese Journal
- 多発性囊肺腎 : 治療の新たな展開 (特集 腎臓学 この一年の進歩)
- 堀江 重郎
- The Japanese journal of nephrology = 日本腎臓学会誌 57(1), 254-261, 2015
- NAID 40020351566
- 森 千晃,齋藤 朋子,齊藤 利雄,藤村 晴俊,佐古田 三郎
- 臨床神経学 55(6), 401-405, 2015
- … 性の近位筋優位筋力低下・筋萎縮,四肢遠位のしびれ,四肢腱反射消失を呈し,神経伝導検査で感覚神経が導出不能であった男性2例を報告した.1例は祖父母が沖縄県,もう1例は両親が滋賀県出身で,常染色体優性遺伝と考えられる家族歴を有していた.また,1例では四肢や体幹に有痛性筋けいれんが頻発していた.近位筋優位遺伝性運動感覚ニューロパチー(hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy with proximal dominant …
- NAID 130005083891
- 小宮山 雅樹
- 脳卒中の外科 43(3), 193-200, 2015
- … Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), also known as Osler-Rendu-Weber disease, is an autosomal dominant disorder that results from multi-system vascular dysplasia. … This article summarizes the clinical features of HHT as well as its treatment, and also emphasizes the need for a high index of suspicion for this disease in patients with characteristic clinical manifestations. …
- NAID 130005078142
Related Links
- Autosomal dominant is one of several ways that a trait or disorder can be passed down (inherited) through families. In an autosomal dominant disease, if you inherit the abnormal gene from only one parent, you can get ...
- Inheriting a specific disease, condition, or trait depends on the type of chromosome that is affected (autosomal or sex chromosome). It also depends on whether the trait is dominant or recessive. A mutation in a gene on ...
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- 英
- autosomal dominant disease, autosomal dominant disorder
- 同
- 常染色体優性遺伝疾患
- 関
- 常染色体劣性遺伝病
autosomal-dominant diseases (first aid step p.108)
- HIM.2319
- 英
- autosomal dominant disorder、autosomal dominant disease
- 関
- 常染色体優性遺伝疾患、常染色体優性遺伝病、常染色体性優性遺伝病
- 関
- autosomal dominant disease
- 疾患:illnessより厳密な概念。「ある臓器に明確な障害が確認され、それによって症状が出ているとはっきり説明できる場合」 (PSY.9)
- 特定の原因、病態生理、症状、経過、予後、病理組織所見が全てそろった場合 (PSY.9)
- something that is very wrong with people's attitudes, way of life or with society.
- 関
- ail、ailment、disease entity、disorder、ill、illness、malady、sick、sickness
- disease ≠ illness ≠ disorder
- 優性の、優位な、顕性の、優占の、支配的な、ドミナントな
- 関
- dominance、dominantly、manifest、overt、predominance、predominant、predominantly、predominately、prevailing、superior、superiorly
- 関
- autosomally、autosome