- 関
- mannose-binding lectin
- 同
- 関
- Mannan-binding lectin
- the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)m
- Mach number / mark[s] / Monsieur
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/10/12 00:29:27」(JST)
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- ミスマッチバインディングリガンド [1](Mismatch Binding Ligand)
- 医学生物学研究所 (Medical & Biological Laboratories Co.,ltd)
- ウッズホール海洋生物学研究所 (Marine Biological Laboratories)
- マニスチー・カウンティ・ブラッカー空港のIATA空港コード
- マンノースバインディングレクチン (Mannan-binding lectin)
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Not to be confused with MLB.
MBL may refer to:
- Main/Bergen County Line, a commuter rail line in the US state of New Jersey
- Manistee County-Blacker Airport (IATA/FAA code MBL), an airport in the US state of Michigan
- Montclair-Boonton Line, a commuter rail line in North Jersey in the US state of New Jersey
- Montebello Bus Lines, a local transit agency serving the San Gabriel Valley in Southern California
Other uses
- Macquarie Bank Limited, name of the Macquarie Group (a publicly-traded Australian financial-services corporation) prior to its restructuring in 2007
- MBL (programming language), a language for teaching compiler construction
- Malaysian Basketball League, former name of the Malaysia National Basketball League, the pre-eminent men's basketball league in Malaysia
- Mannan-binding lectin (or mannose-binding lectin), a protein capable of binding certain sugars and polysaccharides
- Marine Biological Laboratory, an international center for research and education in biology, biomedicine, and ecology
- Master of Business and Law, a two-year master's degree credential
- Monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis, a condition that resembles chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
- Movimiento Bolivia Libre, a political party in Bolivia; also known as the Free Bolivia Movement
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Low levels of mannose-binding lectin at admission increase the risk of adverse neurological outcome in preterm infants: a 1-year follow-up study.
- Xue J1, Liu AH1, Zhao B2, Si M3, Li YQ1.
- The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians.J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.2016 May;29(9):1425-9. doi: 10.3109/14767058.2015.1050372. Epub 2015 Jul 7.
- OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to explore the association between serum levels of mannose-binding lectin (MBL) at admission and neurodevelopmental outcomes in a group of Chinese preterm infants, observed prospectively, until 1-year of corrected age (CA).METHODS: All preterm infants used in thi
- PMID 26153116
- Release from Th1-type immune tolerance in spleen and enhanced production of IL-5 in Peyer's patch by cholera toxin B induce the glomerular deposition of IgA.
- Yamanaka T1, Tamauchi H2, Suzuki Y1, Suzuki H1, Horikoshi S1, Terashima M3, Iwabuchi K4, Habu S5, Okumura K5, Tomino Y1.
- Immunobiology.Immunobiology.2016 Apr;221(4):577-85. doi: 10.1016/j.imbio.2015.12.001. Epub 2015 Dec 15.
- We examined the pathogenesis of glomerular damage in Th2 type-dependent GATA-3 transgenic (GATA-3 Tg) mice with IgA nephropathy (IgAN). GATA-3 Tg mice were immunized orally using OVA plus cholera toxin B (CTB), and measurement of the serum IgA antibody level and histopathological examination were pe
- PMID 26719095
- Protected areas' role in climate-change mitigation.
- Melillo JM1, Lu X2, Kicklighter DW3, Reilly JM4, Cai Y5, Sokolov AP6.
- Ambio.Ambio.2016 Mar;45(2):133-45. doi: 10.1007/s13280-015-0693-1. Epub 2015 Oct 16.
- Globally, 15.5 million km(2) of land are currently identified as protected areas, which provide society with many ecosystem services including climate-change mitigation. Combining a global database of protected areas, a reconstruction of global land-use history, and a global biogeochemistry model,
- PMID 26474765
Japanese Journal
- 野崎 敬策
- 情報処理学会研究報告. MBL
- ITSは人とモノの移動を安全・効率・快適に行う手段として日米欧3極を中心に1993年から推進されている。交通手段として車、鉄道、船、飛行機等があるが、日本国内では主として道路交通を対象に産官学挙げて取り組んできた。具体的取り組みは大都市圏主体に全国レベルのカーナビ、VICS、ETC、安全運転支援等が実用化されているが、各地方都市・自治体においてはそれぞれ固有の課題を抱えている。地域ITSはそれらの …
- NAID 110008682608
- 石原 進,山口 弘純,重野 寛
- 情報処理学会研究報告. MBL
- 筆者らは2011年9月に米国ラスベガスで行われたACM SIGMOBILEのフラッグシップカンファレンスMobicom 2011に出席した.本稿では,同カンファレンス並びに併催ワークショップVANETの様子と主な発表論文,議論の動向について紹介する.
- NAID 110008682607
Related Links
- MBLは自己免疫疾患を中心とした臨床検査薬、基礎研究用試薬メーカーです。抗体技術を駆使した抗体医薬や先端バイオテクノロジーの研究開発を行っています。
- MBLはタグ、オートファジー、MHCテトラマー、 RNA結合タンパク質、アポトーシス、蛍光タンパクなどの多岐分野において、基礎研究用試薬、抗体の研究・開発・製造・販売を行っており ま す。抗体作製受託サービスは長年にわたる抗体 ...
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- 英
- complement
- 同
- アレキシン alexin
- 関
- 補体活性化経路、補体価
補体の相互作用 IMM.62
- C1qがカスケードの最初となる。3つの方法で補体カスケードがはじまる。
- (1)多価陰イオン表面(例えば、グラム陰性細菌のリポテイコ酸)
- (2)バクテリアの多糖のホスホコリンに結合(例えば肺炎球菌のC蛋白質)
- (3)抗原抗体複合体に結合して自然免疫と獲得免疫のエフェクター機構を結びつける。
- 炭化水素鎖を認識するレクチンがカスケードの最初となる。
- C3からはじまる。血漿中のC3が病原体の表面で自発的に活性化されることで補体反応がはじまる。
3つの経路は共通してC3 convertaseを生成。C3 convertaseはC3→C3a+C3b
C3a: C3a is a peptide mediator of local inflammation
C3b: C3b binds covalently to the bacterial cell membrane and opsonizes the bacteria
C5 convertaseはC3bにC3 convertaseが結合してできる
C5 converaseはC5→C5a+C5b
C5a: powerful peptide mediator of inflammation
C5b: C5b,C6,C7,C8,C9: membrane-attack complex
- 炎症部位に血管外に抗体、補体、食細胞を集め、組織液を増やすことで抗原提示細胞がリンパ節に移動するのを促進する(IMM.75)
- C5a,C3a,C4a: smooth muscle contraction.(IMM.75)
- C5a,C3a: act on the endo thelial cells lining blood vessels to induce adhesion molecules.(IMM.75)
- C5a>C3a>C4a: increase in blood flow, increase vascular permeability, increase binding of phagocytes to exdothielial cells.(IMM.76)
- C5a: activates mast cells to release mediators, such as histamine and TNF-α. that contribute the inflammatory response(IMM.76).
- C5a: acts directly on neutrophils and monocytes and attracting neutrophils and monocytes(IMM.75)
- C3a: contributes to the pypotension and edema seen in endotoxic shock
- C5a: activated by endotoxin, funcions in neutrophil chemotaxis
- 英
- ficolin
- 関
- 補体、MBL
- 英
- mannose-binding lectin, MBL
- 関
- ficolin
- 同
- mannose-binding lectins, MBL
- 英
- MBL-associated serine protease, MASP
メチオニン methionine