- the 5th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)e
- Eastern Standard Time《米》東部標準時
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2018/10/01 03:31:45」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- エストニア (Eesti) のISO 3166-1国名コード。
- タイムゾーン
- 東部標準時 (Eastern Standard Time) - 北米の標準時。
- ヨーロッパ夏時間 (European Summer Time)
- えすと - 日本のテレビ制作会社。
- E.S.T. - スウェーデンのジャズピアニストトリオ。
- 電気ショック療法 (electroshock theraphy)
- 映像作品のダウンロード販売 (electronic sell-through)
- 発現配列タグ (expressed sequence tag) - 相補的DNA#ESTを参照。
- 卵黄嚢腫瘍 (endodermal sinus tumor)
- 生態システム理論 (ecological systems theory)
- 拡大時空理論 (expanding spacetime theory) - ヨーハン・マルリェーが提唱した理論。スケールで広がる宇宙 (scale expanding cosmos) に同義。
- EST - 大阪・東梅田にある商業施設。JR西日本グループ。
- EST! - 吉田健一の2011年の画集。
- エスト! エスト!! エスト!!! ディ・モンテフィアスコーネ (Est! Est!! Est!!! di Montefiascone) - イタリアワインの銘柄。
- エスト - 漫画『ファイブスター物語』の登場人物。ファティマ (ファイブスター物語)#エスト(Est/East)を参照。
- エスト (化粧品) - 花王による百貨店向け化粧品ブランド。
- エストニア語の3文字言語コード。
- 設立 (established, establishment):例 EST.(EST in)1999と表記されれば1999年創立の意。
- 推定 (estimation)
- エアハード式セミナートレーニング、エアハルト式セミナートレーニング (Erhard Seminars Training) - 自己啓発セミナー。後続団体にランドマーク・エデュケーション(現ランドマーク・ワールドワイド)がある。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up est, Est, EST, or -est in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Est, EST and Est. may refer to:
- Est, Netherlands, a town in Gelderland
- Est Region (Burkina Faso), one of Burkina Faso's 13 administrative regions
- Est Region (Cameroon), a region in the southeast of the Republic of Cameroon
- Est! Est!! Est!!! di Montefiascone, an Italian wine region
- Estonia, a nation in northern Europe (ISO 3166 code EE, Internet TLD .ee)
- Estonian language, the Estonian language in ISO 639.2 or ISO 639–3 language codes (est)
As an initialism
The initialism EST may refer to:
- Energy Saving Trust, a United Kingdom organization for fighting climate change
- Ensemble Studio Theatre, a New York theatre
- Erhard Seminars Training, usually est in lower case, a New Age large-group awareness training program
- European Society for Translation Studies, an international organization
Science and medicine
- Ecological systems theory, a theory in developmental psychology
- Edinburgh Science Triangle, a multi-disciplinary partnership
- Electro-shock therapy, or electroconvulsive therapy
- Empirically supported treatments or evidence-based practice, an approach to mental and behavioral health treatment
- Endodermal sinus tumor, a cancer of the germ cell tumor group
- Estrogen sulfotransferase, a type of enzyme
- European Solar Telescope, a solar observatory in the Canary Islands
- Exercise stress test, a type of cardiac stress test
- Expressed sequence tag, a DNA sequence
- Espérance Sportive de Tunis, a Tunisian sports club
Management and economics
- Effort Satisficing Theory, a theory in management and economics
- Australian Eastern Standard Time (see Time in Australia) is more commonly referred to as AEST and is UTC+10
- Eastern Standard Time is UTC−5 and is the time used in the Eastern Time Zone (North America) when observing Standard time (Winter and Autumn)
- Egypt Standard Time is always UTC+2
- European Summer Time is not a fixed time zone, but refers to regional Summer Time zones in Europe:
- Western European Summer Time is UTC+1
- Central European Summer Time is UTC+2
- Eastern European Summer Time is UTC+3
Other uses
- Diana Est, an Italian singer
- Ed Sullivan Theater, a building in New York housing radio and television studios
- Electron spiral toroid, a technology for maintaining small stable plasma toroids
- Electronic sell-through, a system of selling video over the internet
- Enrollment over Secure Transport, a cryptographic protocol
- Esbjörn Svensson Trio, a Swedish jazz trio (stylized "e.s.t.")
- E.S.T., a song from the album To Lose My Life…, by British band White Lies
- E.S.T. - Trip to the Moon, Acid Bath (album) single by Alien Sex Fiend (1984)
- Abbreviation of Established
- Abbreviation of Estimation
- Est Cola, a soft drink from Thailand
- European Senior Tour, a professional golf tour
- Extended standard theory, a theory of grammar
See also
- East (disambiguation)
- All pages beginning with Est
- All pages with a title containing Est
- English grammar § Comparison, for use of the superlative suffix -est
- Thou, for use of the archaic verb ending -est
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Purification and antimicrobial function of ubiquitin isolated from the gill of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas.
- Seo JK, Lee MJ, Go HJ, Kim GD, Jeong HD, Nam BH, Park NG.SourceDepartment of Biotechnology, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737, Republic of Korea.
- Molecular immunology.Mol Immunol.2013 Jan;53(1-2):88-98. Epub 2012 Aug 2.
- An antimicrobial polypeptide was purified from an acidified gill extract of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) by C(18) reversed-phase HPLC. The purified polypeptide had a molecular weight of 8471Da containing 74 amino acid residues. Comparison of the obtained N-terminal sequences with those of othe
- PMID 22858580
- Can bipolar disorder be viewed as a multi-system inflammatory disease?
- Leboyer M, Soreca I, Scott J, Frye M, Henry C, Tamouza R, Kupfer DJ.SourceINSERM U955, University Paris-Est, FondaMental Fondation, Fondation de Coopération Scientifique, AP-HP, Groupe Hospitalier Mondor, 40, Rue de Mesly, Creteil, F-94000, France; Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA.
- Journal of affective disorders.J Affect Disord.2012 Dec 1;141(1):1-10. Epub 2012 Apr 11.
- BACKGROUND: Patients with bipolar disorder are known to be at high risk of premature death. Comorbid cardio-vascular diseases are a leading cause of excess mortality, well above the risk associated with suicide. In this review, we explore comorbid medical disorders, highlighting evidence that bipola
- PMID 22497876
Japanese Journal
- ラパコレUpdate : 最近のコンセプトと手技(第7回)総胆管結石症におけるラパコレ LCBDE vs EST
- ESTからEST-QOLへの思考の転換 (特集 環境的に持続可能な交通(EST)の課題と期待) -- (ESTへの期待)
- 気候変動問題からみたESTへの期待 (特集 環境的に持続可能な交通(EST)の課題と期待) -- (ESTへの期待)
Related Links
- デパート専用化粧品est(エスト)公式サイト。マッサージや化粧水などのスキンケア、メイクアップ製品情報やクチコミなどをご紹介しています。
- 現在のEastern Standard Time (EST) The Time Now(ザ・タイム・ナウ)は、旅行・電話・調査する時に頼れるツールです。The Time Now(ザ・タイム・ナウ)は、世界中の正確なEastern Standard Time (EST)に同期された時間(アメリカの ...
Related Pictures

- a EST(Endoscopic Sphincterotomy)
- b EBS(Endoscopic Biliary Stenting)
- c ENBD(Endoscopic Nasobiliary Drainage)
- d EPBD(Endoscopic Papillary Balloon Dilatation)
- e PTGBD(Percutaneous Transhepatic Gallbladder Drainage)
※国試ナビ4※ [110I004]←[国試_110]→[110I006]
- suppurative
- 英
- acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis AOSC (アオスク キオスクと覚えましょう)
- 関
- 胆管炎, 胆道感染症、レイノルズ五徴
- 経皮経肝的胆管ドレナージ PTBD percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage
- 経鼻胆道ドレナージ ENBD endoscopical nasobiliary drainage
- 英
- acute cholangitis
- http://minds.jcqhc.or.jp/stc/0020/0020_ContentsTop.html
- 英
- yolk sac tumor, yolk sac carcinoma
- 同
- 内胚葉洞腫瘍 endodermal sinus tumor EST、卵黄嚢癌 yolk sac carcinoma、ヨークザック腫瘍
- 関
- 胚細胞腫瘍
- (女性)卵巣では若年者に好発し、悪性度は高い
- (男性)精巣では乳幼児に多く、予後は比較的良好
- 英
- endoscopic papillotomy EPT
- 同
- 内視鏡的乳頭括約筋切開術 endoscopic sphincterotomy EST
- 英
- endoscopic sphincterotomy, EST
- 関
- 内視鏡的乳頭切開術
- 関
- testosterone cypionate