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- 1. プレカット(アクセス)乳頭切開術precut access papillotomy [show details]
… Various factors influence the use of precut technique at endoscopic sphincterotomy. One group reported that the need for precut papillotomy was increased in malignancies and less common in patients with …
- 2. 総胆管括約筋切開の標準手技:最前線standard biliary sphincterotomy technique the cutting edge [show details]
…undergo endoscopic biliary sphincterotomy every year in the United States. Biliary sphincterotomy refers to the cutting of the biliary sphincter and is typically carried out during endoscopic retrograde …
- 3. プレカット括約筋切開術:適応および手技に対する別視点precut sphincterotomy another perspective on indications and techniques [show details]
… Precut sphincterotomy/papillotomy refers to a variety of endoscopic techniques used to gain access to the bile (and occasionally pancreatic) ducts before deep cannulation has been achieved. The term "precut" …
- 4. 総胆管結石の内視鏡マネージメント:標準手技および機械的砕石endoscopic management of bile duct stones standard techniques and mechanical lithotripsy [show details]
…dilation and those treated with sphincterotomy (15 versus 12 percent) . Limited endoscopic sphincterotomy with large balloon dilation was compared with sphincterotomy in a randomized trial that included …
- 5. 膵管癒合不全の治療treatment of pancreas divisum [show details]
… 18, 11 and 19 percent of patients, respectively. Endoscopic sphincterotomy (papillotomy) of the minor papilla can be performed with pull sphincterotomy or a needle-knife technique, both of which are equally …
English Journal
- Pancreas Divisum in Pediatric Acute Recurrent and Chronic Pancreatitis: Report From INSPPIRE.
- Lin TK, Abu-El-Haija M, Nathan JD, Palermo JP, Barth B, Bellin M, Fishman DS, Freedman SD, Gariepy CE, Giefer MJ, Gonska T, Heyman MB, Himes R, Husain SZ, Liu Q, Maqbool A, Mascarenhas M, McFerron B, Morinville VD, Ooi CY, Perito E, Pohl JF, Rhee S, Schwarzenberg SJ, Shah U, Troendle D, Werlin SL, Wilschanski M, Zimmerman MB, Lowe ME, Uc A.
- Journal of clinical gastroenterology. 2019 Jul;53(6)e232-e238.
- The significance of pancreas divisum (PD) as a risk factor for pancreatitis is controversial. We analyzed the characteristics of children with PD associated with acute recurrent or chronic pancreatitis to better understand its impact. We compared children with or without PD in the well-phenotyped IN
- PMID 29864067
- A Systematic Review of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Situs Inversus.
- Chaouch MA, Jerraya H, Dougaz MW, Nouira R, Dziri C.
- Journal of investigative surgery : the official journal of the Academy of Surgical Research. 2019 Jun;()1-10.
- Array
- PMID 31164015
- Balloons larger than 15 mm can increase the risk of adverse events following endoscopic papillary large balloon dilation.
- Lee GH, Yang MJ, Kim JH, Hwang JC, Yoo BM, Lee DK, Jang SI, Lee TH, Park SH, Park JS, Jeong S, Lee DH.
- Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology. 2019 Jun;().
- Although endoscopic papillary large balloon dilation (EPLBD) has been widely used to facilitate the removal of difficult common bile duct stones; however, the outcomes have not yet been investigated in terms of the diameter of the balloon used. We aimed to compare the clinical outcomes between EPLBD
- PMID 31157459
Japanese Journal
- 杉山 晴俊,露口 利夫,酒井 裕司,三方 林太郎,安井 伸,加藤 直也
- 胆道 33(1), 69-75, 2019
- <p>胆道疾患の診断と治療において,選択的胆管挿管は最も重要な手技の一つであるが,経験豊富な術者にとっても胆管挿管困難な症例は存在する.胆管挿管法のトレーニングにおいてはまず安全性が重視される.初学者は指導医の監督下にまず助手を務め,可能であればシミュレータでの研鑽を積むとよい.さらに実際の患者に臨む時には戦略を明確にしておく必要がある.まず意図しない膵管挿管がある場合にはワイヤーを留 …
- NAID 130007625181
- 露口 利夫
- 胆道 33(1), 7-11, 2019
- <p>総胆管結石症に対して内視鏡的治療を行った長期コホート研究により有石胆嚢,胆嚢摘出術既往,pneumobiliaなどが胆管結石再発の危険因子であることを明らかにしてきた.しかし,胆石症は糖尿病や脂質異常症を背景に有する疾患であり,胆石コホートの最終死因は心臓血管障害や他臓器癌によるものが多数を占めていた.従って胆石治療だけに焦点を置くのではなく,長期予後を見据えた食事・運動療法の指 …
- NAID 130007625178
- 膵分泌性トリプシンインヒビター遺伝子(SPINK1)異常と膵癒合不全を合併した反復性膵炎の1例
- 川野 正人,家入 里志,後藤 倫子,向井 基,馬場 徳朗,川野 孝文,大西 峻,山田 和歌,中目 和彦,加治 建
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 55(1), 110-114, 2019
- <p>13歳の女児.9歳時に背部打撲後に腹痛,嘔吐,高アミラーゼ血症を認めたため,鈍的膵損傷と診断し保存的治療を行った.11歳時に,再び腹痛,嘔吐を認め,内視鏡的逆行性胆道膵管造影(ERCP)で完全型膵癒合不全に伴う反復性膵炎と診断された.膵炎はその後も再燃を繰り返したため,13歳時に内視鏡的副乳頭切開術および膵管ステント挿入術を行った.膵炎の反復はその後も消失せず逆に増悪傾向を認め, …
- NAID 130007601823
Related Links
- 1. Surgery. 1982 Oct;92(4):581-8. Endoscopic papillotomy. Passi RB, Raval B. Endoscopic papillotomy is a major therapeutic advance in the management of common bile duct obstruction. During 1981, the procedure was ...
- endoscopic papillotomy Endoscopic sphincterotomy, endoscopic retrograde sphincterotomy GI disease The use of an endoscope to dilate and treat defects of the ... Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary ...
- INTRODUCTION Precut papillotomy (or sphincterotomy) refers to a variety of endoscopic techniques used to gain access to the bile (or occasionally the pancreatic) duct. In most patients, precut papillotomy is followed by conventional ...
- 英
- endoscopic papillotomy EPT
- 同
- 内視鏡的乳頭括約筋切開術 endoscopic sphincterotomy EST
- 関
- endoscopic screening、endoscopically、endoscopy