- 英
- disturbance of pursuit eye movement
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- 1. 毛細血管拡張性運動失調症ataxia telangiectasia [show details]
… inability to coordinate head and eye movements naturally when shifting gaze rapidly (saccadic eye movements). The early eye movement problems are primarily… expression of residual ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein and kinase activity . Aside from ataxia, variant AT often presents with extrapyramidal movement disorders such as tremor,… regular monitoring of lung function. Diagnostic tests involving radiation exposure (eg, radiographs, computed tomography [CT]) should be avoided when possible. Cancer surveillance and treatment…
- 2. 遺伝子検査の解釈:ATM (毛細血管拡張性運動失調症、乳癌、および膵臓癌の感受性遺伝子)gene test interpretation atm ataxia telangiectasia breast cancer and pancreatic cancer susceptibility gene [show details]
… dysfunction and ocular signs become apparent. Young children develop progressive cerebellar ataxia, abnormal eye movements, extrapyramidal motor dysfunction, and oculocutaneous telangiectasias. Progressive pulmonary … with milder cerebellar dysfunction and extrapyramidal movement disorders (eg,… minimizing radiation exposure. Patients require routine chest therapy for secretion clearance, regular monitoring of pulmonary function, and antibiotics for acute infection. Diagnostic tests involving radiation …
- 3. 急速眼球運動睡眠行動障害rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder [show details]
… Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a parasomnia characterized by dream-enactment behaviors that emerge during a loss of REM sleep atonia.… sleep-disrupting conditions such as periodic limb movement disorder and obstructive sleep apnea,… sustained efficacy, and without significant dose escalation, over years of nightly use . However, follow-up studies describe more mixed results, ranging from sustained benefit without dose escalation to a …
- 4. 成人のレストレスレッグス症候群および周期性四肢運動障害のマネージメントmanagement of restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder in adults [show details]
… respond to other agents and who maintain regular follow-up to monitor for response and toxicity.… other medications Periodic limb movement disorder – Treatment of periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) as an entity distinct from RLS is not well studied,… neurologic disorders, including restless legs syndrome (RLS), obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder, narcolepsy, and Parkinson disease. PLMS increase in frequency …
- 5. 機能性不随意運動functional movement disorders [show details]
… distinguish FMD from other movement disorders Diagnosis – FMD is a rule-in diagnosis and not a diagnosis of exclusion, and follow-up is required as clinically indicated.… Other common patterns include constant tonic eye closure, constant bilateral eye closure with the absence of prominent muscle activity (resembling ptosis),…
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- 追従眼球運動は、眼前の広視野パターンが突然動く時に誘発される反射的な眼 球運動である。網膜像のぶれを防ぎ、良好な視覚を保つ働きがある。視覚刺激が 動き始めてから眼の動きが起こるまでの潜時が非常に短いことがその特徴として 挙げられる。
- 追従性眼球運動の機能が鈍いと発達障害で見られる様々な問題点に係わることがあります。 自分の位置感覚が分からなくなる 追従性眼球運動がスムーズに行えないと、自分が移動している際に目標物を見失って位置感覚や距離感が分からなくなったり、壁などにぶつかってしまう事もあります。
- 追従眼球運動は、両眼で同じ方向を向くという両眼共同性の眼球運動の一つで、空間を移動する対象を視線が追随して追いかけるために眼球が徐々に動いていくことを言います。つまり、このような動いている対象を注視し続けるための滑らか
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- 英
- disorder、impairment、dysfunction、damage、difficulty、(妨げ)barrier、impediment、obstacle、disturbance、foe、(化学)hindrance、disorder、impair、lesion
- 関
- 妨げ、撹乱、関門、機能障害、機能不全、困難、傷害、障壁、損なう、損傷、ダメージ、破壊、破損、バリヤー、病変、不安、妨害、乱れ、無秩序、機能異常症、敵、疾患、バリア、バリアー、機能異常、機能不全症
- 英
- eyeball
- ラ
- bulbus oculi
- 関
- 眼
- (水晶体の支持靱帯 suspensory ligament of lens)
- 関
- 危険、損傷、ハザード、傷害を与える、害する
- 英
- external ocular movement EOM, eye movement
- 同
- 共同運動 synkinesis
- 関
- 眼球
- 英
- movement disorder, dyskinesia, dyskinesis