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- 1. 毛細血管奇形(ポートワイン母斑)とそれに関連する症候群capillary malformations port wine stains and associated syndromes [show details]
…bone overgrowth are complications of capillary malformations. Maxillary bone and gingival hyperplasia, lip enlargement, and abnormal bite may occur with facial capillary malformations in the V2 distribution …
- 2. 心臓カテーテル検査法:正常な血行動態cardiac catheterization techniques normal hemodynamics [show details]
…pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) has a waveform and amplitude that is similar to that of the left atrial pressure wave, but it is damped and delayed because of transmission through the capillary vessels… hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may have an abnormal LVEDP waveform that resembles that seen in LV hypertrophy due to hypertension. An abnormal LVEDP waveform may develop…
- 3. 特発性全身性毛細血管漏出症候群idiopathic systemic capillary leak syndrome [show details]
…Severe capillary leakage can result in hypotension and shock. There are many known causes of capillary leak, which can be categorized as follows: Increased hydrostatic pressure within the capillaries can …
- 4. 網膜静脈閉塞:疫学、臨床症状、および診断retinal vein occlusion epidemiology clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
… the extent of capillary nonperfusion cannot be determined due to extensive intraretinal hemorrhage are classified as "indeterminant" . The amount and location of capillary nonperfusion… prior to pharmacologic pupillary dilation, which puts the peripupillary iris on stretch, making abnormal vessels less visible. Confrontation visual fields are variable, depending upon the location and …
- 5. 糖尿病性網膜症:分類および臨床的特徴diabetic retinopathy classification and clinical features [show details]
… formation of retinal capillary microaneurysms and excessive vascular permeability. Microaneurysms (hypercellular outpouchings of retinal capillaries with weakened walls… named for the absence or presence of abnormal new blood vessels emanating from the retina.… Nonproliferative DR (NPDR) consists of a variable display of nerve-fiber layer infarcts (cotton wool spots), intraretinal hemorrhages, and hard exudates and microvascular abnormalities (including microaneurysms, occluded …
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- 英
- intraretinal microvascular abnormalities, IRMA
- 同
- 網膜内毛細血管異常、intraretinal microvascularangiopathy
- 関
- 糖尿病
[show details]
- 英
- retina
- 関
- 眼、眼球
- 英
- blood vessel, blood vessels
- 内皮細胞(単層扁平上皮細胞)
- 基底板
- 内皮下結合組織(内皮下層 subendothelial layer):疎性結合組織、縦走平滑筋
- 内弾性板
- 英
- capillary (Z), blood capillary
- ラ
- vas capillare
- 関
- 毛細管
毛細血管の分類 (HIS.223)
- aberrance, aberration, abnormity, anomalia, anomalo, anomaly, bad condition, defect, glitch, malfunction, trouble, uniqueness, vitium
- 英
- capillary
- 関
- キャピラリ、キャピラリー、毛細管、毛細血管、毛管