- 英
- nocturnal penile tumescence test NPT test
- 関
- 勃起不全
- 心因性勃起不全では正常である事が多いが、器質的勃起不全では異常である
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- 1. 脾腫を有する小児に対するアプローチapproach to the child with an enlarged spleen [show details]
… the enlarged spleen may even be palpable in the right upper quadrant. Exquisite splenic tenderness suggests infarction or perisplenitis in such massively enlarged spleens. Numerous studies have shown… viral hepatitis). If more pronounced constitutional symptoms are noted (eg, persistent fevers, night sweats, weight loss, decreased activity level), systemic diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma, systemic …
- 2. 成人における閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸の臨床症状および診断clinical presentation and diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea in adults [show details]
…details on the therapeutic implications of split-night studies are provided separately. Although full-night studies are the gold-standard, split-night studies are commonly chosen since, in most instances …
- 3. 寝汗や全身性多汗症のある患者の評価evaluation of the patient with night sweats or generalized hyperhidrosis [show details]
…Among those with established sleep disorders, night sweats are common, and treatment for the sleep disorder may decrease night sweats. In a study evaluating night sweats in patients with diagnosed obstructive …
- 4. 陰茎癌:疫学、危険因子、病理carcinoma of the penis epidemiology risk factors and pathology [show details]
… years . The prevalence of penile cancer varies by race . In a study in the United States, the incidence rate of squamous cell carcinoma of the penis was similar in white and black men (0.81 versus 0.82 per …
- 5. 陰茎癌:臨床症状、診断、病期分類carcinoma of the penis clinical presentation diagnosis and staging [show details]
… the glans penis is called the corona and serves as the junction between the glans and the penile shaft. The foreskin is an extension of the shaft skin, which covers the glans penis at birth.… meta-analysis of 17 studies reported on the detection rate and sensitivity of sentinel node biopsy in penile cancer : The pooled sensitivity was 88 percent (95% CI 83-92). When studies that included… plaques on the glans and prepuce These plaques eventually enlarge and coalesce into a sclerotic mass with resultant adhesions,…
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- 英
- penis (Z)
- 関
- 外生殖器、生殖器、泌尿器
- 英
- swelling
- 同
- 腫大
- 関
- 腫大、膨化、膨潤、膨張、隆起
- 英
- nighttime、nocturnal、nocturnally
- 関
- 夜行性