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- 1. 妊娠への母体の適応:皮膚、毛髪、爪、粘膜maternal adaptations to pregnancy skin hair nails and mucous membranes [show details]
… to slowing of the normal progression of hairs from anagen (the "growing" stage) to telogen (the "resting" stage), thereby creating a relative increase in anagen hair . One to five months postpartum, however … changes in nevi during pregnancy . In one study of 86 Caucasian gravida, one-third of women reported a change in nevi during pregnancy and pregnant women had more atypia in their nevi than non-pregnant…
- 2. メラノーマ:臨床的特徴および診断melanoma clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… found that only 29 percent were nevus-associated, with the rest arising de novo . Risk factors associated with amelanotic melanoma include intense freckling, absence of nevi on the back, sun-sensitive phototype …
- 3. 成人や青年に生じる悪性黒色腫のスクリーニングおよび早期発見screening and early detection of melanoma in adults and adolescents [show details]
…different than surrounding nevi . Whereas most nevi (or “families” of nevi) tend to resemble one another, an “outlier” nevus (brown or pink in coloration) that looks different from the rest is cause for evaluation …
- 4. 成人の肝肺症候群:有病率、原因、臨床症状、診断hepatopulmonary syndrome in adults prevalence causes clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
… associated with the presence of HPS. Most patients with HPS eventually develop dyspnea on exertion, at rest, or both, usually after years of liver disease. However, dyspnea is a non-specific finding in patients … patients with spider nevi compared with 8 mmHg in patients without spider nevi. Similarly, the measured shunt fraction (Qs/Qt) was higher in patients with spider nevi (7 versus 2 percent).…
- 5. 急性腰仙部神経根障害:病態生理、臨床的特徴、および診断acute lumbosacral radiculopathy pathophysiology clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… involvement of sinuvertebral nerves or their branches without involvement of the rest of the nerve root is not considered to be radicular in nature.… clinically useful . The spine should be evaluated for any cutaneous abnormalities, such as tufts of hair, nevi, or pores that may be suggestive of a neural tube developmental abnormality. Muscle stretch reflexes…
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Related Pictures

- 英
- intradermal nevus、intradermal nevi
- 同
- 真皮母斑 dermal nevus、休止性母斑 resting nevus
- 関
- 色素性母斑
- 英
- nevus, birthmark
- ラ
- naevus
- 同
- あざ
- 遺伝的ないし胎生的素因に基づき、生涯のさまざまな時期に発現し、きわめて徐々に発育し、皮膚の色調あるいは形の異常を主体とする限局性の皮膚の奇形
- A. メラノサイト系母斑(神経堤由来):
- B. 上皮細胞系母斑
- C. 間葉細胞系母斑
- 通常型
- 特殊型
- 英
- macula
- 関
- 発疹