- the relation of comprising something; "he admired the inclusion of so many ideas in such a short work" (同)comprehension
- the state of being included
- the act of including
- to take an action to protect against future problems; "Count the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself"
- clothe, as if for protection from the elements; "cover your head!" (同)wrap up
- a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else; "they made a cover of a Beatles song" (同)cover version, cover song
- fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations; "artillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal" (同)covering fire
- the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it; "the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft" (同)covering, screening, masking
- a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent); "her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment"
- make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities; "he is compensating for being a bad father" (同)compensate, overcompensate
- span an interval of distance, space or time; "The war extended over five years"; "The period covered the turn of the century"; "My land extends over the hills on the horizon"; "This farm covers some 200 acres"; "The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles" (同)continue, extend
- hide from view or knowledge; "The President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House" (同)cover up
- protect by insurance; "The insurance wont cover this" (同)insure, underwrite
- form a cover over; "The grass covered the grave" (同)spread over
- act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China" (同)treat, handle, plow, deal, address
- be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game
- be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of; "Is this enough to cover the check?"
- help out by taking someones place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities; "She is covering for our secretary who is ill this week"
- hold within range of an aimed firearm
- invest with a large or excessive amount of something; "She covered herself with glory"
- maintain a check on; especially by patrolling; "The second officer covered the top floor"
- play a higher card than the one previously played; "Smith covered again"
- protect or defend (a position in a game); "he covered left field"
- provide for; "The grant doesnt cover my salary"
- provide with a covering or cause to be covered; "cover her face with a handkerchief"; "cover the child with a blanket"; "cover the grave with flowers"
- spread over a surface to conceal or protect; "This paint covers well"
- squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness; "Hug me, please"; "They embraced"; "He hugged her close to him" (同)hug, bosom, squeeze
- the state of taking in or encircling; "an island in the embrace of the sea"
- a close affectionate and protective acceptance; "his willing embrace of new ideas"; "in the bosom of the family" (同)bosom
- the act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection) (同)embracing, embracement
- include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as ones sphere or territory; "This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds"; "this should cover everyone in the group" (同)encompass, comprehend, cover
- have as a part, be made up out of; "The list includes the names of many famous writers"
- add as part of something else; put in as part of a set, group, or category; "We must include this chemical element in the group"
- consider as part of something; "I include you in the list of culprits"
- close in; darkness enclosed him" (同)hold in, confine
- surround completely; "Darkness enclosed him"; "They closed in the porch with a fence" (同)close_in, inclose, shut in
- contain or include; "This new system subsumes the old one"
- consider (an instance of something) as part of a general rule or principle (同)colligate
- 〈U〉(…を)中に含めること,(…の)包含《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉中に含まれた物
- (…で)…‘の'『表面をおおう』,'を'包む,かぶせる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (範囲が)…‘に'『及ぶ』,わたる,'を'取り扱う範囲に入れる / 〈ある距離〉'を'行く,進む(受動態にできない) / …‘に'保険を掛ける / …'を'報道する,取材する / 〈要塞・砲などが〉'を'制圧する / (ピストルなどで)〈人〉'を'ねらう《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (球技などで)〈相手〉の動きなど〉'を'ふせぐ;〈地域など〉'を'守る / (…の)代役をする,身代りをする《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉『おおい』,包むもの,カバー;ふた / 〈C〉『表紙』 / 〈U〉隠れ場所,潜伏所 / 〈U〉姿を隠してくれるもの(暗闇,煙など) / 〈C〉(秘密を隠すための)見せかけ / 〈U〉(…の)保険《+『against』+『名』》 / 〈C〉封筒;(郵便小包などの)包装紙 / 〈C〉毛布,ふとん
- (愛情の表れとして)…‘を'『抱きしめる』,抱擁する / 《文》〈物が〉…‘を'取り巻く,囲む(surround) / 《文》〈機会など〉‘を'捕らえる,〈申し出など〉‘を'喜んで受ける / …‘を'含む / 『抱き合う』 / 『抱擁』,抱き合い
- …‘を'『含む』,包含する / (…の中に)…‘を'入れる,込める《+『名』+『in』(『among, with』)+『名』》
- (さく・壁などで)…‘を'『囲む』(surround)《+『名』+『with』(『by』)+『名』》 / (手紙などに)…‘を'『同封する』《+『名』+『with』(『in』)+『名』》
- …‘を'包括する,包含する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/04/25 10:30:42」(JST)
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Look up inclusion in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Inclusion may refer to:
- 1 Social inclusion of persons
- 2 Mathematics
- 3 Other uses
- 4 See also
Social inclusion of persons
- Inclusion (disability rights), accommodating any person with a disability
- Inclusion (value and practice), a practice of ensuring that people in organizations feel they belong
- Inclusion (education), students with special educational needs spend most or all of their time with non-disabled students
- Inclusion (set theory), or subset
- Inclusion map, or inclusion function, or canonical injection
Other uses
- Inclusion (mineral), any material that is trapped inside a mineral during its formation
- Inclusion bodies, aggregates of stainable substances in biological cells
- Cytoplasmic inclusion, insoluble non-living substances suspended in a cell's cytosol
- Inclusion (taxonomy), combining of biological species
- Inclusion by reference, legal documentation process
- Include directive, in computer programming
- Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion, a British think-tank
See also
- Exclusion (disambiguation)
- Inclusive (disambiguation)
- Exclusive (disambiguation)
- Transclusion
- Inclusion–exclusion principle
- All pages beginning with "Inclusion"
- All pages beginning with "Include"
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English Journal
- Prosopis alba exudate gum as excipient for improving fish oil stability in alginate-chitosan beads.
- Vasile FE1, Romero AM2, Judis MA2, Mazzobre MF3.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Jan 1;190:1093-101. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.06.071. Epub 2015 Jun 22.
- The aim of the present work was to employ an exudate gum obtained from a South American wild tree (Prosopis alba), as wall material component to enhance the oxidative stability of fish oil encapsulated in alginate-chitosan beads. For this purpose, beads were vacuum-dried and stored under controlled
- PMID 26213081
- Molecular modelling approach to evaluate poisoning of topoisomerase I by alternariol derivatives.
- Dellafiora L1, Dall'Asta C2, Cruciani G3, Galaverna G2, Cozzini P4.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Dec 15;189:93-101. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.02.083. Epub 2015 Feb 24.
- Alternaria species are widespread microfungi the secondary metabolites of which may accumulate in crops and enter into food production chain. Among them, the "emerging mycotoxin" alternariol and alternariol-methyl ether arouse concern due to evidences of toxicity. In particular, the disruption of to
- PMID 26190606
- A Combination of Low Doses of Fluvastatin and Valsartan Decreases Arterial Stiffness in Patients After Myocardial Infarction: A Pilot Study.
- Hanžel J1, Piletič Ž1, Turk M1, Eržen B1, Šabovič M1.
- Current therapeutic research, clinical and experimental.Curr Ther Res Clin Exp.2015 Jun 6;77:63-5. doi: 10.1016/j.curtheres.2015.06.001. eCollection 2015.
- BACKGROUND: Despite optimum treatment, patients who experience myocardial infarction are still at high risk for future events.OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the effect of 30 days of treatment with combination of low, subtherapeutic doses of fluvastatin and valsartan on arterial stiffness in patients after
- PMID 26199676
- Health Risk Assessment using in vitro digestion model in assessing bioavailability of heavy metal in rice: A preliminary study.
- Omar NA1, Praveena SM2, Aris AZ3, Hashim Z4.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Dec 1;188:46-50. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.04.087. Epub 2015 Apr 24.
- Little is known about the bioavailability of heavy metal contamination and its health risks after rice ingestion. This study aimed to determine bioavailability of heavy metal (As, Cd, Cu, Cr, Co, Al, Fe, Zn and Pb) concentrations in cooked rice and human Health Risk Assessment (HRA). The results fou
- PMID 26041162
Japanese Journal
- 南大洋インド洋区で採集されたNORPAC ネット標本における動物プランクトン湿重量の再評価
- 鵜飼 由紀子,高橋 邦夫,福地 光男,谷村 篤
- 南極資料 58(1), 19-41, 2014-03-31
- 日本南極地域観測隊(JARE)による長期モニタリング観測の一環として40 年以上に渡り継続して実施している,NORPAC ネットによる動物プランクトン標本の湿重量値の再評価を行った.これまで報告されてきた湿重量値は植物プランクトンの混入による影響が問題視されてきたため,動物プランクトンのみを計測する標本精査を実施した.動物相をターゲットにした目合い330 μm で採集された動物プランクトン標本にお …
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- 野畑 眞理子,NOHATA Mariko
- 都留文科大学大学院紀要 (18), 1-29, 2014-03-19
- … This paper presents a comprehensive and integrated framework with which we can studyvarious initiatives of the diversity and inclusion (D&I) through the linkages among themdeveloped in corporate America. … This paperdiscusses building the Diversity and Inclusion Balanced Scorecard (D&IBSC) and the strategymap using the BSC and the strategy map in recognizing the features and also considering theDiversity BSC. …
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- 高校生の潜在的ニーズを顕在化させる学校図書館での交流相談 : 普通科課題集中校における実践的フィールドワーク
- 鈴木 晶子,松田 ユリ子,石井 正宏
- 生涯学習基盤経営研究 38, 1-17, 2014-03-10
- 本研究は、貧困世帯の子どもたちが集中的に進学する公立普通科課題集中校の学校図書館における交流相談の取組みの実践的フィールドワークである。交流相談とは、学外から包括支援が可能な相談員が学校に出向き、生徒たちの潜在的ニーズや課題を発見し、社会的な自立を支援する新たな支援手法である。分析の結果、交流相談は相談機能だけではなく課題発見機能を有していること、学内での相談支援活動は交流相談での課題発見と相談を …
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- 関
- comprehend、comprise、embrace、envelop、include、inclusion、last、overlay、overlie、overshadow、range、subsume
- 関
- appreciate、comprehension、cover、embrace、grasp、include、inclusion、realization、realize、see、subsume、understand、understanding
- 英
- inclusion、include、cover、embrace、comprehend、subsume
- 関
- 入れる、覆う、カバー、封入、含む、包接、網羅、理解、わたる、算入、表紙
- 英
- inclusion、encapsulation、entrapment、entrap、enclose
- 関
- 被包、包括、包括法、包接、捕捉、算入、包含、同封、囲い込む、カプセル封入
- 関
- admit、comprehend、contain、cover、embrace、inclusion、insert、involve、subsume