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English Journal
- TNL-mediated immunity in Arabidopsis requires complex regulation of the redundant ADR1 gene family.
- Dong OX1,2, Tong M1,2, Bonardi V3, El Kasmi F3, Woloshen V1,2, Wünsch LK3, Dangl JL3,4, Li X1,2.
- The New phytologist.New Phytol.2016 May;210(3):960-73. doi: 10.1111/nph.13821. Epub 2016 Jan 4.
- Nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat proteins (NLRs) serve as intracellular immune receptors in animals and plants. Sensor NLRs perceive pathogen-derived effector molecules and trigger robust host defense. Recent studies revealed the role of three coiled-coil-type NLRs (CNLs) of the ADR1 family -
- PMID 27074399
- Pharmacological modulation of pulvinar resting-state regional oscillations and network dynamics in major depression.
- Tadayonnejad R1, Ajilore O2, Mickey BJ3, Crane NA2, Hsu DT3, Kumar A2, Zubieta JK3, Langenecker SA2.
- Psychiatry research.Psychiatry Res.2016 Apr 27;252:10-18. doi: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2016.04.013. [Epub ahead of print]
- The pulvinar, the largest thalamus nucleus, has rich anatomical connections with several different cortical and subcortical regions suggesting its important involvement in high-level cognitive and emotional functions. Unfortunately, pulvinar dysfunction in psychiatric disorders particularly major de
- PMID 27148894
- Interactive effects of pests increase seed yield.
- Gagic V1, Riggi LG1, Ekbom B1, Malsher G1, Rusch A2, Bommarco R1.
- Ecology and evolution.Ecol Evol.2016 Feb 29;6(7):2149-57. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2003. eCollection 2016.
- Loss in seed yield and therefore decrease in plant fitness due to simultaneous attacks by multiple herbivores is not necessarily additive, as demonstrated in evolutionary studies on wild plants. However, it is not clear how this transfers to crop plants that grow in very different conditions compare
- PMID 27099712
Japanese Journal
- Effects of Co Substitution on Magnetic and Thermoelectric Properties of BaFe4Sb12
- Column-mode Removal of Fluoride by Zirconium (IV) Loaded Diaion CRP 200 Methylenephosphat Resin
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- overcompensateとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)(自)1 過分の報酬[代償]を払う.2 《心理学》過剰補償をする.3 修正しすぎる. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。
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