- the blocking of one sensation resulting from the presence of another sensation; "he studied auditory masking by pure tones"
- project onto a screen for viewing; "screen a film"
- a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something; "a screen of trees afforded privacy"; "under cover of darkness"; "the brush provided a covert for game"; "the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background" (同)cover, covert, concealment
- the display that is electronically created on the surface of the large end of a cathode-ray tube (同)CRT screen
- a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing (同)silver_screen, projection screen
- a protective covering consisting of netting; can be mounted in a frame; "they put screens in the windows for protection against insects"; "a metal screen protected the observers"
- partition consisting of a decorative frame or panel that serves to divide a space
- prevent from entering; "block out the strong sunlight" (同)block_out
- examine in order to test suitability; "screen these samples"; "screen the job applicants" (同)screen out, sieve, sort
- test or examine for the presence of disease or infection; "screen the blood for the HIV virus" (同)test
- examine methodically; "screen the suitcases"
- put a mask on or cover with a mask; "Mask the children for Halloween"
- a covering to disguise or conceal the face
- a protective covering worn over the face
- activity that tries to conceal something; "no mask could conceal his ignorance"; "they moved in under a mask of friendship"
- shield from light (同)block_out
- cover with a sauce; "mask the meat"
- protect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm (同)screen
- armor carried on the arm to intercept blows (同)buckler
- a protective covering or structure
- the state of being isolated or detached; "the insulation of England was preserved by the English Channel" (同)insularity, insularism, detachment
- the act of protecting something by surrounding it with material that reduces or prevents the transmission of sound or heat or electricity
- protect from heat, cold, or noise by surrounding with insulating material; "We had his bedroom insulated before winter came"
- scenery used to block the audiences view of parts of the stage that should not be seen (同)masking
- adhesive tape used to cover the part of a surface that should not be painted (同)masking paper
- (わくのついた)『金網』,網戸 / 『ついたて』,びょうぶ / 『隠すもの』,遮蔽(しゃへい)物,保護物 / (映画・スライドの)映写幕,スクリーン / (テレビなどの)映像スクリーン / 《the screen》《集合的に》映画[産業];映画界 / (じゃり・砂などの)ふるい / …‘に'網戸をつける,金網を付ける / 《しばしば受動態で》…‘を'『隠す』,保護する / (…から)…‘を'仕切る《+『off』+『名』(+『名』+『out』)+『from』+『名』》 / 〈じゃり・砂など〉‘を'ふるいにかける / (ふるいにかけるように)…‘を'除去する,濾過(ろか)する《+『out』+『名』,+『名』+『out』》 / 《しばしば受動態で》…‘を'えり分ける,選別(選抜)する / 《通例受動態で》〈映画〉‘を'上映する
- (顔の一部または全部をおおう)『仮面』,覆面 / (防護用の)『マスク』,面 / (石膏(せっこう)などの)面型 / (物・事柄を)覆い隠すもの;見せかけ / 〈顔〉‘に'面をかぶせる / (…から)〈物・事柄など〉‘を'隠す《+『名』+『from』+『名』》
- (昔,武士が戦場で用いた)『盾』(たて) / (…に対して,…から)『かばうもの(人)』,保護者(物)《+『against』(『from』)+『名』》 / 盾に似たもの(警官・刑事・保安官のバッジなど) ・=escutcheon・…‘を'『かばう』,保護する《+『名』+『from』+『名』》
- (熱・電気・音などの)絶縁,絶縁体,絶縁材 / 隔離,孤立
- 〈電線など〉‘を'絶縁する / …‘を'分離する,隔離する
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/01/11 13:29:33」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Masking can mean:
- Applying or using a face mask
- Auditory masking, sensory phenomena where the perception of one sound is affected by another
- Temporal masking
- Simultaneous masking
- Backmasking, a recording technique in which a sound or message is recorded backward onto a track that is meant to be played forward
- Backward masking in psychovisual or psychoacoustics
- Female masking, a form of male cross-dressing
- Masking (in art or microtechnology), protecting a selected area from change during production
- Materials used to protect portions of a work from unintended change, such as masking tape, frisket, and stencils
- Masking (illustration), an art technique that influences the intended perception of a character.
- Mask (computing), AND'ing or OR'ing a bit pattern with another bit pattern to select some bits
- Masking agent, a reagent used in chemical analysis which reacts with (thus sequestering) chemical species which may interfere in the analysis
- Sound masking, the intentional introduction of background sounds to improve comfort and privacy
- Spectral mask, a method for reducing adjacent-channel interference in broadcast applications
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English Journal
- Formulation, evaluation and 3(2) full factorial design-based optimization of ondansetron hydrochloride incorporated taste masked microspheres.
- Kharb V, Saharan VA, Dev K, Jadhav H, Purohit S.Author information Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jodhpur National University, Boranada, Jodhpur , Rajasthan , India .AbstractAbstract Context: Masking the bitter taste of Ondansetron hydrochloride (ONS) may improve palatability, acceptance and compliance of ONS products. Objective: ONS-loaded, taste-masked microspheres were prepared with a polycationic pH-sensitive polymer and 3(2) full factorial design (FFD) was applied to optimize microsphere batches. Materials and methods: Solvent evaporation, in acetone--methanol/liquid paraffin system, was used to prepare taste-masked ONS microspheres. The effect of varying drug/polymer (D/P) ratios on microspheres characteristics were studied by 3(2) FFD. Desirability function was used to search the optimum formulation. Microspheres were evaluated by FTIR, XRD and DSC to examine interaction and effect of microencapsulation process. In vitro taste assessment approach based on bitterness threshold and drug release was used to assess bitterness scores. Results: Prepared ONS microspheres were spherical and surface was wrinkled. ONS was molecularly dispersed in microspheres without any incompatibility with EE100. In hydrochloric acid buffer pH 1.2, ONS released completely from microsphere in just 10 min. Contrary to this, ONS release at initial 5 min from taste-masked microspheres was less than the bitterness threshold. Conclusion: Full factorial design and in vitro taste assessment approach, coupled together, was successfully applied to develop and optimize batches of ONS incorporated taste-masked microspheres.
- Pharmaceutical development and technology.Pharm Dev Technol.2014 Nov;19(7):839-52. doi: 10.3109/10837450.2013.836220. Epub 2013 Sep 30.
- Abstract Context: Masking the bitter taste of Ondansetron hydrochloride (ONS) may improve palatability, acceptance and compliance of ONS products. Objective: ONS-loaded, taste-masked microspheres were prepared with a polycationic pH-sensitive polymer and 3(2) full factorial design (FFD) was applied
- PMID 24079338
- In vivo evaluation of taste masking for developed chewable and orodispersible tablets in humans and rats.
- Noorjahan A, Amrita B, Kavita S.Author information Department of Pharmaceutics, C.U. Shah College of Pharmacy, S.N.D.T. Women's University , Mumbai, Maharashtra , India and.AbstractAbstract Rats have inherent licking behavior and responses to good and aversive tasting stimuli, which are comparable to humans. Taste masking of chewable and orodispersible tablets of an iron EDTA complex salt was evaluated using rat behavioral avoidance model, brief access test. Taste-masked chewable and orodispersible tablets of iron EDTA complex were prepared using various flavors and sweeteners as taste-masking agents. These formulations were presented to rats and their responses were recorded in terms of licking frequency and other avoidance responses. Formulations were also presented to human volunteers and a correlation between responses of humans and rats was tried to be established. Taste responses of rats were found to be similar to those of humans. A high correlation between the taste responses of rats and humans was observed. Evaluation of taste masking using human panels presents several difficulties such as ethical concerns, fatigue and subjectivity. Thus, rat behavioral avoidance model can be considered as a good alternative to taste assessment by human volunteers for further such investigations.
- Pharmaceutical development and technology.Pharm Dev Technol.2014 May;19(3):290-5. doi: 10.3109/10837450.2013.778870. Epub 2013 Mar 20.
- Abstract Rats have inherent licking behavior and responses to good and aversive tasting stimuli, which are comparable to humans. Taste masking of chewable and orodispersible tablets of an iron EDTA complex salt was evaluated using rat behavioral avoidance model, brief access test. Taste-masked chewa
- PMID 23514223
- Taste masking of naproxen sodium granules by fluid-bed coating.
- Stange U, Führling C, Gieseler H.Author information Division of Pharmaceutics, Freeze Drying Focus Group, University of Erlangen , Erlangen , Germany .AbstractAbstract The taste of oral dosage forms is an important argument regarding patient's compliance and acceptability. For this reason, it is often necessary to mask an undesirable and unpleasant taste of an active pharmaceutical ingredient. The purpose of this study was to mask the taste of naproxen sodium by a new fluid-bed coating approach. Different compositions of coating suspensions were used to coat naproxen sodium granules. It was found that products with the addition of a plasticizer were not stable at 40 °C and tended to agglomerate. Subsequently, formulations without plasticizer were used and the ratio between water and Eudragit® E was varied. Increasing the fraction of water in the suspension from 3% to 14% reduced the effective release of naproxen sodium. An optimum ratio between naproxen sodium granules and Eudragit® E was found to be 1:1.576, where less naproxen sodium was released than the threshold bitter value and an appropriate taste masking for more than 5 min was guaranteed. Investigation of the particle size distribution revealed a d(10) of 138.35 ± 21.52 µm, a d(50 )= 256.40 ± 11.27 µm and a d(90 )= 500.85 ± 69.08 µm, which guarantees an acceptable mouthfeel for patients.
- Pharmaceutical development and technology.Pharm Dev Technol.2014 Mar;19(2):137-47. doi: 10.3109/10837450.2012.757784. Epub 2013 Jan 17.
- Abstract The taste of oral dosage forms is an important argument regarding patient's compliance and acceptability. For this reason, it is often necessary to mask an undesirable and unpleasant taste of an active pharmaceutical ingredient. The purpose of this study was to mask the taste of naproxen so
- PMID 23324020
Japanese Journal
- 庄司 紗都美,篠﨑 小記,清野 友香,延永 真実,荒木 紀美,小林 幹彦
- 実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences 52, 15-21, 2015-03-31
- … Because cyclic-oligosaccharides have high ability of forming the inclusion complex with various compounds, current results may be ascribed to the masking of fatty acid and/or oxidizing reagents decreasing the reactivity of oxidation. …
- NAID 120005605612
- 近似論理に基づく高信頼設計手法の評価に関する一考察 (ディペンダブルコンピューティング)
- 齋藤 晴樹,新井 雅之
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 114(446), 13-18, 2015-02-13
- NAID 40020394503
- 金属色を遮蔽するクラスプコーティングレジンに関する研究 : 二酸化チタンの配合量が金属色遮蔽効果に及ぼす影響
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- 関
- cull、filter、filtering、insulate、insulation、mask、masking、screening、shield、shielding、sort、sorting
- (電気・熱・音などの伝導を遮断するように)~をおおう、絶縁/断熱/遮音/防音する(from, against)。防護する。隔絶する、孤立させる(from)
- 関
- insulation、isolate、mask、masking、screen、shield、shielding
- 英
- shield、shielding、masking、insulation、shield、insulate、mask、screen
- 関
- シールド、スクリーニング、スクリーン、絶縁、不顕性、マスキング、遮蔽物、マスク、選別
- 関
- cryptic、inapparent、initiated、latency、masking、occult、subclinical
- 関
- insulate、insulation、mask、masking、screen、shielding