- 関
- compose、composition、constitute、constitution、construct、construction、constructional、context、cover、structure
- to take an action to protect against future problems; "Count the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself"
- clothe, as if for protection from the elements; "cover your head!" (同)wrap up
- a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else; "they made a cover of a Beatles song" (同)cover version, cover song
- fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations; "artillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal" (同)covering fire
- the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it; "the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft" (同)covering, screening, masking
- a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent); "her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment"
- make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities; "he is compensating for being a bad father" (同)compensate, overcompensate
- span an interval of distance, space or time; "The war extended over five years"; "The period covered the turn of the century"; "My land extends over the hills on the horizon"; "This farm covers some 200 acres"; "The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles" (同)continue, extend
- hide from view or knowledge; "The President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House" (同)cover up
- protect by insurance; "The insurance wont cover this" (同)insure, underwrite
- form a cover over; "The grass covered the grave" (同)spread over
- act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China" (同)treat, handle, plow, deal, address
- be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game
- be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of; "Is this enough to cover the check?"
- help out by taking someones place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities; "She is covering for our secretary who is ill this week"
- hold within range of an aimed firearm
- invest with a large or excessive amount of something; "She covered herself with glory"
- maintain a check on; especially by patrolling; "The second officer covered the top floor"
- play a higher card than the one previously played; "Smith covered again"
- protect or defend (a position in a game); "he covered left field"
- provide for; "The grant doesnt cover my salary"
- provide with a covering or cause to be covered; "cover her face with a handkerchief"; "cover the child with a blanket"; "cover the grave with flowers"
- spread over a surface to conceal or protect; "This paint covers well"
- the act of constructing something; "during the construction we had to take a detour"; "his hobby was the building of boats" (同)building
- the commercial activity involved in repairing old structures or constructing new ones; "their main business is home construction"; "workers in the building trades" (同)building
- drawing a figure satisfying certain conditions as part of solving a problem or proving a theorem; "the assignment was to make a construction that could be used in proving the Pythagorean theorem"
- a group of words that form a constituent of a sentence and are considered as a single unit; "I concluded from his awkward constructions that he was a foreigner" (同)grammatical construction, expression
- the creation of a construct; the process of combining ideas into a congruous object of thought (同)mental synthesis
- an interpretation of a text or action; "they put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct" (同)twist
- give a structure to; "I need to structure my days"
- a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts; "the structure consisted of a series of arches"; "she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons" (同)construction
- the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts; "artists must study the structure of the human body"; "the structure of the benzene molecule"
- a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing; "he has good bone structure" (同)anatomical structure, complex body part, bodily structure, body structure
- the complex composition of knowledge as elements and their combinations; "his lectures have no structure"
- a mixture of ingredients
- the spatial property resulting from the arrangement of parts in relation to each other and to the whole; "harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art" (同)composing
- something that is created by arranging several things to form a unified whole; "he envied the composition of their faculty"
- an essay (especially one written as an assignment); "he got an A on his composition" (同)paper, report, theme
- draw with suitable instruments and under specified conditions; "construct an equilateral triangle"
- make by combining materials and parts; "this little pig made his house out of straw"; "Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer" (同)build, make
- create by linking linguistic units; "construct a sentence"; "construct a paragraph"
- create by organizing and linking ideas, arguments, or concepts; "construct a proof"; "construct an argument"
- (…で)…‘の'『表面をおおう』,'を'包む,かぶせる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (範囲が)…‘に'『及ぶ』,わたる,'を'取り扱う範囲に入れる / 〈ある距離〉'を'行く,進む(受動態にできない) / …‘に'保険を掛ける / …'を'報道する,取材する / 〈要塞・砲などが〉'を'制圧する / (ピストルなどで)〈人〉'を'ねらう《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (球技などで)〈相手〉の動きなど〉'を'ふせぐ;〈地域など〉'を'守る / (…の)代役をする,身代りをする《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉『おおい』,包むもの,カバー;ふた / 〈C〉『表紙』 / 〈U〉隠れ場所,潜伏所 / 〈U〉姿を隠してくれるもの(暗闇,煙など) / 〈C〉(秘密を隠すための)見せかけ / 〈U〉(…の)保険《+『against』+『名』》 / 〈C〉封筒;(郵便小包などの)包装紙 / 〈C〉毛布,ふとん
- 〈U〉(…の)『組立て』,建築,建造《+『of』+『名』》;その工事,作業・〈U〉『構造』,造り,建築様式・〈C〉『建築物』,建物・〈C〉文の構成,構文・〈C〉(語句・法律などの)解釈,説明
- {C}(建物・橋などの)建造物 / {U}(…の)構造,誠成,組織《+of~名》 / {C}構造(構成)体,組織体 / 〈思想など〉‘を'組み立てる,組織化する
- 〈U〉(文学・美術・音楽作品などの)『創作』,制作[法];『作文』,『作曲』,〈C〉作品,楽曲 / 〈U〉(混合物などの)『成分』《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉〈U〉(人の)気質,性質,性分(constitution) / 〈U〉(文学作品・音楽作品などの)構成,構想,(絵画などの)構図《+『of』+『名』》 / (またcompo)〈C〉混合物,合成物 / 〈U〉(活字の)植字,組み
- (一定の計画・設計に従って)…'を'『組み立てる』,建造する,建設する / 〈文・理論など〉'を'構成する,考案する / (幾何で)〈図形〉'を'描く,作図する / (心の中の)複合概念
- …'を'包含する,包む(include) / 〈…の部分〉‘から'成る(consist of…) / 〈各部分が〉〈全体〉'を'構成する
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English Journal
- Epidemiology of Hantavirus infections in humans: a comprehensive, global overview.
- Watson DC1, Sargianou M, Papa A, Chra P, Starakis I, Panos G.Author information 1Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Patras University General Hospital , Patras , Greece .AbstractHantaviruses comprise an emerging global threat for public health, affecting about 30,000 humans annually. Infection may lead to Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in the Americas and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in the Europe and Asia. Humans are spillover hosts, acquiring infection primarily through the inhalation of aerosolized excreta from infected rodents and insectivores. Risk factors for infection include involvement in outdoor activities, such as rural- and forest-related activities, peridomestic rodent presence, exposure to potentially infected dust and outdoor military training; prolonged, intimate contact with infected individuals promotes transmission of Andes virus, the only Hantavirus known to be transmitted from human-to-human. The total number of Hantavirus case reports is generally on the rise, as is the number of affected countries. Knowledge of the geographical distribution, regional incidence and associated risk factors of the disease are crucial for clinicians to suspect and diagnose infected individuals early on. Climatic, ecological and environmental changes are related to fluctuations in rodent populations, and subsequently to human epidemics. Thus, prevention may be enhanced by host-reservoir control and human exposure prophylaxis interventions, which likely have led to a dramatic reduction of human cases in China over the past decades; vaccination may also play a role in the future.
- Critical reviews in microbiology.Crit Rev Microbiol.2014 Aug;40(3):261-72. doi: 10.3109/1040841X.2013.783555. Epub 2013 Apr 22.
- Hantaviruses comprise an emerging global threat for public health, affecting about 30,000 humans annually. Infection may lead to Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in the Americas and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in the Europe and Asia. Humans are spillover hosts, acquiring infectio
- PMID 23607444
- Novel behavioral tasks to explore cerebellar temporal processing in milliseconds in rats.
- Yamaguchi K1, Sakurai Y2.Author information 1The Department of Psychology, the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Electronic address: yamaguchi.kenji.38u@st.kyoto-u.ac.jp.2The Department of Psychology, the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.AbstractTemporal processing in milliseconds has been reported to rely on the cerebellum; however, no detailed neuronal mechanisms have been published yet. This is because there are too few studies on the relationship between temporal processing in milliseconds and cerebellar neuronal spikes that organize behavioral timing. To demonstrate this relationship, it is necessary to record the spike activity while the animal is performing a behavioral task that requires specific temporal processing in milliseconds. In this study, we describe two novel timing tasks. These behavioral tasks comprise the following schedules: fixed ratio (FR) and differential reinforcement of low rate (DRL). This paper describes the behavioral differences between the absolute timing of individual intervals (duration based timing) and the relative timing of rhythmic sequences (beat-based timing) in these novel tasks.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2014 Apr 15;263:138-43. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2014.01.030. Epub 2014 Jan 31.
- Temporal processing in milliseconds has been reported to rely on the cerebellum; however, no detailed neuronal mechanisms have been published yet. This is because there are too few studies on the relationship between temporal processing in milliseconds and cerebellar neuronal spikes that organize be
- PMID 24487009
- Expression of Insulin-Like Growth Factor System Genes in Liver Tissue During Embryonic and Early Post-Hatch Development in Duck (Anas platyrhynchos Domestica).
- Jianmin Z1, Jingting S, Yanju S, Yan H, Chi S, Wenqi Z.Author information 1a Institute of Poultry Science , Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science , Yangzhou , China.AbstractThe IGF system is one of the most important endocrine and paracrine growth factor systems that regulate fetal and placental growth, whereas the liver is the principal source of circulation IGF-I. In the present study, expression of IGF-I, IGF type-I receptor (IGF-IR), and IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-3 genes was quantified by RT-PCR in the liver tissue on days 13, 17, 21, 25, and 27 of embryonic development, as well as at 7 days post-hatching (PH) in meat-type Gaoyou ducks and egg-type Jinding ducks. The results showed that IGF-I mRNA could be detected as early as on E 13d, but the expression level was low throughout embryonic development before increasing dramatically by E 27d and 7 days PH in both duck breeds. However, Gaoyou ducks exhibited higher IGF-I mRNA level than Jinding ducks, and the differences were significant on E 13d, E 21d, and at 7 days PH. Expression of IGF-IR in liver increased gradually in the former stages of the embryonic development, reaching its highest point on E 21d, and then declined up until 7 days PH. The expression pattern of IGFBP-3 gene was similar to that of IGF-IR gene, increasing significantly from E 17d. The expression peak appeared on E 25d, then declined significantly just prior to hatching (day 27) and was followed by an increase at 7 days PH. In general, the expression level of IGF-IR and IGFBP-3 genes in Jinding ducks was higher than that in Gaoyou ducks. Inverse relationships were observed for the expression of IGF-I and IGF-IR, and IGF-I and IGFBP-3, whereas a positive relationship was observed for the expression of IGF-IR and IGFBP-3. Our data indicate a differential expression of selected genes that comprise the IGF system in the duck liver tissue during embryonic and early PH growth and development.
- Animal biotechnology.Anim Biotechnol.2014 Apr 3;25(2):73-84. doi: 10.1080/10495398.2013.812560.
- The IGF system is one of the most important endocrine and paracrine growth factor systems that regulate fetal and placental growth, whereas the liver is the principal source of circulation IGF-I. In the present study, expression of IGF-I, IGF type-I receptor (IGF-IR), and IGF binding protein (IGFBP)
- PMID 24555793
Japanese Journal
- Novel behavioral tasks to explore cerebellar temporal processing in milliseconds in rats.
- Yamaguchi Kenji,Sakurai Yoshio
- Behavioural brain research 263, 138-143, 2014-04-15
- … These behavioral tasks comprise the following schedules: fixed ratio (FR) and differential reinforcement of low rate (DRL). …
- NAID 120005385890
- 久芳 奈遠美
- 低温科学 72, 65-69, 2014-03-31
- … A parcel model and a grid model comprise the cloud model, a particle method and a bin method comprise microphysical model. …
- NAID 120005397968
- 小特集に寄せて : 求められる生活保護受給者の自立/支援の再検討とその取り組み(小特集1趣旨,<小特集1>生活保護受給者の自立/支援の検討-埼玉県生活保護受給者チャレンジ支援事業の分析)
- 岩永 理恵
- 社会政策 5(2), 81-86, 2013-12-30
- 本小特集は,自立支援に関する実際の取り組みのうち,「生活保護受給者チャレンジ支援事業」(通称:アスポート)とよばれる埼玉県の先駆的事業をとりあげる。本稿では,アスポートをはじめとして実際に行われている自立支援を課題とする政策の置かれている文脈を読み解き,本小特集を企画する意図を述べる。そして小特集を構成する3論文に共通するアスポートという事業の概要を説明する。本特集を通して検討するのは,現行の生活 …
- NAID 110009688534
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- 英
- constitution、structure、construction、composition、context、constitute、construct、comprise、compose、constructional
- 関
- 気質、建設、構造、構築、合成、作成、作成物、状況、成分、前後関係、組成、体質、成る、網羅、仕組み、脈絡、体格、組み立てる、コンストラクト、構造物、構造体、文脈、構築物、構築上、構成上
- 関
- architectural、architecture、assemble、assembly、build、compose、composition、comprise、constitute、constitution、construction、constructional、context、create、generate、organize、prepare、produce、structure
- 関
- architectural、architecture、assemble、assembly、build、compose、composition、comprise、conformation、constitute、constitution、construct、construction、constructional、context、formation、machinery、makeup、mechanism、organize
- 関
- architecture、compose、composition、comprise、conformation、constitute、construct、construction、constructional、context、formation、habitus、humor、humour、makeup、organization、physique、structure、temperament、temperamental、trait
- 関
- comprehend、comprise、embrace、envelop、include、inclusion、last、overlay、overlie、overshadow、range、subsume