- 関
- order、rank order、turn
- make a request for something; "Order me some flowers"; "order a work stoppage"
- bring order to or into; "Order these files"
- established customary state (especially of society); "order ruled in the streets"; "law and order"
- place in a certain order; "order the photos chronologically"
- a degree in a continuum of size or quantity; "it was on the order of a mile"; "an explosion of a low order of magnitude" (同)order_of_magnitude
- the act of putting things in a sequential arrangement; "there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list" (同)ordering
- (architecture) one of original three styles of Greek architecture distinguished by the type of column and entablature used or a style developed from the original three by the Romans
- a group of person living under a religious rule; "the order of Saint Benedict" (同)monastic order
- a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities; "IBM received an order for a hundred computers" (同)purchase order
- a body of rules followed by an assembly (同)rules of order, parliamentary law, parliamentary procedure
- (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families
- (often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed; "the British ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from London"
- a request for something to be made, supplied, or served; "I gave the waiter my order"; "the companys products were in such demand that they got more orders than their call center could handle"
- issue commands or orders for (同)prescribe, dictate
- give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority; "I said to him to go home"; "She ordered him to do the shopping"; "The mother told the child to get dressed" (同)tell, enjoin, say
- to send or let go; "They turned away the crowd at the gate of the governors mansion"
- (sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive (同)bout, round
- pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute; become; "The weather turned nasty"; "She grew angry" (同)grow
- become officially one year older; "She is turning 50 this year"
- change color; "In Vermont, the leaves turn early"
- a favor for someone; "he did me a good turn" (同)good turn
- (game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession; "it is my turn"; "it is still my play" (同)play
- the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course; "he took a turn to the right" (同)turning
- taking a short walk out and back; "we took a turn in the park"
- the act of turning away or in the opposite direction; "he made an abrupt turn away from her"
- an unforeseen development; "events suddenly took an awkward turn" (同)turn of events, twist
- pass to the other side of; "turn the corner"; "move around the obstacle" (同)move around
- let (something) fall or spill from a container; "turn the flour onto a plate" (同)release
- cause to move around a center so as to show another side of; "turn a page of a book" (同)turn_over
- accomplish by rotating; "turn a somersault"; "turn cartwheels"
- alter the functioning or setting of; "turn the dial to 10"; "turn the heat down"
- cause to change or turn into something different;assume new characteristics; "The princess turned the frog into a prince by kissing him"; "The alchemists tried to turn lead into gold"
- cause to move along an axis or into a new direction; "turn your face to the wall"; "turn the car around"; "turn your dance partner around"
- cause to move around or rotate; "turn a key"; "turn your palm this way"
- change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense; "Turn towards me"; "The mugger turned and fled before I could see his face"; "She turned from herself and learned to listen to others needs"
- channel ones attention, interest, thought, or attention toward or away from something; "The pedophile turned to boys for satisfaction"; "people turn to mysticism at the turn of a millennium"
- direct at someone; "She turned a smile on me"; "They turned their flashlights on the car"
- get by buying and selling; "the company turned a good profit after a year"
- move around an axis or a center; "The wheels are turning"
- shape by rotating on a lathe or cutting device or a wheel; "turn the legs of the table"; "turn the clay on the wheel"
- holding office; "the in party"
- to or toward the inside of; "come in"; "smash in the door" (同)inwards, inward
- currently fashionable; "the in thing to do"; "large shoulder pads are in"
- directed or bound inward; "took the in bus"; "the in basket"
- act of changing in practice or custom; "the law took many turnings over the years"
- the activity of shaping something on a lathe
- the end-product created by shaping something on a lathe
- a movement in a new direction; "the turning of the wind" (同)turn
- a shaving created when something is produced by turning it on a lathe
- moved around an axis or center
- 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》『命令』,指図,指令 / 〈U〉(物事の)『順序』,順番 / 〈U〉(自然界の)『秣序』 / 〈U〉(社会の)治安,秣序 / 〈U〉整頓(せいとん)された状態,きちんとしていること《good,badなどを伴って》(一般に物事の)調子, 状態 / 〈U〉(商品などの)『注文』《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉調文品 / 〈C〉(レストランなどでの料理の)一盛り / 〈C〉種類,等級,品資(kind, sort) / 〈C〉(動植物分類の)目(もく) / 〈C〉聖職者の階級;《複数形で》聖職 / 〈C〉《しばしばO-》教団,教派;(ある特殊な)社会 / 〈C〉《しばしばO-》勲位,勲章 / 〈C〉(古代ギリシャの)建築様式,柱式 / …‘を'『命令する』,指図する;〈人〉‘に'命令する / 《方向を表す副詞[句]を伴って》〈人〉‘に'行くように命じる / 〈商品など〉‘を'『注文する』;…‘を'あつらえる / …‘を'整頓(せいとん)する,きちんとする / 命令する;注文する
- …‘を'『回す』,回転させる / 〈角など〉‘を'『曲がる』,迂回(うかい)する / …‘を'『ひっくり返す』,裏返す / …‘の'『向きを変える』,‘を'方向転換させる / …‘を'向ける / …‘を'『変化させる』,変質(変色)させる / ‥‘を'行かせる,追い払う / 〈ある年齢・時刻・数量など〉‘を'越す,過ぎる / 《副詞[句]を伴って》‥‘を'乱す,めちゃめちゃにする / 〈胃〉‘を'むかつかせる;〈心・頭など〉‘を'混乱させる,狂わせる / …‘を'折る,曲げる,ねじる;〈足首〉‘を'くじく / …‘に'丸みをつける;(旋盤・ろくろで)…‘を'作る / …‘を'きれいに形作る;〈文・曲など〉‘を'うまく作る / 〈商品・資金〉‘を'回転させる;〈利益〉‘を'あげる / 〈土・畑など〉‘を'掘り返す(plow) / (何かを軸・中心にして)『回る』,回転する / (…に)『進路を変える』;〈道路などが〉(…に)曲がる;折れる;〈風などが〉(…に)向きを変える《+to(toward)+名》 / 〈人が〉(…に向かって)ふり向く《+toward+名》,(…から)そらす《+from+名》 / 〈人が〉ころがる,寝込りを打つ / 〈物が〉さかさになる,裏返しになる / (…に)心(注意など)を向ける《+to+名》;(…から)心(注意など)をそらす《+from+名》 / 変わる,なる / 〈木の葉などが〉変色する;〈牛乳などが〉変質する,腐敗する / 〈胃が〉むかつく;〈心・頭が〉混乱する,変になる;〈頭が〉ふらつく / 〈パイプなどが〉曲がる,たわむ / 〈C〉『回転』,回ること / 〈C〉『方向転換』,曲がること,折り返し / 〈C〉曲がり目;曲がり角,折り返し点 / 〈C〉《a turn》(状況などの)変化,転機;《the turn》(…の)変り目,転換期《+of+名》 / 〈C〉『順番』,番 / 〈C〉《a turn》一回りの散歩(ドライブ);一仕事 / 〈C〉行い,行為 / 《a turn》言い回し,言葉遣い / 〈C〉(…の)性向,気質;素質,才能《+『for』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈C〉形,格好 / 〈C〉《話》(めまい・吐き気などの)発作《+of+名》 / 〈C〉《話》ショック,はっとすること / 〈C〉必要,急場 / 〈C〉見方,解釈;くふう,ひねり(twist) / 〈C〉《おもに英》(寄席などの)出し物,演芸
- 《具体的な場所,位置》 / …『の中に』(『で』) / …『において』,…で / 《intoの代りに移動を表す動詞と共に》…『の中へ』 / (乗り物)『に乗って』 / …『の状熊に』(『で』) / …『に従事して』,に属して / …『を身につけて』,に覆われて / 《『in』do『ing』の形で》…『するときに』,する際に(when) / 《時間》 / …『して』,…『が経過したあと』 / …『の間に』 / …『については』,…の点では / 《方法・手段・材料》…『で』 / 《人を目的語にして,性質・能力があることを示して》…の中に / …の目的で,のつもりで,として / 《比率割合》…のうちで,につき / 《過去分詞に伴って》…に[…されて] / 『中へ』(に) / 『在宅して』,帰って / (乗り物などが)『到着して』,(時期・季節が)来て / 出回って,流行して / 《俗》流行の,当世風の / 《話》特定の人々にのみ理解される
- (…への)曲がり角《+to+名》
- indiumの化学記号
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English Journal
- Accumulation of risk factors associated with poor bone health in older adults.
- Zhang J1, Jameson K1, Sayer AA1,2,3, Robinson S1,2, Cooper C1,4, Dennison E5,6.
- Archives of osteoporosis.Arch Osteoporos.2016;11:3. doi: 10.1007/s11657-015-0250-3. Epub 2015 Dec 22.
- Clustering of factors linked with poor bone health is common in older adults and is associated with lower bone density and increased fracture risk in women.PURPOSE: Many factors are associated with bone mineral density, which in turn is strongly linked with risk of fragility fracture. We assessed ho
- PMID 26693939
- Diverse roles of endoplasmic reticulum stress sensors in bacterial infection.
- Pillich H1, Loose M2, Zimmer KP3, Chakraborty T4.
- Molecular and cellular pediatrics.Mol Cell Pediatr.2016 Dec;3(1):9. doi: 10.1186/s40348-016-0037-7. Epub 2016 Feb 16.
- Bacterial infection often leads to cellular damage, primarily marked by loss of cellular integrity and cell death. However, in recent years, it is being increasingly recognized that, in individual cells, there are graded responses collectively termed cell-autonomous defense mechanisms that induce ce
- PMID 26883353
- Emotion dysregulation explains relations between sleep disturbance and smoking quit-related cognition and behavior.
- Fillo J1, Alfano CA2, Paulus DJ2, Smits JA3, Davis ML3, Rosenfield D4, Marcus BH5, Church TS6, Powers MB3, Otto MW7, Baird SO3, Zvolensky MJ8.
- Addictive behaviors.Addict Behav.2016 Jun;57:6-12. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.01.013. Epub 2016 Jan 23.
- Poor sleep quality and tobacco use are common and co-occurring problems, although the mechanisms underlying the relations between sleep disturbance and smoking are poorly understood. Sleep disturbance lowers odds of smoking cessation success and increases odds of relapse. One reason may be that slee
- PMID 26827153
Japanese Journal
- Agile Missile Autopilot Design using Nonlinear Backstepping Control with Time-Delay Adaptation
- LEE Chang-Hun,KIM Tae-Hun,TAHK Min-Jea
- … During the agile turn, there exist highly nonlinear, rapidly changing dynamics and aerodynamic uncertainties. … To handle these difficulties, we propose a longitudinal autopilot for angle-of-attack tracking based on backstepping control methodology in conjunction with the time-delay adaptation scheme. … The performance of the proposed method is investigated through nonlinear 6-DOF simulations using a reference angle-of-attack profile of agile turn that is obtained from trajectory optimization. …
- NAID 130003383461
- A Graph-Based Spoken Dialog Strategy Utilizing Multiple Understanding Hypotheses
- Kitaoka Norihide,Kinoshita Yuji,Hara Sunao,Miyajima Chiyomi,Takeda Kazuya
- 人工知能学会論文誌 29(1), 1-10, 2014
- … To recover from misrecognition without seeking confirmation, our system kept multiple understanding hypotheses at each turn and searched for a globally optimal hypothesis in the graph whose nodes express understanding states across user utterances in a whole dialog. …
- NAID 130003382424
- Stress Engineering by Controlling Sapphire Substrate Thickness in 520 nm GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes
- Tawfik Wael Z.,Bae Seo-Jung,Yang Seung Bae,Jeong Tak,Lee June Key
- Applied Physics Express 6(12), 122103-122103-4, 2013-12-25
- … Controlling the compressive stress in 520 nm GaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) prepared on sapphire substrates with different thicknesses was investigated. … As the sapphire substrate thickness is reduced, the compressive stress in the GaN layer is released, resulting in wafer bowing. …
- NAID 150000107800
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- 英
- order、turn、rank order、in turn
- 関
- オーダー、回転、指令、順位序列、順序、なる、変化、要求、次々、桁、目、次数、命令、ターン、秩序
- 関
- in turn、order、turn
- 英
- in turn
- 関
- 順番
- 関
- alter、alteration、become、change、come、convolution、get、go、in turn、order、rank order、revolution、revolve、roll、rolling、rotate、rotation、rotatory、round、shift、turn to、turning、variation、variational
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- convolution、revolution、revolve、roll、rolling、rotate、rotation、rotatory、round、turn
インジウム indium