出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/12/14 20:49:09」(JST)
Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy | |
Classification and external resources | |
eMedicine | neuro/468 |
MeSH | D015417 |
Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies (HMSN) are a group of neuropathies which are characterized by their impact upon both afferent and efferent neural communication. HMSN are characterized by non typical neural development, and degradation of neural tissue. The two common forms of HMSN are either hypertrophic demyelinated nerves or complete atrophy of neural tissue. Hypertrophic condition causes neural stiffness and a demyelination of nerves in the peripheral nervous system, and atrophy causes the breakdown of axons and neural cell bodies.[1]
Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies are disorders in which one or more components of the peripheral autonomic or cranial/spinal system is damaged. In these disorders a patient experiences progressive muscular atrophy and sensory neuropathy of the extremities.[2] These disorders are inherited; if a parent has the disease the offspring have a 50% chance of also having the disease.[3] In these disorders numbness and weakness is usually more pronounced in the legs than in the arms. These disorders are also known as Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease, which is divided into seven distinct subtypes. See table below.
The weakness and numbness is caused by parts of the nerves in the extremities deteriorating and no longer receiving messages from the brain nor are sensory axons transmitting messages to the brain. This then causes muscles in the extremities to become very weak because they are not being used.[3]
They are more common than hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies.[4]
CMT was first described in 1886 by Charcot, Marie, and independently Tooth.[2] In the 1950s further classification occurred and separated patients into two distinct groups. Group one was characterized by slow nerve conduction velocities and demyelinating neuropathy. Group two was characterized by mostly normal nerve conduction velocities and degeneration of axons. In 1975, the disease was again classified further by Dyck into seven distinct diseases:
Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy is quite common and is often inherited with other neuromuscular conditions, and these co morbidities cause an accelerated progression of the disease.
Most forms HMSN affects males earlier and more severely than females, but others show no predilection to either sex. HMSN affects all ethnic groups. With the most common forms having no racial prediliections, but other recessively inherited forms tend to impact specific ethnic groups. Onset of HMSN in most common in early childhood, with clinical effects occurring before the age of 10, but some symptoms are lifelong and progress slowly. Therefore these symptoms do not appear until later in life.[1]
Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies are genetically inherited. Chromosomes 17 and 1 seem to be the most common chromosomes with mutations.[1] There is also evidence that the disease could be X-linked. If the disease is X-linked it would mean it is sex linked and is inherited in a certain pattern. Males would always be affected if they receive an X with the mutation. However, females would only be affected if they receive two X’s with the mutation, otherwise they would only be considered carriers of the disease. Most often relatives with the disease manifest the same type of the disease.[citation needed]
Neuropathy disorders usually have onset in childhood or young adulthood. However, like many inherited neurological disorders symptoms are variable. Some people experience very mild symptoms while others experience very serious symptoms. Motor symptoms seem to be more predominant that sensory symptoms.[2] Symptoms of these disorders include: fatigue, pain, lack of balance, lack of feeling, lack of reflexes, and lack of sight and hearing, which result from muscle atrophy. Patients can also suffer from high arched feet, hammer toes, foot drop, foot deformities, and scoliosis. These symptoms are a result of severe muscular weakness and atrophy. In patients suffering from demyelinating neuropathy, symptoms are due to slow nerve conduction velocities, however people with axonal degradation have average to normal nerve conduction velocities.
Patients with hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies are diagnosed through a physical evaluation that looks for muscle atrophy, weakness, and sensory responses.[3] In addition to this EMG’s (electromyography) and motor nerve conduction tests can help clinicians decide what type of motor and sensory neuropathy it is and how severe the disease is. The electromyography records the electrical activity of skeletal muscles helping physicians see the extent of the damage to the muscles.
At this point there is no sure way to treat hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies. However, the majority of people with these diseases are not able to walk and be self-sufficient. [3] Some methods of relief for the disease include: physical therapy, stretching, braces, and sometimes orthopedic surgery. Since foot disorders are common with neuropathy disorders precautions must be taken to strengthen these muscles and use preventative care and physical therapy to prevent injury and deformities. Lastly, genetic counseling maybe be helpful in recognizing genetics precursors to the disease and preparing patients for the disease.[citation needed]
In 1968, HMSN were classified into seven groups:[1][5]
Type | Other names | Diseases Database | OMIM |
HMSN1 | Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease type 1 | 5815 | (multiple) |
HMSN2 | Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease type 2 | 2343 | (multiple) |
HMSN3 | Dejerine–Sottas disease Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease type 3 |
5821 | 145900 |
HMSN4 | Refsum disease | 11213 | 266500 |
HMSN5 | Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease with pyramidal features HMSN with pyramidal features |
— | 600361 |
HMSN6 | Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease type 6 HMSN with optic atrophy |
32095 | 601152 |
HMSN7 | HMSN+retinitis pigmentosa | 32094 | — |
HMSN is sometimes equated with Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease.[6][7]
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リンク元 | 「シャルコー・マリー・トゥース病」「デジェリン・ソッタ病」「遺伝性運動感覚性ニューロパチー」 |
関連記事 | 「motor」「hereditary」「sensory」「neuropathy」「sensor」 |
CMTの分類 | 脱髄/軸索型、遺伝形式 |
CMT 1 | 脱髄型、常染色体優性、HMSN 1と同義 |
CMT 2 | 軸索型、遺伝形式を問わない、HMSN 2と同義 |
CMT 3 | Dejerine-Sottas症候群(高度な脱髄、遺伝形式を問わない) |
CMT 4 | 脱髄型、常染色体劣性 |
CMT X | 脱髄または軸索型、X 連鎖性 |
CMT plus | HMSN V-VIIが該当。ニューロパチー以外の身体的特徴を有する |
HMSN 1 | 神経肥厚を呈する脱髄型、常染色体優性。 神経伝導速度:低下。(病理)局所的な脱髄、再髄鞘化、オニオンバルブ形成 |
HMSN 2 | 腓骨筋萎縮を呈する軸索型。神経伝導速度:正常。(病理)運動感覚神経の変性 |
HMSN 3 | Dejerine-Sottas症候群。幼少期発症の重篤な脱髄型、運動発達遅滞、常染色体劣性 |
HMSN 4 | Refsume 病。(phytanic-CoA hydroxylase(phyH)の欠損) |
HMSN 5 | 痙性対麻痺、錐体路兆候を伴うHMSN |
HMSN 6 | 視神経萎縮を伴うHMSN |
HMSN 7 | 網膜色素変性を伴うHMSN |
デジェリン病 : 1 件 デジェリーヌ病 : 4 件 ドゥジェリーヌ病 : nothing デジェリン・ソッタス病 : 36 件 デジェリン・ソッタ病 : 47 件 デジュリーヌ・ソッタス病 : 18 件 デジュリーヌ・ソッタ病 : 13 件 ドゥジェリーヌ・ソッタス病 : nothing ドゥジェリーヌ・ソッタ病 : 1 件