- to take an action to protect against future problems; "Count the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself"
- clothe, as if for protection from the elements; "cover your head!" (同)wrap up
- a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else; "they made a cover of a Beatles song" (同)cover version, cover song
- fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations; "artillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal" (同)covering fire
- the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it; "the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft" (同)covering, screening, masking
- a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent); "her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment"
- make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities; "he is compensating for being a bad father" (同)compensate, overcompensate
- span an interval of distance, space or time; "The war extended over five years"; "The period covered the turn of the century"; "My land extends over the hills on the horizon"; "This farm covers some 200 acres"; "The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles" (同)continue, extend
- hide from view or knowledge; "The President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House" (同)cover up
- protect by insurance; "The insurance wont cover this" (同)insure, underwrite
- form a cover over; "The grass covered the grave" (同)spread over
- act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China" (同)treat, handle, plow, deal, address
- be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game
- be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of; "Is this enough to cover the check?"
- help out by taking someones place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities; "She is covering for our secretary who is ill this week"
- hold within range of an aimed firearm
- invest with a large or excessive amount of something; "She covered herself with glory"
- maintain a check on; especially by patrolling; "The second officer covered the top floor"
- play a higher card than the one previously played; "Smith covered again"
- protect or defend (a position in a game); "he covered left field"
- provide for; "The grant doesnt cover my salary"
- provide with a covering or cause to be covered; "cover her face with a handkerchief"; "cover the child with a blanket"; "cover the grave with flowers"
- spread over a surface to conceal or protect; "This paint covers well"
- throw to the ground in order to stop play and avoid being tackled behind the line of scrimmage
- a connection between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the earth (which is taken to be at zero voltage) (同)earth
- (art) the surface (as a wall or canvas) prepared to take the paint for a painting
- a position to be won or defended in battle (or as if in battle); "they gained ground step by step"; "they fought to regain the lost ground"
- a relatively homogeneous percept extending back of the figure on which attention is focused
- hit or reach the ground (同)run aground
- bring to the ground; "the storm grounded the ship" (同)strand, run aground
- confine or restrict to the ground; "After the accident, they grounded the plane and the pilot"
- connect to a ground; "ground the electrical connections for safety reasons"
- hit a groundball; "he grounded to the second baseman"
- hit onto the ground
- instruct someone in the fundamentals of a subject
- place or put on the ground
- an artifact that covers something else (usually to protect or shelter or conceal it)
- the act of protecting something by covering it
- a natural object that covers or envelops; "under a covering of dust"; "the fox was flushed from its cover" (同)natural covering, cover
- overlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something; sometimes used as a combining form; "women with covered faces"; "covered wagons"; "a covered balcony"
- a tract of land cleared for some special purposes (recreation or burial etc.)
- dregs consisting of solid particles (especially of coffee) that form a residue; "it is a Middle Eastern custom to read your future in your coffee grounds"
- (…で)…‘の'『表面をおおう』,'を'包む,かぶせる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (範囲が)…‘に'『及ぶ』,わたる,'を'取り扱う範囲に入れる / 〈ある距離〉'を'行く,進む(受動態にできない) / …‘に'保険を掛ける / …'を'報道する,取材する / 〈要塞・砲などが〉'を'制圧する / (ピストルなどで)〈人〉'を'ねらう《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (球技などで)〈相手〉の動きなど〉'を'ふせぐ;〈地域など〉'を'守る / (…の)代役をする,身代りをする《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉『おおい』,包むもの,カバー;ふた / 〈C〉『表紙』 / 〈U〉隠れ場所,潜伏所 / 〈U〉姿を隠してくれるもの(暗闇,煙など) / 〈C〉(秘密を隠すための)見せかけ / 〈U〉(…の)保険《+『against』+『名』》 / 〈C〉封筒;(郵便小包などの)包装紙 / 〈C〉毛布,ふとん
- 〈U〉《the~》『地面』,地表 / 〈U〉『土』,土壌;『土地』 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》(特定の目的のための)『場所』 / 《複数形で》(建物の回りの)『庭』,庭園;『構内』,屋敷 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》『根拠』(basis),理由(reason) / 〈U〉(確保すべき)立場,意見;地歩 / 〈U〉(研究などの)分野,範囲;話題,問題 / 〈C〉(図案・塗りなどの)下地 / 〈U〉海底,水底 / 《複数形で》(コーヒーなどの)おり,かす / 〈U〉《米》(電気装置の)アース / …‘を'地上に置く / (…に)〈主義・信念など〉‘を'基づかせる,立脚させる《+名+on+名(doing)》 / 〈人〉‘に'(…の)基礎(初歩)を教え込む《+名+in+名》 / 〈飛行機〉‘を'離陸させない / 〈人〉‘を'飛行勤務をやめさせる,地上勤務にする / 〈船〉‘を'座礁させる / 《米》〈電線など〉‘を'接地する,アースする(《英》earth) / 〈物が〉地面に落ちる(届く〉 / 〈船が〉座礁する / (野球で)ゴロを打つ
- grindの過去・過去分詞 / 粉にした,ひいた / すった,磨いた
- 〈U〉おおうこと;援護 / 〈C〉おおう物(布,ふた,屋根など)
- おおいのある;屋根のある / 帽子をかぶった / 《複合語を作って》「…でおおわれた」の意を表す
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Groundcover of
Vinca major
Groundcover refers to any plant that grows over an area of ground, used to provide protection from erosion and drought, and to improve its aesthetic appearance (by concealing bare earth).
In an ecosystem, the ground cover is the layer of vegetation below the shrub layer. The most widespread ground covers are grasses of various types.
In agriculture, ground cover refers to anything that lies on top of the soil and protects it from erosion and inhibits weeds. It can be anything from a low layer of grasses to a plastic material. The term ground cover can also specifically refer to landscaping fabric which is like a breathable tarp that allows water and gas exchange.
Microstegium vimineum, an invasive groundcover.
In gardening jargon, however, the term "groundcover" refers to plants that are used in place of weeds.
- 1 Plants for groundcover
- 2 See also
- 3 References
- 4 External links
Plants for groundcover
Five general types of plants are commonly used as groundcovers:
- Vines, which are woody plants with slender, spreading stems
- Herbaceous plants, or non-woody plants
- Shrubs of low-growing, spreading species
- Moss of larger, coarser species
- Ornamental grasses, especially low-growing varieties
Of these types, some of the most common groundcovers include:
- Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
- Clover (Trifolium)
- Dichondra
- Bacopa (Bacopa)
- Ivy (Hedera)
- Gazania (Gazania rigens)
- Ground-elder (Aegopodium podagraria)
- Ice plant
- Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica)
- Junipers of various low-growing types
- Lantana, creeping species
- Lilyturf (Liriope muscari and Liriope spicata)
- Mint (Mentha)
- Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)
- Pachysandra
- Pearlwort (Sagina subulata)
- Periwinkle (Vinca)
- Shasta daisy (Leucanthemum)
- Soleirolia (Soleirolia soleirolii)
- Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
See also
External links
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English Journal
- Assessing the effectiveness of specially protected areas for conservation of Antarctica's botanical diversity.
- Hughes KA1, Ireland LC1, Convey P1, Fleming AH1.
- Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology.Conserv Biol.2016 Feb;30(1):113-20. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12592. Epub 2015 Nov 2.
- Vegetation is sparsely distributed over Antarctica's ice-free ground, and distinct plant communities are present in each of the continent's 15 recently identified Antarctic Conservation Biogeographic Regions (ACBRs). With rapidly increasing human activity in Antarctica, terrestrial plant communities
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- Mapping of Dermacentor reticulatus expansion in Poland in 2012-2014.
- Mierzejewska EJ1, Estrada-Peña A2, Alsarraf M3, Kowalec M3, Bajer A3.
- Ticks and tick-borne diseases.Ticks Tick Borne Dis.2016 Feb;7(1):94-106. doi: 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2015.09.003. Epub 2015 Sep 8.
- Rapid expansion of the tick Dermacentor reticulatus (Fabricius) has been reported in many European countries. In Poland its range was limited to the area on the eastern side of the Vistula River up until the 1990s. However, new foci were recently discovered, while the centre of the country and mount
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- Combining paleo-data and modern exclosure experiments to assess the impact of megafauna extinctions on woody vegetation.
- Bakker ES1, Gill JL2, Johnson CN3, Vera FW4, Sandom CJ5, Asner GP6, Svenning JC7.
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2016 Jan 26;113(4):847-55. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1502545112. Epub 2015 Oct 26.
- Until recently in Earth history, very large herbivores (mammoths, ground sloths, diprotodons, and many others) occurred in most of the World's terrestrial ecosystems, but the majority have gone extinct as part of the late-Quaternary extinctions. How has this large-scale removal of large herbivores a
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Japanese Journal
- Population dynamics of Armigeres subalbatus (Diptera: Culicidae) across a temperate altitudinal gradient
- 岩手県内のスギ人工林における林内光量と林床植生被度の関係
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- 関
- comprehend、comprise、embrace、envelop、include、inclusion、last、overlay、overlie、overshadow、range、subsume
- 地上の、地面の。穴を掘る終生の、地上に住む。基本の、基礎の
- 関
- basal、basement、bases、basis、diathesis、diathetic、evidence、foundation、fundus、grounding、predisposition、reason
- 関
- blanket、coated、coverage
- 関
- ground