- a disorderly outburst or tumult; "they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused" (同)disruption, commotion, flutter, hurly burly, to-do, hoo-ha, hoo-hah, kerfuffle
- an unhappy and worried mental state; "there was too much anger and disturbance"; "she didnt realize the upset she caused me" (同)perturbation, upset
- the act of disturbing something or someone; setting something in motion
- the act of consuming food (同)feeding
- 〈U〉乱す(騒がす,妨害する)こと;乱れた状態 / 〈C〉騒ぎ,騒動,動乱 / 〈C〉乱す(騒がす,妨害する)もの
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English Journal
- Alterations in circadian rhythms are associated with increased lipid peroxidation in females with bipolar disorder.
- Cudney LE1, Sassi RB1, Behr GA2, Streiner DL3, Minuzzi L1, Moreira JC4, Frey BN1.Author information 1Mood Disorders Program, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, ON, Canada.2Women's Health Concerns Clinic, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, ON, Canada.3Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada.4Centre of Oxidative Stress Research, Professor Tuiskon Dick Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Health Basic Sciences, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.AbstractDisturbances in both circadian rhythms and oxidative stress systems have been implicated in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder (BD), yet no studies have investigated the relationship between these systems in BD. We studied the impact of circadian rhythm disruption on lipid damage in 52 depressed or euthymic BD females, while controlling for age, severity of depressive symptoms and number of psychotropic medications, compared to 30 healthy controls. Circadian rhythm disruption was determined by a self-report measure (Biological Rhythm Interview of Assessment in Neuropsychiatry; BRIAN), which measures behaviours such as sleep, eating patterns, social rhythms and general activity. Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were measured as a proxy of lipid peroxidation. We also measured the activity of total and extracellular superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione S-transferase (GST). Multiple linear regressions showed that circadian rhythm disturbance was independently associated with increased lipid peroxidation in females with BD (p < 0.05). We found decreased extracellular SOD (p < 0.05), but no differences in total SOD, CAT or GST activity between bipolar females and controls. Circadian rhythms were not associated with lipid peroxidation in healthy controls, where aging was the only significant predictor. These results suggest an interaction between the circadian system and redox metabolism, in that greater disruption in daily rhythms was associated with increased lipid peroxidation in BD only. Antioxidant enzymes have been shown to follow a circadian pattern of expression, and it is possible that disturbance of sleep and daily rhythms experienced in BD may result in decreased antioxidant defence and therefore increased lipid peroxidation. This study provides a basis for further investigation of the links between oxidative stress and circadian rhythms in the neurobiology of BD.
- The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology / official scientific journal of the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum (CINP).Int J Neuropsychopharmacol.2014 May;17(5):715-22. doi: 10.1017/S1461145713001740. Epub 2014 Jan 17.
- Disturbances in both circadian rhythms and oxidative stress systems have been implicated in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder (BD), yet no studies have investigated the relationship between these systems in BD. We studied the impact of circadian rhythm disruption on lipid damage in 52 depresse
- PMID 24438530
- Clinical validity of the descriptor. "presence of a belief that one must eat in order to get to sleep" in diagnosing the Night Eating Syndrome.
- Vinai P1, Cardetti S2, Studt S3, Carpegna G2, Ferrato N2, Vallauri P2, Casey H4, Vinai L3, Vinai P3, Ferini Strambi L5, Speciale M2, Manconi M6.Author information 1"Studi Cognitivi" Post Graduate Cognitive Psychotherapy School Research Group, ForoBuonaparte, 57, 20121 Milano, Italy; "GNOSIS" Research and Psychotherapy Group V, Cottolengo 19, Mondovì, Italy. Electronic address: piervinai@tin.it.2"Studi Cognitivi" Post Graduate Cognitive Psychotherapy School Research Group, ForoBuonaparte, 57, 20121 Milano, Italy; "GNOSIS" Research and Psychotherapy Group V, Cottolengo 19, Mondovì, Italy.3"GNOSIS" Research and Psychotherapy Group V, Cottolengo 19, Mondovì, Italy.4Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, United States.5Sleep Disorders Center, Department of Neurology, Scientific Institute and University Ospedale San Raffaele, Vita-Salute University, Milan, Italy.6Sleep and Epilepsy Centre, Neurocenter (EOC) of Southern Switzerland, Civic Hospital, Lugano, Switzerland.AbstractThe diagnostic criteria for the Night Eating Syndrome (NES) published in 2010 require the presence of two core criteria: evening hyperphagia and/or nocturnal awakenings for ingestion of food and three of five diagnostic descriptors. One of the descriptors is as follows: "The belief that one must eat in order to fall asleep". In this study we evaluated whether this conviction is significantly more prominent in obese individuals suffering from insomnia and nocturnal eating, than among obese patients with insomnia who do not eat at night. Ninety-eight obese subjects afflicted by insomnia were included in this study. Eight were affected by NES, 33 by Binge Eating Disorder (BED), and 13 by both BED and NES. Subjects' insomnia and sleep disturbances were assessed using the Insomnia Severity Index and the Sleep Disturbance Questionnaire. The presence of the belief that one must eat at night in order to sleep was evaluated with the question: "Do you need to eat in order to get back to sleep when you wake up at night?" Patients affected by NES and by both BED and NES were convinced that nocturnal food intake was necessary in order to fall back asleep after a night time awakening. The presence of this belief seemed to be a critical factor in identifying the presence of the Night Eating Syndrome among obese subjects suffering from insomnia.
- Appetite.Appetite.2014 Apr;75:46-8. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2013.12.008. Epub 2013 Dec 19.
- The diagnostic criteria for the Night Eating Syndrome (NES) published in 2010 require the presence of two core criteria: evening hyperphagia and/or nocturnal awakenings for ingestion of food and three of five diagnostic descriptors. One of the descriptors is as follows: "The belief that one must eat
- PMID 24361311
- A preliminary examination of a nonpurging compensatory eating disorder.
- Davis HA1, Holland LA, Keel PK.Author information 1Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida.AbstractOBJECTIVE: To evaluate correlates of a compensatory eating disorder (CED) characterized by recurrent nonpurging compensatory behaviors in the absence of objectively large binge episodes among normal weight individuals who endorse undue influence of weight/shape on self-evaluation as possible indicators of clinical significance and distinctiveness.
- The International journal of eating disorders.Int J Eat Disord.2014 Apr;47(3):239-43. doi: 10.1002/eat.22191. Epub 2013 Sep 18.
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate correlates of a compensatory eating disorder (CED) characterized by recurrent nonpurging compensatory behaviors in the absence of objectively large binge episodes among normal weight individuals who endorse undue influence of weight/shape on self-evaluation as possible indicat
- PMID 24105678
Japanese Journal
- 重度貧血の補正によりposterior reversible encephalopathy syndromeを生じ,血圧正常にもかかわらず脳出血を続発,脂溶性ビタミン欠乏症の関与が考えられた1例
- 白石 渉,宇根 隼人,岩永 育貴,山本 明史
- 臨床神経学 54(6), 518-521, 2014
- 症例は36歳女性である.即席麺やスナック菓子ばかり食べていた.4年前から下腿浮腫を自覚するも放置していた.来院18日前に全身浮腫と体動困難を生じ前医受診,Hb 1.4 g/dlの貧血と心拡大をみとめ,重度貧血にともなう心不全として輸血加療され改善し前医を退院.翌日夜に痙攣を生じ当院に救急搬送.頭部MRI画像からposterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome …
- NAID 130004505595
- 顎堤吸収の著しい無歯顎患者に対して全部床義歯により咬合を回復した症例
- 松田 謙一
- 日本補綴歯科学会誌 5(1), 92-95, 2013
- 症例の概要:患者は初診時77歳男性で,主訴は下顎全部床義歯の動揺および咀嚼困難であった.下顎の顎堤の吸収が著しいため,既製トレーでは印象域を十分被覆できないと判断した.そこで,既製トレーにて得られた模型上で製作したトレーを用いて再度概形印象後トレーを再製作し,最終印象を行った.考察:複数回の概形印象後,適切な個人トレーを製作し,最終印象を行い,旧義歯に比べ十分な床面積を確保したことと,PMPレコー …
- NAID 130004544621
- ユーカリ葉抽出物による日和見感染,歯周疾患,う蝕予防についての検討 重症心身障害児・者への口腔ケアのために
- 河瀬 聡一朗,宮沢 裕夫,平井 要,金子 仁子
- 松本歯学 38(1), 12-21, 2012-04-30
- … In children and adults with severe psychosomatic disorders accompanied by eating and swallowing disorders, saliva contains a high number of bacteria, particularly after assisted brushing, and retention of the etiologic agent of opportunistic infection increases the risk of aspiration pneumonia. … Disturbance of mouth opening and body movement interferes withassisted brushing in these people. …
- NAID 120004631691
Related Links
- Understanding Eating Disturbances and Disorders - A Guide for Helping Family and Friends - What is an eating disturbance or disorder? Eating is vital to life. We must eat on a daily basis in order to keep our bodies functioning ...
- How to Cite McDonald, K. and Thompson, J. K. (1992), Eating disturbance, body image dissatisfaction, and reasons for exercising: Gender differences and correlational findings. Int. J. Eat. Disord., 11: 289–292. doi: 10.1002/1098 ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- eating disorder ED, eating disturbance, eating pathology, anorexia, feeding disorder, problem with eating
- 同
- 食行動異常
- 関
- 神経性過食症、食欲不振、食欲不振症、無食欲、食欲低下、食思不振、栄養補給障害、幼児摂食障害
- ICD-10
- F50
Eating disorders
anorexia nervosa
atypical anorexia nervosa
bulimia nervosa
atypical bulimia nervosa
overeating associated with other psychological disturbances
vomiting associated with other psychological disturbances
other eating disorders
eating disorder, unspecified
- 乱すこと、騒がすこと、撹乱。不安、心配。(医)障害
- 騒動、動乱
- 妨害、邪魔
- 関
- anxiety、anxious、anxiously、barrier、damage、derangement、difficulty、discomfort、disorder、disturb、dysfunction、dysphoria、fear、foe、hamper、hindrance、impair、impairment、impede、impediment、intercept、interception、interfere、interrupt、interruption、lesion、obstacle、obstruct、occlusion、perturb、perturbation、preclusion、uneasy
- 関
- diet、dietetic、dinner、feed、feeding、food intake、ingestion、meal、prandial