- 関
- diet、dinner、eating、meal、prandial
- follow a regimen or a diet, as for health reasons; "He has high blood pressure and must stick to a low-salt diet"
- the act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods) (同)dieting
- a legislative assembly in certain countries (e.g., Japan)
- a prescribed selection of foods
- the usual food and drink consumed by an organism (person or animal)
- eat sparingly, for health reasons or to lose weight
- any of the occasions for eating food that occur by custom or habit at more or less fixed times
- the food served and eaten at one time (同)repast
- coarsely ground foodstuff; especially seeds of various cereal grasses or pulse
- a party of people assembled to have dinner together; "guests should never be late to a dinner party" (同)dinner party
- the main meal of the day served in the evening or at midday; "dinner will be at 8"; "on Sundays they had a large dinner when they returned from church"
- the act of consuming food (同)feeding
- of or relating to a meal
- the scientific study of food preparation and intake
- 食事の;規定食の
- (日本・デンマーク・スウェーデンなどの)『議会』,国会
- (日常の)『飲食物』,常食 / (健康・体重調節などのための)『規定食』,制限食 / (健康増進などのために)〈人〉‘に'規定食を取らせる / 規定食を取る,食物を制限する
- (一定の時刻に定められた)『食事』;食事の時間 / (1回分の)食事,(食事1回分の)食べ物
- (穀物・豆類などの,ふるいにかけない)あら粉
- 〈C〉〈U〉(1日の食事の中で)『主要な食事』,正餐(せいさん);(現在では,特に)『夕食』,晩餐 / 〈C〉(公式の)晩餐会 / 晩餐(用)の
- 栄養学
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This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (May 2008) |
A "low fat" child's meal from Burger King, with "apple fries" replacing fried potato chips, and a serving of macaroni and cheese as its main dish
Diet food (or dietetic food) refers to any food or drink whose recipe has been altered in some way to make it part of a body modification diet. Such foods are usually intended to assist in weight loss or a change in body type, although bodybuilding supplements are designed to aid in gaining weight or muscle.
- 1 Terminology
- 2 Process
- 3 Controversy
- 4 See also
- 5 References
In addition to diet other words or phrases are used to identify and describe these foods including light, zero calorie, low calorie, low fat, no fat and sugar free. In some areas use of these terms may be regulated by law. For example in the U.S. a product labeled as "low fat" must not contain more than 3 grams of fat per serving; and to be labeled "fat free" it must contain less than 0.5 grams of fat per serving.[1]
The process of making a diet version of a food usually requires finding an acceptable low-food-energy substitute for some high-food-energy ingredient. This can be as simple as replacing some or all of the food's sugar with a sugar substitute as is common with diet soft drinks such as Coca-Cola (for example Diet Coke). In some snacks, the food may be baked instead of fried thus reducing the food energy. In other cases, low-fat ingredients may be used as replacements.
In whole grain foods, the higher fiber content effectively displaces some of the starch component of the flour. Since certain fibers have no food energy, this results in a modest energy reduction. Another technique relies on the intentional addition of other reduced-food-energy ingredients, such as resistant starch or dietary fiber, to replace part of the flour and achieve a more significant energy reduction.[2]
In diet foods[3] which replace the sugar with lower-food-energy substitutes, there is some controversy based around the possibility that the sugar substitutes used to replace sugar are themselves harmful. Even if this question is satisfactorily resolved (which remains unlikely at this time[4]), the question still remains as to whether the benefits of food energy reduction would outweigh the potential loss.
In many low-fat and fat-free foods the fat is replaced with sugar, flour, or other full-food-energy ingredients, and the reduction in food energy value is small, if any.[5] Furthermore, an excess of digestible sugar (as well as an excess of any macronutrient) is stored as fat. This unhealthy weight gain is only aided by the effects of preservatives and additives present in the food which are not accounted for in the 'diet food' label. [6]
See also[edit]
- Calorie restriction diet
- Dieting
- Low GI diet
- Low-carbohydrate diet
- Olestra
- Online weight loss plans
- Negative calorie beverage
- ^ Definitions of Nutrient Content Claims, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- ^ "Resistant starch replacement system". Fibergourmet.com. 2008-07-01. Retrieved 2011-12-18.
- ^ Diet and good food, National Health Service
- ^ "Welcome to DietPedia - The Diet Encyclopedia". Dietpedia.com. Retrieved 2011-12-18.
- ^ Fat-Free vs. Regular Calorie Comparison, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- ^ IFIC. Food Additives Nutrition - Nutrition, Function, Side Effects - NY Times Health Information. Available from: http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/nutrition/food-additives/overview.html
- List of diets
- Cuisine
- Dietitian
- Nutrition
- Obesity
- Supplement
Basic types |
- No-carbohydrate (carnivore)
- Omnivore
- Vegan
- Vegetarian
Religious diets |
- Kashrut (Jewish)
- Buddhist
- Hindu
- Islamic
- Ital (Rastafari)
Vegan diets |
- Tofu
- Milk substitute
- Dried fruit
- Fruitarian
- Raw vegan
- Semi-vegetarian
Non-solid diets |
- Liquid diets
- Protein shakes
- Plumpy'nut
- Soylent
Specific restrictions |
- Calorie restrictions
- Gluten-free
- Gluten-free and casein-free
- Low-carbohydrate
- Low-fat
- Low-sodium
- Very low calorie
- Low-glycemic
Other diets |
- Atkins
- Cambridge
- Ketogenic
- Inuit
- Macrobiotic
- Paleolithic
- Raw foodist
- Slow carb
- Cotton ball
- Lists, Cuisines, Dietetics, Nutrition, Diets, Obesity
- Food, Health, Fitness
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English Journal
- Determination of the centesimal composition and characterization of flours from fruit seeds.
- Lima BN1, Lima FF2, Tavares MI3, Costa AM4, Pierucci AP4.Author information 1Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Centro de Tecnologia, Bloco J, IMA, Ilha do Fundão, Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Electronic address: biancabarreto@ima.ufrj.br.2Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Campus Xerem, RJ, Brazil.3Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Centro de Tecnologia, Bloco J, IMA, Ilha do Fundão, Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.4Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Bloco J, Instituto de Nutrição, Ilha do Fundão, Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.AbstractFruit seeds, common byproducts of the food industry, are generally discarded despite their potential use as a source of nutrients in the human diet. The dietetic use of the flour made from fruit seeds depends on their centesimal composition and other characteristics. In this work the centesimal compositions were determined of six fruits seeds. The flours obtained from these seeds were characterized by infrared absorption spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, and low-field nuclear magnetic resonance. The protein content of the seeds ranged from a low of 10% (Surinam cherry) to a high of 32% (orange). The lipid content varied from 3% (Surinam cherry) to 39% (peach). The highest ash content was 3.9% (melon and peach). The X-ray diffraction analyses showed that the starches from jackfruit and Surinam cherry seeds presented A-type crystallinity and the thermogravimetric tests showed they were the most thermally resistant. The relaxometry studies of the hydrogen nucleus determined the mobility domains of each sample.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 May 15;151:293-9. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.11.036. Epub 2013 Nov 23.
- Fruit seeds, common byproducts of the food industry, are generally discarded despite their potential use as a source of nutrients in the human diet. The dietetic use of the flour made from fruit seeds depends on their centesimal composition and other characteristics. In this work the centesimal comp
- PMID 24423535
- Use of principal component analysis for differentiation of gelatine sources based on polypeptide molecular weights.
- Nur Azira T1, Che Man YB1, Raja Mohd Hafidz RN1, Aina MA1, Amin I2.Author information 1Laboratory of Halal Science Research, Halal Products Research Institute, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.2Laboratory of Halal Science Research, Halal Products Research Institute, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia; Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. Electronic address: aminis@upm.edu.my.AbstractThe study was aimed to differentiate between porcine and bovine gelatines in adulterated samples by utilising sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) combined with principal component analysis (PCA). The distinct polypeptide patterns of 6 porcine type A and 6 bovine type B gelatines at molecular weight ranged from 50 to 220 kDa were studied. Experimental samples of raw gelatine were prepared by adding porcine gelatine in a proportion ranging from 5% to 50% (v/v) to bovine gelatine and vice versa. The method used was able to detect 5% porcine gelatine added to the bovine gelatine. There were no differences in the electrophoretic profiles of the jelly samples when the proteins were extracted with an acetone precipitation method. The simple approach employing SDS-PAGE and PCA reported in this paper may provide a useful tool for food authenticity issues concerning gelatine.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 May 15;151:286-92. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.11.066. Epub 2013 Nov 20.
- The study was aimed to differentiate between porcine and bovine gelatines in adulterated samples by utilising sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) combined with principal component analysis (PCA). The distinct polypeptide patterns of 6 porcine type A and 6 bovine typ
- PMID 24423534
- Methodological issues in assessing plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration in newborn infants.
- Gallo S1, Comeau K2, Agellon S2, Vanstone C2, Sharma A3, Jones G4, L'abbé M5, Khamessan A6, Weiler H2, Rodd C7.Author information 1Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA.2School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada.3Montréal Children's Hospital, McGill University Health Centre, Montréal, Québec, Canada.4Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, Department of Medicine, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.5Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.6Euro-pharm International Canada Inc., Montréal, Québec, Canada.7School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada; Montréal Children's Hospital, McGill University Health Centre, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Electronic address: crodd@hsc.mb.ca.AbstractBACKGROUND: Although no gold standard exists, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is a precise and accurate method for the analysis of plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D). Immunoassays are more readily available and require small volume sampling, ideal for infant testing. The objective was to compare two commercially available immunoassays for measuring circulating 25(OH)D concentration in infant plasma against LC-MS/MS.
- Bone.Bone.2014 Apr;61:186-90. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2014.01.012. Epub 2014 Jan 25.
- BACKGROUND: Although no gold standard exists, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is a precise and accurate method for the analysis of plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D). Immunoassays are more readily available and require small volume sampling, ideal for infant testing. The
- PMID 24473373
Japanese Journal
- 視力低下を契機に糖尿病診断に至ったDown症候群の1例
- 佐々木 香織,SASAKI Kaori
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 83(E1), E323-E326, 2013-01-31
- 白内障による視力障害を機に糖尿病と診断したダウン症候群の17歳男性を経験した。知的障害と不安障害から、受診をすることができず、糖尿病症状の出現から診断までの時間を要した。診断後は食事療法と内服治療で良好な血糖コントロールを得ている。しかし外出困難や昼夜逆転などの生活習慣の改善は困難である。ダウン症候群の管理として定期的な診察や血液検査はその合併症を早期発見する上で重要であることが再認識された。
- NAID 110009559400
- 内科的治療が奏功せず外科的治療を必要とした生後2カ月の乳縻胸の一例
- 加地 真理子,坂内 優子,吉井 啓介 [他],関 亜希子,谷 諭美,岸 崇之,世川 修,大澤 眞木子,KAJI Mariko,SAKAUCHI Masako,YOSHII Keisuke,SEKI Akiko,TANI Yumi,KISHI Takayuki,SEGAWA Osamu,OSAWA Makiko
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 83(E1), E366-E370, 2013-01-31
- 【はじめに】乳縻胸は乳糜が胸管から胸腔内に逸脱して生じる。小児では稀な疾患であり、新生児期および縦隔手術後に比較的多く報告されているが、単独の報告が多く、治療法も様々である。乳縻胸と診断され、内科的治療が奏功せず、外科的治療を要した症例を経験したため報告する。,【症例】生後2か月の女児。主訴:体重増加不良、既往歴:在胎39週で仮死なく出生。現病歴:1ヶ月検診では体重増加不良を指摘されていた。受診時 …
- NAID 110009559387
- ビタミンDの耐用上限量の引き上げをEU食品安全機関(EFSA)が提案
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- 英
- diet、meal、eating、dinner、prandial、dietetic
- 関
- 経口摂取、食餌、食事制限、摂食、ダイエット、夕食、食物摂取
- 関
- diet、dietetic、dinner、feed、feeding、food intake、ingestion、meal、prandial
- 関
- diet、dietetic、eating、meal、prandial、supper
- 関
- diet、dietetic、dinner、eating、prandial
- 英
- diet、dietetic
- 関
- 食事、食事制限、ダイエット
- 関
- alimentary therapy、diet therapy