- 関
- desired
- worth having or seeking or achieving; "a desirable job"; "computer with many desirable features"; "a desirable outcome"
- worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse; "the parents found the girl suitable for their son" (同)suitable, worthy
- not wanted; "undesirable impurities in steel"; "legislation excluding undesirable aliens";"removed the unwanted vegetation" (同)unwanted
- one whose presence is undesirable; "rounding up vagrants and drunks and other undesirables"
- not worthy of being chosen (especially as a spouse) (同)unsuitable
- 『望ましい』,好ましい / (特に)性的欲望を起こさせるような,魅力たっぷりの
- 好ましくない,望ましくない / 好ましくない人
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/07/27 20:04:51」(JST)
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desirable (adjective pertaining to desire) may refer to
- desire
- something that is considered a favorable outcome, see e.g. best response
- Desirable (film)
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English Journal
- Molecular design of the phenol type extractants.
- Semenov SA, Reznik AM.SourceLomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technology, prospect Vernadskogo, 86, Moscow, 119571 Russia.
- SpringerPlus.Springerplus.2013 Dec;2(1):120. Epub 2013 Mar 20.
- A method of optimisation of new extractants structure using the desirable function has been developed. Earlier the desirable function has been proposed by Harrington (Ind Qual Control 21: 494-498, 1965) for the optimisation of processes with several response functions. The developed method of optimi
- PMID 23543841
- Food composition databases for effective quality nutritional care.
- Koroušić Seljak B, Stibilj V, Pograjc L, Mis NF, Benedik E.SourceComputer Systems Department, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, SI-Ljubljana, Slovenia. Electronic address: barbara.korousic@ijs.si.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2013 Oct 1;140(3):553-61. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.02.061. Epub 2013 Feb 24.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The main aim of this study was to validate a nutrient-estimation method applied using OPEN, a Slovenian platform for clinical nutrition. As the most desirable validation is a direct comparison of the calculated values with the values obtained from a chemical analysis of th
- PMID 23601406
- Polypyrrole-poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-Ag (PPy-PEDOT-Ag) nanocomposite films for label-free electrochemical DNA sensing.
- Radhakrishnan S, Sumathi C, Umar A, Jae Kim S, Wilson J, Dharuman V.SourcePolymer Electronics Lab, Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630 003, Tamilnadu, India.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2013 Sep 15;47:133-40. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2013.02.049. Epub 2013 Mar 21.
- The electrochemical DNA hybridization sensing of bipolymer polypyrrole and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PPy-PEDOT) nanotubes functionalized with Ag nanoparticles has been investigated. The bipolymer nanotubes are prepared by simple chemical route and silver nanoparticles (Ag) further deposited
- PMID 23578969
- A Rapid tool for the stability assessment of natural food colours.
- Ghidouche S, Rey B, Michel M, Galaffu N.SourceNestlé Research Centre, Vers-chez-les-Blanc, P.O. Box 44, CH-1000 Lausanne 26, Switzerland. souhila.ghidouche@rdls.nestle.com
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2013 Aug 15;139(1-4):978-85. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.12.064. Epub 2013 Feb 4.
- Natural food colours lack stability under a number of conditions such as pH variation, oxidation, hydration, heat treatment and, most importantly, exposure to daylight. Stability tests to assess shelf life of natural colours under light irradiation can be time consuming. Thus, an accelerated test ca
- PMID 23561199
Japanese Journal
- Imaging of current density distributions with a Nb weak-link scanning nano-SQUID microscope
- 北星学園大学経済学部北星論集 = Hokusei review, the School of Economics 55(1), 19-32, 2015-09
- NAID 40020622718
- NECグループ図書館の現状と今後 (特集 全国研究集会 未来に続く専門図書館を目指して) -- (第3分科会 どうなる著作権、企業図書館の現場から考える)
- 慢性疾患を持つ子どもと家族への支援の今後のあり方 (特集 難病患者・小児慢性特定疾病患者と家族への新たな支援制度)
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- desirableとは。意味や和訳。[形]((形式))1 〈人・物・事が〉望ましい, 好ましい, 当を得たa desirable personすてきな人They bought a house in a desirable neighborhood.すてきな住宅地に家を買ったIt is desirable that you (((英略式))... - goo ...
- /dizaacute;irbl/[形]((形式))1 〈人・物・事が〉望ましい, 好ましい, 当を得たa desirable person|すてきな人They bought a house in a desirable neighbo... ... de・sir・a・ble /dizái r bl/ [形]((形式)) 1 〈人・物・事が〉望ましい, 好ましい, 当を ...
- Desirable. 503 likes · 146 talking about this. ... [info] been working on Desirable and getting booths at other events like Hot Import Nights AutoCon Big Northwest Subaru Meet igto grown partnerships in our community .
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- ☆case28 慢性に経過する胸痛
- ■症例
- 25歳 女性
- 主訴:胸痛
- 現病歴:2年前より胸痛の出現と消退が持続していた。胸痛は6ヶ月間は収まっていたが、最近10ヶ月間は出現してきていた。胸痛は胸部左方
- にあり、左腋窩に放散していた。胸痛は胸を締め付けられる、あるいは握りつぶされるような痛みであり、5-30分持続した。胸痛はどんなときでも出現することがあった。労作時によく出現したが、ある場合には安静時にも出現し、特に夕方に出現した。胸痛には息切れが伴うことが良くあった。胸痛が出現したときには、どんなときでも身動きができなくなり、痛みと共にが遠くなったり、めまいをかんじた。時々、胸痛と共に動悸があった。動悸は強く感じられたが、心拍動はしっかりしていた(steady heart beat)。
- 既往歴:
- ・15歳 虫垂摘出
- ・30歳 腹症(irregular bowel habit)と腹痛:精査(be investigated for)をうけたが、診断がつかず(no specific diagnosis was arrived at)。症状は現在も持続。
- ・季節性鼻炎(seasonal rhinitis)
- ・2年前コレステロールを測定したが4.1 mmol/Lであった
- 基準値(HIM A-10)
- 単位:mg/dL (mmol/L)
- desirable: <200 (<5.17)
- borderline high: 200-239 (5.17-6.18)
- high: ≧240 (≧6.21)
- 生活歴:medical secretaryとして働いている。既婚で子供はいない
- 家族歴:祖父が1年前MIで死亡(77歳)。家族の数人に花粉症、あるいは喘息がある。
- 身体所見 examination
- 血圧:102/65 mmHg。脈拍:78/分、整。心音に異常所見はみとめない。左胸部、胸骨左部、乳腺下部に圧痛。呼吸数22/分。肺に異常所見を認めない。左腸骨窩に圧痛。
- 検査所見 investigations
- 関
- desirable
- 英
- desirable、desired
- 関
- 待望