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- 1. 小児における跛行の原因に関する概要overview of the causes of limp in children [show details]
…Additional evaluation and management of cellulitis or cutaneous abscess is discussed separately. Osteochondrosis refers to idiopathic avascular necrosis in children. The tarsal navicular (Kohler disease ) in …
- 2. 離断性骨軟骨炎(OCD):臨床症状、評価および診断osteochondritis dissecans ocd clinical manifestations evaluation and diagnosis [show details]
…The performance of these tests are discussed in detail separately. Panner disease is an osteochondrosis characterized by atypical ossification, necrosis, and regeneration of the distal humeral capitellum…
- 3. 活動的な小児や骨格発達の未成熟な青年の前足部および中足部の痛み:原因の概要forefoot and midfoot pain in the active child or skeletally immature adolescent overview of causes [show details]
…Bony abnormalities that may occur in children and adolescents include Kohler disease (navicular osteochondrosis, primarily seen in children younger than 10 years of age), Freiberg disease or Freiberg infraction …
- 4. 投擲による上肢の傷害:臨床症状および診断的アプローチthrowing injuries of the upper extremity clinical presentation and diagnostic approach [show details]
…Lateral-sided pain – Suspect OCD, particularly if patient has experienced locking episodes. Osteochondrosis of the capitellum (Panners disease) is an important consideration in young throwers (age 7 to…
- 5. 成人の体軸性脊椎関節炎(強直性脊椎炎およびX線画像に変化が認められない体軸性脊椎関節炎)の診断と鑑別診断diagnosis and differential diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis ankylosing spondylitis and nonradiographic axial spondyloarthritis in adults [show details]
…may be confirmed by computed tomography (CT) . Erosive osteochondrosis and Schmorl nodes – Erosive osteochondritis (or lumbar erosive osteochondrosis), which occurs as a consequence of degenerative disc …
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