- bruise, cut, or injure the skin or the surface of; "The boy skinned his knee when he fell" (同)scrape
- a persons skin regarded as their life; "he tried to save his skin"
- a bag serving as a container for liquids; it is made from the hide of an animal
- an outer surface (usually thin); "the skin of an airplane"
- a natural protective body covering and site of the sense of touch; "your skin is the largest organ of your body" (同)tegument, cutis
- strip the skin off; "pare apples" (同)peel, pare
- any localized abnormal structural change in a bodily part
- bulbous plant having hollow leaves cultivated worldwide for its rounded edible bulb (同)onion plant, Allium_cepa
- the bulb of an onion plant
- an aromatic flavorful vegetable
- move along on skis; "We love to ski the Rockies"; "My children dont ski"
- narrow wood or metal or plastic runners used in pairs for gliding over snow
- a sport in which participants must travel on skis
- 〈U〉〈C〉(人・動物の)『皮膚』,肌 / 〈C〉〈U〉(動物からはいだ)『皮』,『毛皮』;皮製品,皮袋 / 〈C〉(果物・野菜の)皮 / 〈U〉〈C〉(液体の表面にできる)薄い膜,上皮 / 〈C〉(枠組み・表面などを覆う)外皮,外被,外板 / 〈動物・果物など〉‘の'皮をはぐ(むく) / 〈手・脚など〉‘を'擦りむく / 《話》(金などを)〈人〉‘から'巻き上げる《+『名』〈人〉+『of』+『名』》 / 〈傷口などが〉皮で覆われる《+『over』》
- 傷害,傷 / (体の組織や機能の)障害
- 『タマネギ』
- 『スキー』 / 『スキーで滑走する』 / …‘を'スキーで滑る / スキーの,スキー用の
- (スポーツとしての)『スキー』;スキー術
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English Journal
- [Eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis: a form of IgG4-related systemic disease?].
- Benlemlih A, Szableski V, Bendahou M, Rivière S, Villain M, Costes V.SourceDépartement de pathologie, université Montpellier 1, hôpital Gui-de-Chauliac, CHU de Montpellier, 80, avenue A-Fliche, 34295 Montpellier cedex 5, France.
- Annales de pathologie.Ann Pathol.2012 Aug;32(4):271-5. doi: 10.1016/j.annpat.2012.06.008. Epub 2012 Jul 24.
- Eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis is a rare fibro-inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology with only 40 cases reported in the literature. It primarily affects the sinonasal tract and more rarely the orbit, the larynx and the gums. This benign disorder is characterized by a slowly progressive proce
- PMID 23010402
- [Eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis and granuloma facial with extra facial presentation, the same pathology?].
- Depaepe L, Chouvet B, Claudy A, Thomas L, Berger F, Balme B.SourceService d'anatomie et de cytopathologie, centre hospitalier Lyon-Sud, 165, chemin du Grand-Revoyet, 69495 Pierre-Bénite, France.
- Annales de pathologie.Ann Pathol.2011 Jun;31(3):138-41. doi: 10.1016/j.annpat.2011.02.014. Epub 2011 May 20.
- Eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis is a rare fibro inflammatory lesion of unknown etiology which occurs usually in the upper respiratory tract mucosa of middle-aged adults. The histologic features show an eosinophilic vasculitis and an angiocentric fibrosis with onion-skin pattern. Firstly described
- PMID 21736992
Japanese Journal
- 十河 剛,藤沢 知雄,乾 あやの,小松 陽樹,大川 貫司,橋爪 浩臣,関根 勇夫,古座岩 宏輔,田尻 仁,小杉 武史,吉村 文一,位田 忍,森 雅亮,横田 俊平
- 日本小児科学会雑誌 104(8), 862-867, 2000-08-01
- NAID 10006373003
- 実験的筋症に関する研究 : 第2篇 分離筋膜感作による実験的筋症
- 大西 武生
- アレルギー 20(12), 943-951, 955, 1971-12-30
- … したジストロフィー様障害と変性筋線維とともに多数の貧食細胞を伴つた多発性筋炎様病像を呈していた.筋電図学的には典型的なmyopathic pattemを呈していた.その他腎臓ではwier loop様病像, 脾臓ではonion skin様病像を呈し, すべてのリンパ組織からは小リンパ球が消失していた.筋膜に対する血清抗体価は補体結合反応で1:100ないし1:300を呈しlatex凝集反応では1:512ないし1:1,024倍であつた.Rapid immunoelectrosynere …
- NAID 110002408635
Related Links
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Related Pictures

- 英
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- 関
- abolish、barrier、break、damage、destroy、destruction、difficulty、dismantle、disorder、disrupt、disruptant、disruption、disturbance、dysfunction、foe、hindrance、impair、impairment、impediment、injury、insult、obstacle、rupture、subversion、subvert
- 関
- Allium cepa、Allium porrum、leek