- こする、かく、すれる、かする、きしむ、きしる(against, along, by, on ,through)。引きならす(on)。足をする
- 金(物など)をかき集める、こつこつため込む。どうにかやっていく、なんとか切り抜ける(along, by, in , into, through)
- make by scraping; "They scraped a letter into the stone"
- a deep bow with the foot drawn backwards (indicating excessive humility); "all that bowing and scraping did not impress him" (同)scraping
- a harsh noise made by scraping; "the scrape of violin bows distracted her" (同)scraping, scratch, scratching
- scratch repeatedly; "The cat scraped at the armchair" (同)grate
- bend the knees and bow in a servile manner (同)kowtow, genuflect
- gather (money or other resources) together over time; "She had scraped together enough money for college"; "they scratched a meager living" (同)scrape up, scratch, come_up
- any of various hand tools for scraping
- manage ones existence barely; "I guess I can squeeze by on this lousy salary" (同)scrape by, scratch along, squeak_by, squeeze by, rub along
- a very tall building with many stories
- make into scrap or refuse; "scrap the old airplane and sell the parts"
- a small piece of something that is left over after the rest has been used; "she jotted it on a scrap of paper"; "there was not a scrap left"
- (usually plural) a fragment scraped off of something and collected; "they collected blood scrapings for analysis"
- (堅い物などにぶつかって)…‘に'『すり傷をつける』《+『名』+『on』(『against』)+『名』》 / …‘を'ギーッと引く(動かす) / …‘を'乱暴にこする / (表面をなめらかにするため)…‘を'『こする』 / (…から)…‘を'『こすって取る』《+『名』+『off』(『from』)+『名』》 / 《話》…‘を'なんとかかき集める(作る)《+『up』(『together』)+『名』》 / (…を)荒々しく(音をきしらせて)『こする』《+『against』(『along, on』)+『名』》 / なんとかやりとげる / こすった跡,すり傷 / こすること;(こすって生じる)きしる音 / 《話》苦境,難局
- こする人 / こすり取る道具;(玄関に置く)靴の泥落とし;(ペンキをはがす)こて
- 摩天楼,超高層ビル
- 泥などを払う金網製の玄関マット
- 〈C〉『かけら』,小片;少し;《A~》少々(の…)《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《複数形で》残りもの,食べ残し / 〈U〉(くず鉄など)金属のスクラップ / 〈U〉『くず』,廃物,がらくた / (役に立たないとして)…‘を'捨てる(discard) / …‘を'くず(スクラップ)にする
- (突然のちょっとした)いさかい,けんか / けんかする
- 〈U〉かく(こする)こと;削ること / 《複数形で》(削った,かき取った)くず,ごみ
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Look up scrape, scraped, scraper, or scraping in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Scrape, scraper or scraping may refer to:
Biology and medicine
- Abrasion (medical), a type of injury
- Scraper (biology), grazer-scraper, a water animal that feeds on stones and other substrates by grazing algae, microorganism and other matter
- Scrape, a type of bird nest
- Cloud scraper, birds of the genus Cisticola
- Screen scraping, a program which captures information from a display not intended for processing by computers
- Tracker scrape, request sent to a BitTorrent tracker
- Web scraping, the actions of a website crawler which assembles content from web pages
- Scraper site, a website created by web scraping
- Blog scraping, the process of scanning through a large number of blogs, searching for and copying content
Hand tools
- Scraper (archaeology), a stone tool
- Scraper (kitchen), a cooking tool
- Card scraper, cabinet scraper or scraper, a tool for scraping wood
- Hand scraper, a single-edged tool used to scrape metal from a surface
- Fresno scraper, powered by an external tractor which pulls it
- Wheel tractor-scraper, a piece of heavy equipment used for earth-moving
Music and audio
- Rake and scrape, a type of Caribbean music
- Scrape flutter, in sound recording, high-frequency flutter over 100Hz
In instruments or implements
- Scraper (instrument), a musical instrument
- Pick slide, also called pick scrape, an electric guitar playing/sound effect technique
- Gourd scraper, also called a pua, a stick used for playing the güiro, an instrument consisting of a hollow gourd
In works
- "Scrape" (Blue Stahli song), a 2009 non-album single by Blue Stahli
- Scraping (album), a 2002 rock music album by Calexico
- Scraper (car), a modified American-made family car characterized by large rims and extensive personalization
- Scraper, Oklahoma, a census-designated place in Cherokee County, Oklahoma, United States
- Scratchboard, also called a scraperboard, a technique where drawings are created using sharp knives and tools for etching into a thin layer of white China clay that is coated with black India ink
- Skyscraper, a building over 40 stories tall
See also
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- 1. 皮膚の手技 dermatologic procedures
- 2. 皮膚疣贅 cutaneous warts
- 3. 妊娠中絶手術:妊娠第一期 surgical termination of pregnancy first trimester
- 4. 細隙灯検査 slit lamp examination
- 5. 高齢者における神経性歩行障害 neurologic gait disorders of elderly people
English Journal
- Tigroid background in cytology of hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma of the salivary gland.
- Yuan CT1, Hsieh MS1.
- Diagnostic cytopathology.Diagn Cytopathol.2016 Apr;44(4):338-41. doi: 10.1002/dc.23423. Epub 2015 Dec 30.
- Hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma (HCCC) is a rare and low grade salivary gland carcinoma with a unique recurrent EWSR1 gene translocation. HCCC most commonly arises from intraoral minor salivary glands and its cytological features have not been well evaluated. We report a 28-year-old man with palata
- PMID 26715185
- Palaeontology: Scrapes of Dinosaur Courtship.
- Hone DW1.
- Current biology : CB.Curr Biol.2016 Mar 21;26(6):R237-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.02.015.
- Analysis of numerous trace fossils reveals 'nest scrape displays' made by dinosaurs that are analogous to those left by modern birds. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- PMID 27003887
- Exosomes secreted from bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells protect the intestines from experimental necrotizing enterocolitis.
- Rager TM1, Olson JK2, Zhou Y2, Wang Y2, Besner GE3.
- Journal of pediatric surgery.J Pediatr Surg.2016 Mar 2. pii: S0022-3468(16)00149-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2016.02.061. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: Treatment options for necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) remain inadequate. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) can protect the intestines from NEC. Exosomes are nanoparticle-sized vesicles with important cell signaling capabilities. The objective of this study was to determin
- PMID 27015901
- Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn due to Intravenous Drug Use.
- Markham KB1, Scrape SR2, Prasad M1, Rossi KQ3, O'Shaughnessy RW1.
- AJP reports.AJP Rep.2016 Mar;6(1):e129-32. doi: 10.1055/s-0036-1579646.
- Objectives The objective is to present a pregnancy complication associated with intravenous drug use, namely, that of red blood cell alloimmunization and hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn. Methods An observational case series is presented including women with red blood cell alloimmuniza
- PMID 26989567
Japanese Journal
- Development of a tunable Fabry-Perot etalon-based near-infrared interference spectrometer for measurement of the HeI 2(3)S-2(3)P spectral line shape in magnetically confined torus plasmas.
- 5%酢酸試験が局所再発部の同定に有用であった陰茎癌の1例
- クラミジアの持続感染と宿主アポトーシス制御、そして多様な慢性感染症
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- scrapeとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)1 [III[名]([副])/V[名][形]]…をこする,こすって(…の状態に)する;〈付着物などを〉(…から)こすり落とす((down, away/from, off ...))scrape one's chin(ひげをそって)あごをすべすべにするscrape ...
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- 関
- curettage、curette
- いっぺん、小片、破片、切れっ端。[fig]僅少。抜粋。(書き物の)断片。[pl]食べ残し、残飯。くず、廃物、がらくた、スクラップ
- 関
- abraded、abrasion