- an abnormal increase in the number of lymphocytes in the circulating blood
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Lymphocytosis |
Classification and external resources |
Lymphocytosis, peripheral blood smear (40x)
ICD-10 |
D72.8 |
ICD-9 |
288.8 |
DiseasesDB |
7678 |
MeSH |
D008218 |
Lymphocytosis is an increase in the number or proportion of lymphocytes in the blood. In absolute lymphocytosis, the total lymphocyte count is elevated. In adults, absolute lymphocytosis is present when the absolute lymphocyte count is greater than 4000 per microliter, in older children greater than 7000 per microliter and in infants greater than 9000 per microliter.[1] Lymphocytes normally represent 20 to 40% of circulating white blood cells. Relative lymphocytosis occurs when there is a higher proportion (greater than 40%) of lymphocytes among the white blood cells, while the absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) is normal (less than 4000 per microliter). Relative lymphocytosis is normal in children under age 2.
Lymphocytosis is usually detected when a complete blood count is routinely obtained. The absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) can be directly measured by flow cytometry, or calculated by multiplying the total white blood cell (WBC) count by the percentage of lymphocytes found in the differential count.[2]
Lymphocytosis is a feature of infection, particularly in children. In the elderly, lymphoproliferative disorders, including chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and lymphomas, often present with lymphadenopathy and a lymphocytosis.
Causes of absolute lymphocytosis include:
- acute viral infections, such as infectious mononucleosis[3] (glandular fever), hepatitis[3] and Cytomegalovirus infection[3]
- other acute infections such as pertussis[3]
- some protozoal infections, such as toxoplasmosis and American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease)
- chronic intracellular bacterial infections such as tuberculosis[3] or brucellosis[3]
- chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- lymphoma
- post-splenectomy state[4]
Causes of relative lymphocytosis include: age less than 2 years; acute viral infections; connective tissue diseases, thyrotoxicosis, Addison's disease, and splenomegaly with splenic sequestration of granulocytes.
- ^ Miale, John B. Laboratory Medicine: hematology. 5th. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby, 1977.
- ^ For example, if the total WBC count is 30,000, and the %lymphocytes is 30, the absolute lymphocyte count is 9,000 per microliter.
- ^ a b c d e f Table 12-6 in: Mitchell, Richard Sheppard; Kumar, Vinay; Abbas, Abul K.; Fausto, Nelson. Robbins Basic Pathology. Philadelphia: Saunders. ISBN 1-4160-2973-7. 8th edition.
- ^ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8697729>
External links
Hematological malignancy/leukemia histology (ICD-O 9590–9989, C81–C96, 200–208)
Lymphoid/Lymphoproliferative, Lymphomas/Lymphoid leukemias (9590–9739, 9800–9839)
B cell
(most CD19
By development/
- ALL (Precursor B acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma)
mantle zone (Mantle cell)
- Prolymphocytic
- CD11c+ (Hairy cell leukemia)
- germinal center/follicular B cell (Follicular
- Burkitt's
- Primary cutaneous follicular lymphoma)
marginal zone/marginal-zone B cell (Splenic marginal zone
- Nodal marginal zone
- Primary cutaneous marginal zone lymphoma)
RS (CD15+, CD30+)
- Classic Hodgkin's lymphoma (Nodular sclerosis)
- CD20+ (Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin's lymphoma)
- see immunoproliferative immunoglobulin disorders
By infection
- KSHV (Primary effusion)
- EBV (Lymphomatoid granulomatosis
- Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder)
- HIV (AIDS-related lymphoma)
- Helicobacter pylori (MALT lymphoma)
- Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
- Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma
- Primary cutaneous marginal zone lymphoma
- Primary cutaneous immunocytoma
- Plasmacytoma
- Plasmacytosis
- Primary cutaneous follicular lymphoma
T cell
(most CD3
By development/
- TdT+: ALL (Precursor T acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma)
- prolymphocyte (Prolymphocytic)
- CD30+ (Anaplastic large-cell lymphoma
- Lymphomatoid papulosis type A)
- indolent: Mycosis fungoides
- Pagetoid reticulosis
- Granulomatous slack skin
aggressive: Sézary's disease
- Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma
- CD30-: Non-mycosis fungoides CD30− cutaneous large T-cell lymphoma
- Pleomorphic T-cell lymphoma
- Lymphomatoid papulosis type B
CD30+: CD30+ cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
- Secondary cutaneous CD30+ large cell lymphoma
- Lymphomatoid papulosis type A
Other peripheral
- Hepatosplenic
- Angioimmunoblastic
- Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma
- Peripheral T-cell lymphoma-Not-Otherwise-Specified (Lennert lymphoma)
- Subcutaneous T-cell lymphoma
By infection
- HTLV-1 (Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma)
NK cell/
(most CD56)
- Aggressive NK-cell leukemia
- Blastic NK cell lymphoma
T or NK
- EBV (Extranodal NK-T-cell lymphoma/Angiocentric lymphoma)
- Large granular lymphocytic leukemia
- Acute biphenotypic leukaemia
- Lymphoproliferative disorders (X-linked lymphoproliferative disease
- Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome)
- Leukemoid reaction
- Diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome
Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia |
- Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia
- with bandlike and perivascular patterns
- with nodular pattern
- Jessner lymphocytic infiltrate of the skin
cell/phys/auag/auab/comp, igrc
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English Journal
- A monoclonal expansion of Epstein-Barr virus-infected natural killer cells after allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.
- Isobe Y, Hamano Y, Ito Y, Kimura H, Tsukada N, Sugimoto K, Komatsu N.SourceDepartment of Hematology, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan; Division of Hematology & Oncology, Department of Medicine, St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki, Japan. Electronic address: yisobe@marianna-u.ac.jp.
- Journal of clinical virology : the official publication of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology.J Clin Virol.2013 Feb;56(2):150-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2012.11.004. Epub 2012 Nov 26.
- Here, we describe a Japanese woman showing a monoclonal expansion of EBV-infected natural killer (NK) cells after receiving allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT). The patient initially had T-cell-type chronic active EBV disease (CAEBV) and subsequently developed liver T-cell
- PMID 23194777
- Monoclonal B Cell Lymphocytosis-What Does It Really Mean?
- Rawstron AC.SourceHMDS, St. James's Institute of Oncology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Level 3 Bexley Wing, Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7TF, UK, andy.rawstron@nhs.net.
- Current hematologic malignancy reports.Curr Hematol Malig Rep.2013 Jan 11. [Epub ahead of print]
- Monoclonal B cell Lymphocytosis (MBL) or similar terms have been used for decades to describe the presence of light-chain restricted B lymphocytes with uncertain clinical significance, usually having a phenotype consistent with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). As diagnostic technology improved, e
- PMID 23307471
Japanese Journal
- CD5, CD7の両方またはいずれかの発現低下が診断の契機となった単クローン性Tリンパ球増加症
- 川野 宏樹,皆川 健太郎,若橋 香奈子,川野 裕子,定 明子,松井 利充,片山 義雄
- 臨床血液 53(8), 785-787, 2012-08-30
- NAID 10031073674
- 慢性リンパ性白血病の病因・病態と治療 (造血器腫瘍学 : 基礎と臨床の最新研究動向) -- (リンパ系腫瘍の臨床)
Related Links
- Lymphocytosis is an increase in the number or proportion of lymphocytes in the blood. In absolute lymphocytosis, the total lymphocyte count is elevated. In adults , absolute lymphocytosis is present when the absolute lymphocyte count is ...
- Lymphocytosis (high lymphocyte count) — Overview covers possible causes of increased disease-fighting cells.
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- 日
- ましん
- 英
- measles, rubeola
- 同
- はしか、麻しん
- 関
- 麻疹ウイルス、感染症法、ワクチン、学校伝染病。修飾麻疹
- 空気感染
- 上気道粘膜に進入・増殖 → 所属リンパ節で増殖 → ウイルス血症 → 全身諸臓器で増殖
- 感染性のある時期は、前駆症状(鼻汁、咳嗽、全身倦怠感、結膜充血)が出現する直前から発疹出現後4日間である。
- NDE.437
- 1. カタル期:1-5病日:発熱、くしゃみ、鼻水、目脂。コプリック斑
- 白血球が劇的に低下し、2000-3000まで落ち込むことがある。
- カタル期終わりの1-2病日に解熱してコプリック斑が発生
- カタル期の鼻汁、唾液、涙液、気道分泌液は感染性有り
- 2. 発疹期:6-10病日:発熱。発疹は耳後部、頚部から始まり体幹から四肢へ。色素沈着を残す ⇔風疹
- リンパ球への感染→細胞性免疫が低下
- 結核に罹患している場合、粟粒結核に進展することがある
- M蛋白の欠損した麻疹ウイルスによる、らしい
- 麻疹に感染し、小児期に知能低下、ミオクローヌスなどを、初発症状として発症し、意識障害をきたし致命的となる。
- 原則的には血清学的検査でペア血清による4倍以上の抗体価の上昇を証明する。ただし、検体を凍結保存する必要があり、2回目の検体は感染後2週間後の血清を用いることになり、迅速な診断には向かない。RT-PCRは効果であり、商業レベルで普及しておらず、実臨床では麻疹IgMの抗体価でもって診断をしているのが現状である。
- 対症療法
- 合併症の治療:肺炎、中耳炎などの細菌性二次感染が多く、予防のために抗菌薬投与が行われる
- 学校保健安全法では、解熱後3日経過するまで出席停止(NDE.438)
- 麻疹生ワクチン
- 免疫不全患者にはγグロブリン製剤(ガンマグロブリン筋注)
- 免疫があれば重症化しない
- 麻疹抗体を持たない健常者が麻疹患者と接触した場合、72時間以内であれば麻疹ワクチンを接種することにより麻疹の発症を予防できる可能性がある。また発症しても症状を軽減しうる。
- 免疫不全者、1歳以下の乳児、妊婦などが暴露された場合や麻疹ワクチンが禁忌の人では、暴露後6日以内であれば、免疫グロブリンを投与することにより、あるい程度の発症予防効果、症状軽減効果があるとされる。
- 1. [charged] 麻疹の臨床症状および診断 - uptodate [1]
- 2. [charged] 麻疹の予防および治療 - uptodate [2]
- 3. [charged] 麻疹の疫学および伝染 - uptodate [3]
- 英
- lymphocytosis
- 同
- リンパ球増加症
[show details]
- OLM.103
- 伝染性単核球症
- 伝染性リンパ球症
- ムンプス
- 風疹、水痘など
- ウイルス肝炎
- その他のウイルス感染症
- リンパ性白血病
- リンパ肉腫
- その他のリンパ増殖性疾患
- 癌腫:乳癌など
- 内分泌疾患:甲状腺機能亢進症、副腎皮質機能不全