- a disorderly outburst or tumult; "they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused" (同)disruption, commotion, flutter, hurly burly, to-do, hoo-ha, hoo-hah, kerfuffle
- an unhappy and worried mental state; "there was too much anger and disturbance"; "she didnt realize the upset she caused me" (同)perturbation, upset
- the act of disturbing something or someone; setting something in motion
- of or pertaining to emotion; "emotional health"; "an emotional crisis"
- determined or actuated by emotion rather than reason; "it was an emotional judgment"
- of more than usual emotion; "his behavior was highly emotional"
- any strong feeling
- 〈U〉乱す(騒がす,妨害する)こと;乱れた状態 / 〈C〉騒ぎ,騒動,動乱 / 〈C〉乱す(騒がす,妨害する)もの
- 『感情の』,の情緒の / 『感情的な』,感動しやすい / (またemotive)感情に訴える
- 『強い感情』,感動,感激 / (喜怒哀楽などの)『感情』,情緒:
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Japanese Journal
- Aromatic effects of a Japanese citrus fruit-yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka)-on psychoemotional states and autonomic nervous system activity during the menstrual cycle: A single-blind randomized controlled crossover study
- 課題を有する子どもの臨床心理学的支援 : 心理アセスメントからセラピーへの実際
- Psychologist : bulletin of the Graduate School of Professional Clinical Psychology, Kansai University = サイコロジスト : 関西大学臨床心理専門職大学院紀要 (6), 39-46, 2016
- NAID 40020789989
- 情緒障害児短期治療施設(入所治療)における子どものケアと育ち : 生活の中での臨床を展開する (特集 今,福祉心理学に求められる社会的養護の課題と展開)
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- We refer to mental disorders using different “umbrella” terms such as emotional disturbance, behavioral disorders, or mental illness. Beneath these umbrella terms, there is actually a wide range of specific conditions that differ from ...
- Emotional disturbance: IDEA covers anxiety, bipolar, conduct, obsessive-compulsive, psychotic and eating disorders. Read more about this student disability. ... Definition In the special education realm, conditions which generate ...
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- 英
- affective disorder、emotional disorder, emotional disturbance
- 関
- 情緒障害、情動障害
- DSM-III、ICD-9 感情障害 → DSM-III-R、ICD-10 気分障害
- 英
- affective disorder, emotional disorder, emotional disturbance
- 同
- 感情失禁 emotional incontinence
- 関
- 情緒障害、気分障害、感情障害
- 英
- emotional disorder、emotional disturbance
- 関
- 失感情症、情動障害、感情障害、情動性症状
- 関
- affective symptom、alexithymic、emotional disturbance
- 関
- affective disorder、emotional disturbance
- 乱すこと、騒がすこと、撹乱。不安、心配。(医)障害
- 騒動、動乱
- 妨害、邪魔
- 関
- anxiety、anxious、anxiously、barrier、damage、derangement、difficulty、discomfort、disorder、disturb、dysfunction、dysphoria、fear、foe、hamper、hindrance、impair、impairment、impede、impediment、intercept、interception、interfere、interrupt、interruption、lesion、obstacle、obstruct、occlusion、perturb、perturbation、preclusion、uneasy
- 関
- affect、affection、affective、emotion、emotionally