- 関
- manipulate、operate、steering
- work as a driver; "He drives a bread truck"; "She drives for the taxi company in Newark"
- a physiological state corresponding to a strong need or desire
- hitting a golf ball off of a tee with a driver; "he sliced his drive out of bounds" (同)driving
- a wide scenic road planted with trees; "the riverside drive offers many exciting scenic views" (同)parkway
- a journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile); "he took the family for a drive in his new car" (同)ride
- the act of applying force to propel something; "after reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off" (同)thrust, driving_force
- (computer science) a device that writes data onto or reads data from a storage medium
- (sports) a hard straight return (as in tennis or squash)
- a mechanism by which force or power is transmitted in a machine; "a variable speed drive permitted operation through a range of speeds"
- the act of driving a herd of animals overland
- the trait of being highly motivated; "his drive and energy exhausted his co-workers"
- move into a desired direction of discourse; "What are you driving at?" (同)get, aim
- travel or be transported in a vehicle; "We drove to the university every morning"; "They motored to London for the theater" (同)motor
- have certain properties when driven; "This car rides smoothly"; "My new truck drives well" (同)ride
- proceed along in a vehicle; "We drive the turnpike to work" (同)take
- cause someone or something to move by driving; "She drove me to school every day"; "We drove the car to the garage"
- cause to function by supplying the force or power for or by controlling; "The amplifier drives the tube"; "steam drives the engines"; "this device drives the disks for the computer"
- cause to move rapidly by striking or throwing with force; "drive the ball far out into the field"
- compel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment; "She finally drove him to change jobs"
- excavate horizontally; "drive a tunnel"
- hit very hard, as by swinging a bat horizontally; "drive a ball"
- hunting: chase from cover into more open ground; "drive the game"
- hunting: search for game; "drive the forest"
- move by being propelled by a force; "The car drove around the corner"
- operate or control a vehicle; "drive a car or bus"; "Can you drive this four-wheel truck?"
- push, propel, or press with force; "Drive a nail into the wall"
- strike with a driver, as in teeing off; "drive a golf ball"
- to compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly; "She is driven by her passion"
- urge forward; "drive the cows into the barn"
- a stonemasons chisel with a broad edge for dressing stone (同)drove chisel
- a moving crowd (同)horde, swarm
- a group of animals (a herd or flock) moving together
- urged or forced to action through moral pressure; "felt impelled to take a stand against the issue" (同)impelled
- compelled forcibly by an outside agency; "mobs goaded by blind hatred" (同)goaded
- hold something in ones hands and move it
- treat manually, as with massage, for therapeutic purposed
- control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to ones advantage; "She manipulates her boss"; "She is a very controlling mother and doesnt let her children grow up"; "The teacher knew how to keep the class in line"; "she keeps in line" (同)keep in line, control
- influence or control shrewdly or deviously; "He manipulated public opinion in his favor" (同)pull strings, pull wires
- direct or control; projects, businesses, etc.; "She is running a relief operation in the Sudan" (同)run
- happen; "What is going on in the minds of the people?"
- handle and cause to function; "do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol"; "control the lever" (同)control
- remove or force out from a position; "The dentist dislodged the piece of food that had been stuck under my gums"; "He finally could free the legs of the earthquake victim who was buried in the rubble" (同)free
- remove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied; "The new employee dislodged her by moving into her office space" (同)bump
- the act of setting and holding a course; "a new council was installed under the direction of the king" (同)guidance, direction
- the act of steering a ship (同)steerage
- test a vehicle by driving it; "I want to test drive the new Porsche"
- driving a bovine herd (as cows or bulls or steers)
- a hard straight return made on the backhand side
- acting with vigor; "responsibility turned the spoiled playboy into a driving young executive"
- the act of controlling and steering the movement of a vehicle or animal
- having the power of driving or impelling; "a driving personal ambition"; "the driving force was his innate enthusiasm"; "an impulsive force" (同)impulsive
- (…から…へ)〈動物・敵など〉‘を'『追い立てる』,追い払う,追い出す《+『名』+『away』(『out』)『from』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…から)…‘を'押しやる,押し流す《+『名』+『off』(『out of』)+『名』》 / 〈人〉‘を'駆り立てる(force) / 〈車・馬車〉‘を'『運転する』,操縦する;〈馬〉‘を'御する / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(ある場所へ)〈人〉‘を'車(馬車)で運ぶ(送る) / (…に)〈くい・くぎ・ねじなど〉‘を'打ち込む,差し込む《+『名』+『in』(『into, through』)+『名』》 / 〈人〉‘を'酷使する / 〈商売・取引など〉‘を'活発に行う,強力に進める / (…に)〈トンネルなど〉‘を'掘る,通す《+『名』+『through』+『名』》 / 〈動力が〉〈機械など〉‘を'運転する,動かす / 『車を運転する』 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》車で行く,ドライブする / 〈車・船などが〉(…に)突進する;〈雨・風が〉(…に)激しく吹きつける《+『against』(『into』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉(馬車・自動車などに)乗って行くこと,遠乗り,『ドライブ』 / 〈U〉(馬車・自動車で行く)道のり,行程 / 〈C〉(特に邸内・公園内の)車道 / 〈U〉〈C〉(自動車などの)駆動装置 / 〈C〉(目的達成のための)組織的活動,運動 / 〈U〉元気,迫力,精力 / 〈U〉突進;(軍隊の)猛攻撃 / 〈C〉(心理的な)動因,本能的要求 / 〈U〉〈C〉(ゴルフ・テニスなどの)強打 / 〈C〉(家畜などを)追い立てること
- driveの過去形
- (群れをなして動く)家畜の群れ / 大群衆,(特に)ぞろぞろと移動する人人の群れ
- driveの過去分詞
- 〈道具類〉‘を'巧みに扱う(動かす),〈言葉〉‘を'うまく使う / 〈人・世論など〉‘を'巧みに操る,〈問題など〉‘を'うまく処理する(maneuver) / (自分の利益のために)…‘を'ごまかす,小細工する
- 〈機械・身体器官などが〉『動く』,作動する / 〈薬などが〉(…に)『利く』,効果を表す,作用する,影響する《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / (人に…の)『手術をする』《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』〈人〉+『for』+『名』》 / (…に対して)軍事行動をする《+『against』+『名』》 / 〈機械・装置など〉‘を'『動かす』 / …‘を'経営する,運営する;〈株など〉‘を'売買する
- (元の場所から)…‘を'無理に押しのける(取り外す,追い出す)《+『名』+『from』+『名』》
- (機械の)駆動軸
- 推進する,伝動の,駆動の / 猛烈な,激しい / 精力的な,勢いのよい / 効果的な,強力な / (自動車)運転の
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/18 21:12:30」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 自動車を運転すること。
- コンピュータの分野で、補助記憶用ディスクの駆動装置のこと。補助記憶装置やディスクドライブを参照。
- 転じて、補助記憶装置の識別用の文字(ドライブレター)。
- テニス、卓球、ゴルフ、野球などで、強いトップスピンを与えた打球のこと。
- バスケットボールの用語。ドリブルでディフェンスを抜き、ゴール方向へ進むこと。その際、特に素早い動きのこと。
- バドミントンのストロークの一つ。シャトルをネットと平行に近い角度で相手コートへ打つストロークのこと。
- ソケットレンチの差込角のこと。
- DRIVE (映画) - 2001年公開の日本映画。
- ドライヴ - 2011年公開のアメリカ映画。
- 楽曲、アルバム
- ドライブ - ケツメイシの楽曲。アルバム『ケツノポリス4』に収録。
- DRIVE-GLAY complete BEST - GLAYのベスト・アルバム。
- DRIVE (SEAMOの曲) - SEAMOのシングル曲。
- drive (甲斐名都の曲) - 甲斐名都のシングル曲。
- D-LIVE (テレビ番組) - 1997年10月から1998年3月まで放送された、テレビ東京の深夜番組。
- D-LIVE!! - 皆川亮二の漫画作品。
- D.R.I.V.E.(Dynamic Resolution Intensive Vector Enhancement) - ケンウッドが開発した音声用プロセッサ。
- D-Rive - プラチナムプロダクション所属の2人組女性アイドルグループ。
- 仮面ライダードライブ - 自動車に乗って戦う特撮ヒーロー。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up drive in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Drive may refer to:
- Driving, the act of controlling a vehicle
- Road, an identifiable thoroughfare, route, way or path between two places
- Road trip, a journey on roads
- Driveway, a private road for local access to structures
- Drive (charity), a campaign to collect items other than money
- Hunting or game drive
- Blood drive
- Lake Shore Drive or "The Drive", an expressway in Chicago
- 1 Behavior and psychology
- 2 Film and television
- 3 Literature
- 4 Music
- 4.1 Albums
- 4.2 Songs
- 4.3 Radio stations
- 5 Sports
- 6 Technology
- 7 See also
Behavior and psychology
- Drive theory, a diverse set of motivational theories in psychology
- Motivation, the internal condition that activates behavior and gives it direction
- Drive reduction theory (learning theory)
- Prey drive, the instinctive behavior of a carnivore to pursue and capture prey
Film and television
- Drive (1974 film), a classic gay pornographic movie
- Drive (1998 film), a direct-to-video action film
- Drive (2002 film), a Japanese film starring Ren Osugi
- Drive (2011 film), an American crime drama film starring Ryan Gosling
- Drive (2007 TV series), a 2007 American action drama
- Drive (web series), a 2012 YouTube original-content automotive series
- "Drive" (The X-Files), a 1998 episode of The X-Files
- "Drive" (Star Trek: Voyager), a 2000 episode of Star Trek: Voyager
- "Drive", a 2013 episode of NCIS: Los Angeles
- The Drive (TV series), an American documentary series on sports in the Pacific-12 Conference
- Kamen Rider Drive, a 2014-2015 tokusatsu series
- drive: the scifi comic, a webcomic by Dave Kellett
- Drive: The Story of My Life, an autobiography by Larry Bird
- Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, a 2009 book by Daniel H. Pink
- Drive (band), an American metal and hard rock band
- Drive (Alan Jackson album), or the title song (see below), 2002
- Drive (Anneke van Giersbergen album), 2013
- Drive (Béla Fleck album), 1988
- Drive (Bic Runga album), or the title song, 1997
- Drive (Robert Palmer album), 2003
- Drive (Russ Freeman album), 2002
- Drive (Scott Grimes album), 2010
- Drive (Steve Wariner album), or the title song, 1993
- Drives (Lonnie Smith album), 1970
- Drive (Poisonblack album), 2011
- Drive: Glay Complete Best, by Glay, 2000
- Drive: Nike + Original Run, by The Crystal Method, or the title song, 2006
- The Drive (album), by Haddaway, 1995
- Drive, by Roy Ayers, 1992
- Drive (Gareth Emery album), 2014
- "Drive" (The Cars song), 1984
- "Drive" (Cheyenne Jackson song), 2012
- "Drive" (Client song), 2007
- "Drive" (Incubus song), 2000
- "Drive" (R.E.M. song), 1992
- "Drive" (Shannon Noll song), 2004
- "Drive" (Miley Cyrus song), 2013
- "Drive (For Daddy Gene)", by Alan Jackson
- "Drive", by Bobby McFerrin from Don't Worry, Be Happy
- "Drive", by Daft Punk
- "Drive", by The Gaslight Anthem from Sink or Swim
- "Drive", by Joe 90 from Dream This
- "Drive", by Pepper from Pink Crustaceans and Good Vibrations
- "Drive", by The Chevin from Borderland
- "Drive", by U-Turn featuring Richard Poon
- "Drive", by Vanessa Hudgens from V
- "Drive (For all Time)", by Westlife from World of Our Own
- "Drive", by Geoffrey Williams 1997
Radio stations
- WDRV (The Drive, 97.1 FM), a Chicago classic rock station
- WFLB, a radio station licensed to Laurinburg, North Carolina, United States and called The Drive from 2005 to 2011
- WVSC (FM) (103.1 The Drive), a South Carolina classic hits station
- Drive (American football), a continuous set of offensive plays
- Drive (baseball), a line drive, and related meanings
- Drive (cricket), a straight-batted shot
- Drive (golf), in golf stroke mechanics, a long-distance shot from the tee
- The Drive, in American football, an offensive series in the January 1987 AFC Championship Game
- The Drive (TV series), an American documentary series on sports in the Pacific-12 Conference
- Disk drive, a computer storage device
- Floppy disk drive, a computer storage device
- Hard disk drive, a computer storage device
- Optical disc drive, a computer storage device
- Solid-state drive, a computer storage device
- USB flash drive, a computer storage device
- A spacecraft propulsion device
- An automobile transmission device
- In a motor controller, an electronic device providing power to a motor or servo
- Variable-frequency drive
- List of screw drives, a screw drive
See also
- All pages with titles containing "Drive"
- Driver (disambiguation)
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English Journal
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- Archives of osteoporosis.Arch Osteoporos.2015 Dec;10(1):210. doi: 10.1007/s11657-015-0210-y. Epub 2015 Mar 10.
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- Google ドライブを使って写真や動画など、さまざまなファイルをバックアップ。安全なクラウド ストレージに保管されているファイルにどこからでもアクセスできます。 ... さまざまなファイルを保存 ドライブでは Google の ...
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- (固定位置から)無理に移動させる(押しのける、取り除く)(remove)。(隠れ場所・拠点などから)追い払う、追い出す(drive)
- 関
- abstract、abstraction、delete、deletion、eliminate、elimination、evacuation、extrude、obliteration、obviate、removal、remove、scavenge
- dislodgement/dislodgment
- 手術する、操作する、操縦する、運用する、作動する、機能する
- 関
- action、drive、engineer、function、functional、functionalise、functionalize、manipulate、manipulation、operating、operation、steering、surgery
- 関
- drive、engineer、intervention、manipulation、measure、operate、operation、steering、transaction、treat、treatment
- 英
- steering、drive、operate、manipulate
- 関
- 機能、作動、手術、処置、操作、マニピュレーション、マニピュレート、運用、運転、駆り立てる、ドライブ、舵取り
- 関
- drive、manipulate、operate
- 関
- needle carrier、needle holder