- of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondary; "primary goals"; "a primary effect"; "primary sources"; "a primary interest"
- a preliminary election where delegates or nominees are chosen (同)primary_election
- one of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a birds wing (同)primary feather, primary quill
- (astronomy) a celestial body (especially a star) relative to other objects in orbit around it
- not derived from or reducible to something else; basic; "a primary instinct"
- act later than planned, scheduled, or required; "Dont delay your application to graduate school or else it wont be considered"
- time during which some action is awaited; "instant replay caused too long a delay"; "he ordered a hold in the action" (同)hold, time_lag, postponement, wait
- the act of delaying; inactivity resulting in something being put off until a later time (同)holdup
- cause to be slowed down or delayed; "Traffic was delayed by the bad weather"; "she delayed the work that she didnt want to perform" (同)detain, hold_up
- terminate debate by calling for a vote; "debate was closured"; "cloture the discussion" (同)cloture
- termination of operations; "they regretted the closure of the day care center" (同)closedown, closing, shutdown
- a rule for limiting or ending debate in a deliberative body (同)cloture, gag rule, gag_law
- a Gestalt principle of organization holding that there is an innate tendency to perceive incomplete objects as complete and to close or fill gaps and to perceive asymmetric stimuli as symmetric (同)law of closure
- not as far along as normal in development
- 『第一の』,『主要な』 / 『初期の』,『初等の』,初級の / 『根本的な』,基本的な,本来の,直接的な / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(回路・コイル・巻き・電流などが)一次の / 原色(三原色の一つ) / 《米》=primary election
- …'を'『延期する』,延ばす / 〈事故などが〉…'を'『遅らせる』 / 『ぐずぐずする』,『手間取る』 / 『遅れ』,遅延 / 『延期』,猶予
- 〈U〉閉鎖;閉店,休業 / 〈U〉終止,終局 / 〈C〉《英》=cloture
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English Journal
- Delayed Wound Dehiscence of Anterior Knee Incisions in Patients Aged 20 Years and Younger: A Comparison of Subcutaneous Skin Closure.
- Salib CG1, Smith JC, Siow N, Luhmann SJ.
- Journal of pediatric orthopedics.J Pediatr Orthop.2017 Dec;37(8):543-546. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000000706.
- PMID 26650578
- The Surgical Management of Bladder Polyps in the Setting of Exstrophy Epispadias Complex.
- Jayman J1, Tourchi A1, Shabaninia M1, Maruf M1, DiCarlo H1, Gearhart JP2.
- Urology.Urology.2017 Nov;109:171-174. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2017.06.023. Epub 2017 Jun 23.
- PMID 28652161
Japanese Journal
- 腹部大動脈瘤破裂におけるopen abdominal managementの意義について
- 森本 直人,向原 伸彦,邉見 宗一郎,西岡 成知,福隅 正臣,村上 博久,本多 祐,中桐 啓太郎,吉田 正人
- 脈管学 52(May), 253-258, 2012
- 腹部大動脈瘤破裂126例を対象に治療戦略変更の妥当性を検討した。2008年から閉腹により腹腔内圧が上昇すると予想される症例では,abdominal compartment syndromeの予防目的で積極的にopen abdominal managementを施行した。治療方針変更後,手術死亡は31%から8%へ,腸管虚血・壊死の合併率も24%から4%と著明に改善した。
- NAID 130001922102
- Management of Open Abdomen with an Absorbable Mesh Closure
- Surgery today : the Japanese journal of surgery 41(1), 72-78, 2011-01-01
- NAID 10027818692
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- 一次の、第一次の、主要な、(化学)第一級の、一級の、初生の、(病名)原発性の、原発の、プライマリーの
- 関
- cardinal、chief、first-order、foremost、main、mainly、major、master、primarily、principal、principally
- 関
- delayed-type、late、late-onset、protracted、tardive、tardus、tardy
- 関
- atresia、close、cyclization、cyclize、occlude、occlusion、ring closure、ring-closing
- 関
- lag、retard、retardation