- 関
- genital、reproduction、reproductive
- having the ability to produce or originate; "generative power"; "generative forces" (同)productive
- producing new life or offspring; "the reproductive potential of a species is its relative capacity to reproduce itself under optimal conditions"; "the reproductive or generative organs" (同)procreative, reproductive
- the process of generating offspring
- the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring (同)procreation, breeding, facts_of_life
- the act of making copies; "Gutenbergs reproduction of holy texts was far more efficient" (同)replication
- recall that is hypothesized to work by storing the original stimulus input and reproducing it during recall (同)reproductive memory
- of or relating to the external sex organs; "genital herpes"; "venereal disease" (同)venereal
- 発生の,生殖の;生成力(繁殖力)のある
- 〈U〉繁殖,生殖[作用] / 〈U〉(…を)再生(再現)すること;模写(複製)すること《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉再生(再現)された物,複写(複製)した物
- 生殖の,生殖器の
- 生殖の,繁殖の / 再生の,再現の
- 更生させる / 刷新する / (生物が)再生する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/07/04 11:55:00」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Generative may refer to:
- Generative actor, a person who instigates social change
- Generative art, art that has been generated, composed, or constructed in an algorithmic manner
- Generative music, music that is ever-different and changing, and that is created by a system
Math and science
- Generative Anthropology, a field of study based on the theory that history of human culture is a genetic or "generative" development stemming from the development of language
- Generative model, a model for randomly generating observable data in probability and statistics
- Generative programming, a type of computer programming in which some mechanism generates a computer program to allow human programmers write code at a higher abstraction level
- Generative sciences, an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary science that explores the natural world and its complex behaviours as a generative process
- Generative systems, systems that use a few basic rules to yield patterns which can be extremely varied and unpredictable
- Generative grammar, a set of rules predicting which combinations of words will form grammatical sentences
- Generative Lexicon, a theory of semantics which focuses on the distributed nature of compositionality in natural language
- Generative linguistics, a school of thought within linguistics that makes use of the concept of a generative grammar
- Generative principle, the idea in foreign language teaching that humans have the capacity to generate an infinite number of phrases from a finite grammatical competence
- Generative semantics, an approach developed from transformational generative grammar that assumes that deep structures are the sole input to semantic interpretation
See also[edit]
- Generate (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Bilayer Sparse Topic Model for Scene Analysis in Imbalanced Surveillance Videos.
- Wang J, Fu W, Lu H, Ma S.
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- Appetite.Appetite.2014 Nov 1;82C:8-15. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2014.06.108. Epub 2014 Jul 2.
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Japanese Journal
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- 生成論/本文研究 (フォーラム 方法論の現在(2))
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- 関
- breed、breeding、copy、duplicate、duplication、generative、genital、multiply、playback、propagate、propagation、recycle、regenerate、regeneration、regrow、regrowth、renaturation、renature、renew、renewal、replicate、replication、replicational、replicative、representation、reproduce、reproductive、reproductive period
- 関
- accessory sex organ、generative、genital organ、genital tract、genitalia、genitalium、reproduction、reproductive、reproductive organ、sexual organ
- 関
- generative、genital、reproduction
- 関
- nerve degeneration、neurodegeneration