- 関
- accomplish、accomplishment、achieve、attain、attainment、outcome、product、result、succeed、success、successfully
- issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.); end; "result in tragedy" (同)ensue
- come about or follow as a consequence; "nothing will result from this meeting"
- something that results; "he listened for the results on the radio" (同)resultant, final result, outcome, termination
- a chemical substance formed as a result of a chemical reaction; "a product of lime and nitric acid"
- a consequence of someones efforts or of a particular set of circumstances; "skill is the product of hours of practice"; "his reaction was the product of hunger and fatigue"
- an artifact that has been created by someone or some process; "they improve their product every year"; "they export most of their agricultural production" (同)production
- a quantity obtained by multiplication; "the product of 2 and 3 is 6" (同)mathematical product
- attain success or reach a desired goal; "The enterprise succeeded"; "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"; "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won" (同)win, come through, bring home the bacon, deliver the goods
- be the successor (of); "Carter followed Ford"; "Will Charles succeed to the throne?" (同)come after, follow
- a state of prosperity or fame; "he is enjoying great success"; "he does not consider wealth synonymous with success"
- an attainment that is successful; "his success in the marathon was unexpected"; "his new play was a great success"
- an event that accomplishes its intended purpose; "lets call heads a success and tails a failure"; "the election was a remarkable success for the Whigs"
- arrival at a new stage; "his attainment of puberty was delayed by malnutrition"
- the act of achieving an aim; "the attainment of independence"
- poorer than expected performance (poorer than might have been predicted from intelligence tests)
- better than expected performance (better than might have been predicted from intelligence tests)
- 〈U〉(…の)『成就』(じょうじゅ),達成《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉『業績』,功績,達成されたこと
- 〈C〉〈U〉『結果』,結末;成果,効果 / 《複数形で》(試験・競技などの)『成績』 / (…の)『結果起こる』(『生じる』)《+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (…という)『結果になる』,(…に)終わる(end)《+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 『産物』;製品 / (…の)結果,帰結《+『of』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (数の)積 / (化学の)生成物
- 〈計画などが〉『成功する』,うまくいく / 〈人が〉(…に)『成功する』《+in+名(doing)》 / 〈人が〉(…を)『継承する』,相続する《+to+名》 / 〈物事が〉続く,後に来る / 〈人〉‘の'『後任となる』 / …‘に'『続く』
- 〈U〉『成功』,好結果,上首尾 / 〈U〉富(地位,名声)を得ること,成功,立身,出世・〈C〉『成功した人(物,事)』・うまく行くこと・成功者
- 〈U〉(目的などを)『達成すること』,(…への)到達《+『of』+『名』》 / 《しばしば複数形で》学識,技能
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/05/30 18:14:10」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
An achievement is similar to an accomplishment.
Achievement may refer to:
- Achievement (heraldry) or coat of arms, a design belonging to a particular person or group of people
- Achievement (video gaming) - A system of meta-goals defined outside of a video or computer game's narrative or direct challenge structur
- Achievement a price or recognition
See also [edit]
- Achievement test for student assessment
- Achiever
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English Journal
- Optimizing fluid management in patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF): the emerging role of combined measurement of body hydration status and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels.
- Valle R, Aspromonte N, Milani L, Peacock FW, Maisel AS, Santini M, Ronco C.SourceHeart Failure Unit, Ospedale Civile, Chioggia-Venezia, Italy.
- Heart failure reviews.Heart Fail Rev.2011 Nov;16(6):519-29.
- The study tests the hypothesis that in patients admitted with acutely decompensated heart failure (ADHF), achievement of adequate body hydration status with intensive medical therapy, modulated by combined bioelectrical vectorial impedance analysis (BIVA) and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) measure
- PMID 21604179
- Does sensitivity to criticism mediate the relationship between theory of mind and academic achievement?
- Lecce S, Caputi M, Hughes C.SourceDepartment of Psychology, University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy.
- Journal of experimental child psychology.J Exp Child Psychol.2011 Nov;110(3):313-31. Epub 2011 May 31.
- This study adds to the growing research on school outcomes associated with individual differences in preschoolers' theory of mind skills by considering whether "costs" of theory of mind (e.g., sensitivity to criticism) actually help to foster children's academic achievement. A group of 60 Italian ch
- PMID 21624614
- Sonication improves kasturi lime (Citrus microcarpa) juice quality.
- Bhat R, Kamaruddin NS, Min-Tze L, Karim AA.SourceFood Technology Division, School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang 11800, Malaysia. rajeevbhat1304@gmail.com
- Ultrasonics sonochemistry.Ultrason Sonochem.2011 Nov;18(6):1295-300. Epub 2011 Apr 23.
- Freshly squeezed kasturi lime fruit juice was sonicated (for 0, 30 and 60min at 20°C, 25kHz frequency) to evaluate its impact on selected physico-chemical and antioxidant properties, such as pH, °Brix, titratable acidity, Hunter color values (L(?), a(?), b(?)), ascorbic acid, DPPH radical sc
- PMID 21550834
Japanese Journal
- マルチコア・メニーコア混在型並列計算機向けOSの構想
- 佐藤 未来子,辻田 祐一,堀 敦史,並木 美太郎
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム] 2011-OS-118(6), 1-6, 2011-07-20
- ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング (HPC) の分野では,ペタフロップス級のスーパーコンピュータ開発が現実のものとなり,エクサフロップス,ゼッタフロップスという単位のシステム開発が次の技術課題となっている.本研究では,エクサコンピュータの実現に向けて,今後 HPC の主流となるメニーコアアーキテクチャを有効活用するための基盤ソフトウェアの研究開発を行っている.従来のマルチコアアーキテクチャを汎 …
- NAID 110008583270
- 2010年度喜安記念業績賞紹介 : 第3世代携帯電話向けの分散型音声認識システムの実用化
- 2010年度喜安記念業績賞紹介 : H.264映像符号化の実装と普及による豊かな映像社会の実現を目指して
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- (SV from O)(物・事が)から結果として生ずる。~に起因する、由来する。
- (SV in O / SV doing)(物・事が)~に終わる。~という結果になる、帰着する。
- 関
- accomplishment, achievement, ascribable, ascribe, attribute, consequence, corollary, eventuate, outcome, output, performance, product, reside, resultant, sequence
- (成り行きが注目される物・事の最終的な)(~の)結果(として生じた事態)。(具体的な)成果(of)
- (医)転帰
- 関
- accomplishment, achievement, consequence, outlook, output, performance, product, prognoses, prognosis, prognostic, result, resultant, sequence
- 英
- product、outcome、result、achievement、accomplishment
- 関
- 帰する、帰着、結果、産物、成功、生成物、成績、達成、予後、業績、成績体、製品、結果として生じる、研究結果、研究成果、転帰
- 関
- accomplishment、achievement、consequence、outcome、output、result、resultant、sequence
- 関
- accomplish、accomplishment、achieve、achievement、amount、arrive、attainment、come、fulfill、play、reach、serve
- 同
- AT
- (学習到達度を測るための)学力テスト、学力試験、技能判定試験、アチーブメントテスト