- 関
- accomplish、accomplishment、achievement、attain、attainment、fulfill、play、serve
- to gain with effort; "she achieved her goal despite setbacks" (同)accomplish, attain, reach
- use to ones advantage; "She plays on her clients emotions"
- engage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously; "They played games on their opponents"; "play the stock market"; "play with her feelings"; "toy with an idea" (同)toy
- a state in which action is feasible; "the ball was still in play"; "insiders said the companys stock was in play"
- exhaust by allowing to pull on the line; "play a hooked fish"
- activity by children that is guided more by imagination than by fixed rules; "Freud believed in the utility of play to a small child" (同)child''s play
- gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement; "it was all done in play"; "their frolic in the surf threatened to become ugly" (同)frolic, romp, gambol, caper
- the act using a sword (or other weapon) vigorously and skillfully (同)swordplay
- a preset plan of action in team sports; "the coach drew up the plays for her team"
- utilization or exercise; "the play of the imagination"
- a dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage; "he wrote several plays but only one was produced on Broadway" (同)drama, dramatic play
- a theatrical performance of a drama; "the play lasted two hours"
- engage in recreational activities rather than work; occupy oneself in a diversion; "On weekends I play"; "The students all recreate alike" (同)recreate
- cause to emit recorded audio or video; "They ran the tapes over and over again"; "Ill play you my favorite record"; "He never tires of playing that video" (同)run
- replay (as a melody); "Play it again, Sam"; "She played the third movement very beautifully" (同)spiel
- act or have an effect in a specified way or with a specific effect or outcome; "This factor played only a minor part in his decision"; "This development played into her hands"; "I played no role in your dismissal"
- be at play; be engaged in playful activity; amuse oneself in a way characteristic of children; "The kids were playing outside all day"; "I used to play with trucks as a little girl"
- be performed or presented for public viewing; "Whats playing in the local movie theater?"; "`Cats has been playing on Broadway for many years"
- be received or accepted or interpreted in a specific way; "This speech didnt play well with the American public"; "His remarks played to the suspicions of the committee"
- behave in a certain way; "play safe"; "play it safe"; "play fair"
- bet or wager (money); "He played $20 on the new horse"; "She plays the races"
- cause to move or operate freely within a bounded space; "The engine has a wheel that is playing in a rack"
- discharge or direct or be discharged or directed as if in a continuous stream; "play water from a hose"; "The fountains played all day"
- emit recorded sound; "The tape was playing for hours"; "the stereo was playing Beethoven when I entered"
- employ in a game or in a specific position; "They played him on first base"
- make bets; "Play the races"; "play the casinos in Trouville"
- move or seem to move quickly, lightly, or irregularly; "The spotlights played on the politicians"
- participate in games or sport; "We played hockey all afternoon"; "play cards"; "Pele played for the Brazilian teams in many important matches"
- perform music on (a musical instrument); "He plays the flute"; "Can you play on this old recorder?"
- perform on a certain location; "The prodigy played Carnegie Hall at the age of 16"; "She has been playing on Broadway for years"
- play on an instrument; "The band played all night long"
- pretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity; "Lets play like I am mommy"; "Play cowboy and Indians"
- put (a card or piece) into play during a game, or act strategically as if in a card game; "He is playing his cards close to his chest"; "The Democrats still have some cards to play before they will concede the electoral victory"
- shoot or hit in a particular manner; "She played a good backhand last night"
- use or move; "I had to play my queen"
- put the ball into play; "It was Agassis turn to serve"
- (sports) a stroke that puts the ball in play; "his powerful serves won the game" (同)service
- work for or be a servant to; "May I serve you?"; "She attends the old lady in the wheelchair"; "Can you wait on our table, please?"; "Is a salesperson assisting you?"; "The minister served the King for many years" (同)attend_to, wait on, attend, assist
- spend time in prison or in a labor camp; "He did six years for embezzlement" (同)do
- serve a purpose, role, or function; "The tree stump serves as a table"; "The female students served as a control group"; "This table would serve very well"; "His freedom served him well"; "The table functions as a desk" (同)function
- help to some food; help with food or drink; "I served him three times, and after that he helped himself" (同)help
- deliver a warrant or summons to someone; "He was processed by the sheriff" (同)process, swear out
- provide (usually but not necessarily food); "We serve meals for the homeless"; "She dished out the soup at 8 P.M."; "The entertainers served up a lively show" (同)serve up, dish out, dish up, dish
- promote, benefit, or be useful or beneficial to; "Art serves commerce"; "Their interests are served"; "The lake serves recreation"; "The Presidents wisdom has served the country well" (同)serve well
- mate with; "male animals serve the females for breeding purposes" (同)service
- contribute or conduce to; "The scandal served to increase his popularity"
- devote (part of) ones life or efforts to, as of countries, institutions, or ideas; "She served the art of music"; "He served the church"; "serve the country"
- do duty or hold offices; serve in a specific function; "He served as head of the department for three years"; "She served in Congress for two terms"
- do military service; "She served in Vietnam"; "My sons never served, because they are short-sighted"
- show in ones face; "Her surprise did not register"
- a book in which names and transactions are listed
- (computer science) memory device that is the part of computer memory that has a specific address and that is used to hold information of a specific kind
- (music) the timbre that is characteristic of a certain range and manner of production of the human voice or of different pipe organ stops or of different musical instruments
- a regulator (as a sliding plate) for regulating the flow of air into a furnace or other heating device
- an air passage (usually in the floor or a wall of a room) for admitting or excluding heated air from the room
- an official written record of names or events or transactions (同)registry
- enroll to vote; "register for an election"
- enter into someones consciousness; "Did this event register in your parents minds?"
- manipulate the registers of an organ
- record in writing; enter into a book of names or events or transactions
- send by registered mail; "Id like to register this letter"
- arrival at a new stage; "his attainment of puberty was delayed by malnutrition"
- the act of achieving an aim; "the attainment of independence"
- perform less well or with less success than expected; "John consistently underachieves, although he is very able"; "My stocks underperformed last year" (同)underperform
- poorer than expected performance (poorer than might have been predicted from intelligence tests)
- a student who does not perform as well as expected or as well as the IQ indicates (同)underperformer, nonachiever
- a student who attains higher standards than the IQ indicated
- 〈目標など〉'を'『達成する』,‘に'到達する / 〈勝利・名声・地位など〉'を'獲得する,勝ち取る
- 〈おもに子供が〉(…をして)『遊ぶ』,戯れる《『+at+名(doing)』》 / 『競技(試合)をする』;かけ事をする / 《状態を表す副詞を伴って》勝負する / (劇・映画・テレビで)『演ずる』,役をする / (劇場・テレビで)上演される;〈台本が〉上演できる / (楽器を)『演奏する』《『+on(upon)+名』》 / 〈楽器・音楽が〉演奏される,〈レコード・ラジオなどが〉鳴る / 〈人・動物,木の葉・炎,光・色彩などが〉遊び戯れるように動き回る / 〈水・砲火などが〉(…に)続けざまに放射する《『+on(upon)+名』》 / 〈機械の一部が〉自由に動く / (…と)浮気をする《+『around』(《英》『about』)『with』+『名』》 / (…と)〈競技・ゲーム〉‘を'『する』《+『名』〈競技・ゲーム〉+『with』+『名』》 / 〈人・チーム〉‘と'『試合する』,勝負する / 〈金〉‘を'かける;〈競走馬など〉‘に'かける / (競技・試合で)…‘の'ポジションを守る / (競技・勝負で)〈選手〉‘を'起用する,〈カードなど〉‘を'出す / …‘の'『まねをして遊ぶ』,…ごっこをする / 〈役〉‘を'『演ずる』,…‘の'役を演じる / (実生活で)…‘の'『役割を務める』,…らしくふるまう;…‘に'なりすます / 〈劇など〉‘を'公演する;〈ある場所〉‘で'興行する / 〈いたずら・詐欺など〉‘を'『働く』,しかける / 〈楽器〉‘を'『演奏する』,ひく;〈レコード・ラジオ〉‘を'かける / 〈楽曲〉‘を'『演奏する』,かける / (…に)〈水・砲火・光など〉‘を'続けざまに浴びせる《『+名+on(over, along)+名』》 / 〈C〉『演劇』,芝居;『戯曲』,脚本 / 〈U〉『遊び』,遊戯 / 〈U〉冗談,戯れ,ふざけ(fun, jest) / 〈U〉『競技』,試合;かけ事 / 〈C〉(競技での個々の)動き,プレー;〈U〉競技の番 / 〈U〉試合ぶり;(一般に)行動,行為 / 〈U〉〈C〉遊び戯れるような軽快な動き / 〈U〉(思考力などの)豆き;(機械などの)活動 / 〈U〉動きの自由;(機械の)あそび
- 〈人が〉〈人〉‘に'『仕える』,‘の'役に立つ;〈社会など〉‘に'尽くす / 〈神・君主など〉‘に'仕える,服従する / (公職・兵役などで)〈ある期間〉‘を'『勤める』,〈判決・刑罰など〉‘に'『服する』 / 〈要求など〉‘を'満たす,〈目的など〉‘に'かなう / 〈物が〉(…として)〈人〉‘の'役に立つ《+『名』〈人〉+『as』(『for』)+『名』》 / 〈食事・飲物など〉‘を'出す,〈人〉‘に'配膳する / (規則的にまたは引き続いて)(…を)…‘に'供給する《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (テニス・バレーなどで)〈ボール〉‘を'サーブする / (人に)〈令状など〉‘を'送達する《+『名』+『on』+『名』〈人〉》;(令状などを)〈人〉‘に'送達する《+『名』〈人〉+『with』+『名』》 / (また『service』)〈動物が〉…‘と'交尾する / (…として…のもとで)『仕える』,勤務する《+『under』(『at, on』)+『名』+『as』+『名』》 / 『役立つ』,利用できる / 『給仕をする』,食事をすすめる / 〈天候・時間などが〉都合がよい / (テニスなどで)ボールをサーブする / (テニスなどの)サープ[の番],サープの仕方
- (氏名・出生などの)『登録』,届;記録 / 『登記簿』,『名簿』 / 自動登録機,レジスター / (暖房器などの)空調装置 / 音域,声域;(オルガンの)ストップ・…‘を'『記録する』 / …‘を'『登録する』,名簿に入れる / 〈郵便物〉‘を'書留にする / 〈機械・器具が〉…‘を'示す / 〈表情などが〉‘を'表す / (…に)『記録する』,記名する《+『with』(『at, in』)+『名』》 / (…に)『登録する』;(…の)選挙人名簿に登録する;(…に)入学する《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈物事が〉心に残る,感銘を与える
- 〈U〉(目的などを)『達成すること』,(…への)到達《+『of』+『名』》 / 《しばしば複数形で》学識,技能
- 〈目的・望みなど〉'を'『達成する』,獲得する(gain, accomplish) / 〈高い所・ある年齢など〉‘に'『達する』(reach, come to) / (努力して)(…に)到達する《+『to』+『名』》
- (特に学業で)水準以下の成績をとる
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/07/14 05:50:41」(JST)
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Achievement may refer to:
- Achievement (heraldry) or coat of arms, a design belonging to a particular person or group of people
- Achievement (video gaming) - A system of meta-goals defined outside a video or computer game's narrative or direct challenge structure
See also
- Achievement test for student assessment
- Achiever
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English Journal
- Quality matters! Differences between expressive and receptive non-verbal communication skills in adolescents with ASD.
- Grossman RB, Tager-Flusberg H.SourceEmerson College, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, 120 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116.
- Research in autism spectrum disorders.Res Autism Spectr Disord.2013 Jul;6(3):1150-1155.
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- Understanding the health beliefs and practices of East african refugees.
- Simmelink J, Lightfoot E, Dube A, Blevins J, Lum T.SourceUniversity of Minnesota School of Social Work, St. Paul, MN, USA. simm0055@umn.edu.
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- achieveとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)1 〈仕事・目的・計画などを〉(努力して)達成する,なし遂げる( 努力を伴う経過に重点がある. ⇒ACCOMPLISH)achieve one's aim目的を遂げる.2 〈栄誉・名声などを〉(努力して)かち取る,獲得する ...
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- 登記/登録する(as)。学籍簿/選挙人名簿に登録する。記録する。書留にする。心に銘記する。理解する。
- (温度計などが)示す、(機会が)記録する
- (驚き、喜びなどを)表す
- はっきりと示す、表明する
- (軍)(放火を)目標に向けて修正する。(楽)(オルガン曲)に合わせてストップを選ぶ。(印)(表裏の印刷面など)の検討を合わせる。
- (商船を)船名録で証明する
- 達成する(achieve)
- 関
- enroll、enrollment、record、registration、registry、statement
- (任務を)果たす、役立つ、貢献する、勤める、奉仕する
- 関
- achieve、attain、avail、available、conducive、contribute、contribution、fulfill、help、helpful、instrumental、play、serviceable、subserve、useful、valuable
- 英
- achieve、(役割を)play、(任務を)serve、attain、fulfill
- 関
- 貢献、達する、達成、満たす、役立つ、成し遂げる、奉仕、履行、遊ぶ、演ずる、勤める
- 関
- achieve、attain、fulfill、serve
- 関
- accomplish、accomplishment、achieve、achievement、amount、arrive、attainment、come、fulfill、play、reach、serve
- 関
- accomplish、accomplishment、achieve、attain、attainment、outcome、product、result、succeed、success、successfully
- 同
- AT
- (学習到達度を測るための)学力テスト、学力試験、技能判定試験、アチーブメントテスト