- following immediately and as a result of what went before; "ensuing events confirmed the prediction"
- 続いて起こる,すぐ後ろに続く / (…の)結果として起こる《+『from』+『名』》
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- 1. 腫瘍随伴性小脳変性症 paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration
- 2. 特発性浮腫 idiopathic edema
- 3. 特発性細菌性腹膜炎の病因 pathogenesis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
- 4. 新生児腕神経叢麻痺 neonatal brachial plexus palsy
- 5. 腎性尿崩症の治療 treatment of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
English Journal
- Reverse Remodelling of the Atria After Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure: Evidence from Electro-mechanical and Endocrine Markers.
- Müller P1, Grabowski C2, Schiedat F3, Shin DI4, Dietrich JW5, Mügge A6, Deneke T1, Walther JW2, Kara K7.
- Heart, lung & circulation.Heart Lung Circ.2016 Jan;25(1):53-60. doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2015.05.004. Epub 2015 Jun 6.
- BACKGROUND: Recent studies have suggested a strong association between obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and atrial fibrillation (AF). However, the impact of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy on reverse atrial remodelling in patients with OSA is poorly understood. We aimed to determine
- PMID 26184126
- Glucans monomer-exchange dynamics as an open chemical network.
- Rao R1, Lacoste D2, Esposito M1.
- The Journal of chemical physics.J Chem Phys.2015 Dec 28;143(24):244903. doi: 10.1063/1.4938009.
- We describe the oligosaccharides-exchange dynamics performed by the so-called D-enzymes on polysaccharides. To mimic physiological conditions, we treat this process as an open chemical network by assuming some of the polymer concentrations fixed (chemostatting). We show that three different long-tim
- PMID 26723707
- Misuse and Associated Harms of Quetiapine and Other Atypical Antipsychotics.
- Montebello ME1,2, Brett J3.
- Current topics in behavioral neurosciences.Curr Top Behav Neurosci.2015 Dec 23. [Epub ahead of print]
- Recent years have seen a significant increase in the reports of atypical antipsychotic diversion, misuse and even dependency syndrome. These reports have arisen amidst a marked increase in prescribing of these agents. Much of this increase in prescribing is because of a preferential use of these med
- PMID 26695164
Japanese Journal
- 谷口 英樹,武部 貴則
- 移植 50(1), 024-030, 2015
- … Although efforts must ensue to translate these techniques to treatments for patients, this proof-of-concept demonstration of organ-bud transplantation provides a promising new approach to a critical shortage of donor organs for treating end-stage organ failures. …
- NAID 130005064491
- 体育学の全体像および独自性の解明に向けた試論:ルネ・デカルトにおける「学問の樹」を手がかりとして
- 林 洋輔
- 体育学研究 advpub(0), 2015
- … More enlightened discussion can ensue by reconsidering the concept of taiiku (which is different from Physical Education) and the identity of Taiiku-gaku researchers. …
- NAID 130005061361
- 孫 美〓
- 年報経営分析研究 (30), 58-67, 2014-03-31
- 本稿の目的は,内部統制報告制度が日本の経済社会の中でどのような効果を果たしているのかについて分析することである。当該研究は個別の事例を用いた定性的研究であるため企業一般に拡大して解釈することはできないものの,問題を企業別に具体的に分析することによって制度導入における問題の所在を発見することができる。本研究は日本企業を分析対象として内部統制報告制度の導入効果の解明に挑んだところに貢献があると考えられ …
- NAID 110009816861
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