- 関
- achieve、attain、fill、fulfillment、play、serve
- use to ones advantage; "She plays on her clients emotions"
- engage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously; "They played games on their opponents"; "play the stock market"; "play with her feelings"; "toy with an idea" (同)toy
- a state in which action is feasible; "the ball was still in play"; "insiders said the companys stock was in play"
- exhaust by allowing to pull on the line; "play a hooked fish"
- activity by children that is guided more by imagination than by fixed rules; "Freud believed in the utility of play to a small child" (同)child''s play
- gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement; "it was all done in play"; "their frolic in the surf threatened to become ugly" (同)frolic, romp, gambol, caper
- the act using a sword (or other weapon) vigorously and skillfully (同)swordplay
- a preset plan of action in team sports; "the coach drew up the plays for her team"
- utilization or exercise; "the play of the imagination"
- a dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage; "he wrote several plays but only one was produced on Broadway" (同)drama, dramatic play
- a theatrical performance of a drama; "the play lasted two hours"
- engage in recreational activities rather than work; occupy oneself in a diversion; "On weekends I play"; "The students all recreate alike" (同)recreate
- cause to emit recorded audio or video; "They ran the tapes over and over again"; "Ill play you my favorite record"; "He never tires of playing that video" (同)run
- replay (as a melody); "Play it again, Sam"; "She played the third movement very beautifully" (同)spiel
- act or have an effect in a specified way or with a specific effect or outcome; "This factor played only a minor part in his decision"; "This development played into her hands"; "I played no role in your dismissal"
- be at play; be engaged in playful activity; amuse oneself in a way characteristic of children; "The kids were playing outside all day"; "I used to play with trucks as a little girl"
- be performed or presented for public viewing; "Whats playing in the local movie theater?"; "`Cats has been playing on Broadway for many years"
- be received or accepted or interpreted in a specific way; "This speech didnt play well with the American public"; "His remarks played to the suspicions of the committee"
- behave in a certain way; "play safe"; "play it safe"; "play fair"
- bet or wager (money); "He played $20 on the new horse"; "She plays the races"
- cause to move or operate freely within a bounded space; "The engine has a wheel that is playing in a rack"
- discharge or direct or be discharged or directed as if in a continuous stream; "play water from a hose"; "The fountains played all day"
- emit recorded sound; "The tape was playing for hours"; "the stereo was playing Beethoven when I entered"
- employ in a game or in a specific position; "They played him on first base"
- make bets; "Play the races"; "play the casinos in Trouville"
- move or seem to move quickly, lightly, or irregularly; "The spotlights played on the politicians"
- participate in games or sport; "We played hockey all afternoon"; "play cards"; "Pele played for the Brazilian teams in many important matches"
- perform music on (a musical instrument); "He plays the flute"; "Can you play on this old recorder?"
- perform on a certain location; "The prodigy played Carnegie Hall at the age of 16"; "She has been playing on Broadway for years"
- play on an instrument; "The band played all night long"
- pretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity; "Lets play like I am mommy"; "Play cowboy and Indians"
- put (a card or piece) into play during a game, or act strategically as if in a card game; "He is playing his cards close to his chest"; "The Democrats still have some cards to play before they will concede the electoral victory"
- shoot or hit in a particular manner; "She played a good backhand last night"
- use or move; "I had to play my queen"
- put the ball into play; "It was Agassis turn to serve"
- (sports) a stroke that puts the ball in play; "his powerful serves won the game" (同)service
- work for or be a servant to; "May I serve you?"; "She attends the old lady in the wheelchair"; "Can you wait on our table, please?"; "Is a salesperson assisting you?"; "The minister served the King for many years" (同)attend_to, wait on, attend, assist
- spend time in prison or in a labor camp; "He did six years for embezzlement" (同)do
- serve a purpose, role, or function; "The tree stump serves as a table"; "The female students served as a control group"; "This table would serve very well"; "His freedom served him well"; "The table functions as a desk" (同)function
- help to some food; help with food or drink; "I served him three times, and after that he helped himself" (同)help
- deliver a warrant or summons to someone; "He was processed by the sheriff" (同)process, swear out
- provide (usually but not necessarily food); "We serve meals for the homeless"; "She dished out the soup at 8 P.M."; "The entertainers served up a lively show" (同)serve up, dish out, dish up, dish
- promote, benefit, or be useful or beneficial to; "Art serves commerce"; "Their interests are served"; "The lake serves recreation"; "The Presidents wisdom has served the country well" (同)serve well
- mate with; "male animals serve the females for breeding purposes" (同)service
- contribute or conduce to; "The scandal served to increase his popularity"
- devote (part of) ones life or efforts to, as of countries, institutions, or ideas; "She served the art of music"; "He served the church"; "serve the country"
- do duty or hold offices; serve in a specific function; "He served as head of the department for three years"; "She served in Congress for two terms"
- do military service; "She served in Vietnam"; "My sons never served, because they are short-sighted"
- appoint someone to (a position or a job)
- a quantity sufficient to satisfy; "he ate his fill of potatoes"; "she had heard her fill of gossip"
- plug with a substance; "fill a cavity"
- become full; "The pool slowly filled with water"; "The theater filled up slowly" (同)fill_up
- make full, also in a metaphorical sense; "fill a container"; "fill the child with pride" (同)fill_up, make full
- assume, as of positions or roles; "She took the job as director of development"; "he occupies the position of manager"; "the young prince will soon occupy the throne" (同)take, occupy
- to gain with effort; "she achieved her goal despite setbacks" (同)accomplish, attain, reach
- of persons; marked by failure to realize full potentialities; "unfulfilled and uneasy men"; "unrealized dreams and ambitions" (同)unrealized, unrealised
- the fulfillment of your capacities (同)self-realization, self-realisation
- completed to perfection
- 〈おもに子供が〉(…をして)『遊ぶ』,戯れる《『+at+名(doing)』》 / 『競技(試合)をする』;かけ事をする / 《状態を表す副詞を伴って》勝負する / (劇・映画・テレビで)『演ずる』,役をする / (劇場・テレビで)上演される;〈台本が〉上演できる / (楽器を)『演奏する』《『+on(upon)+名』》 / 〈楽器・音楽が〉演奏される,〈レコード・ラジオなどが〉鳴る / 〈人・動物,木の葉・炎,光・色彩などが〉遊び戯れるように動き回る / 〈水・砲火などが〉(…に)続けざまに放射する《『+on(upon)+名』》 / 〈機械の一部が〉自由に動く / (…と)浮気をする《+『around』(《英》『about』)『with』+『名』》 / (…と)〈競技・ゲーム〉‘を'『する』《+『名』〈競技・ゲーム〉+『with』+『名』》 / 〈人・チーム〉‘と'『試合する』,勝負する / 〈金〉‘を'かける;〈競走馬など〉‘に'かける / (競技・試合で)…‘の'ポジションを守る / (競技・勝負で)〈選手〉‘を'起用する,〈カードなど〉‘を'出す / …‘の'『まねをして遊ぶ』,…ごっこをする / 〈役〉‘を'『演ずる』,…‘の'役を演じる / (実生活で)…‘の'『役割を務める』,…らしくふるまう;…‘に'なりすます / 〈劇など〉‘を'公演する;〈ある場所〉‘で'興行する / 〈いたずら・詐欺など〉‘を'『働く』,しかける / 〈楽器〉‘を'『演奏する』,ひく;〈レコード・ラジオ〉‘を'かける / 〈楽曲〉‘を'『演奏する』,かける / (…に)〈水・砲火・光など〉‘を'続けざまに浴びせる《『+名+on(over, along)+名』》 / 〈C〉『演劇』,芝居;『戯曲』,脚本 / 〈U〉『遊び』,遊戯 / 〈U〉冗談,戯れ,ふざけ(fun, jest) / 〈U〉『競技』,試合;かけ事 / 〈C〉(競技での個々の)動き,プレー;〈U〉競技の番 / 〈U〉試合ぶり;(一般に)行動,行為 / 〈U〉〈C〉遊び戯れるような軽快な動き / 〈U〉(思考力などの)豆き;(機械などの)活動 / 〈U〉動きの自由;(機械の)あそび
- 〈人が〉〈人〉‘に'『仕える』,‘の'役に立つ;〈社会など〉‘に'尽くす / 〈神・君主など〉‘に'仕える,服従する / (公職・兵役などで)〈ある期間〉‘を'『勤める』,〈判決・刑罰など〉‘に'『服する』 / 〈要求など〉‘を'満たす,〈目的など〉‘に'かなう / 〈物が〉(…として)〈人〉‘の'役に立つ《+『名』〈人〉+『as』(『for』)+『名』》 / 〈食事・飲物など〉‘を'出す,〈人〉‘に'配膳する / (規則的にまたは引き続いて)(…を)…‘に'供給する《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (テニス・バレーなどで)〈ボール〉‘を'サーブする / (人に)〈令状など〉‘を'送達する《+『名』+『on』+『名』〈人〉》;(令状などを)〈人〉‘に'送達する《+『名』〈人〉+『with』+『名』》 / (また『service』)〈動物が〉…‘と'交尾する / (…として…のもとで)『仕える』,勤務する《+『under』(『at, on』)+『名』+『as』+『名』》 / 『役立つ』,利用できる / 『給仕をする』,食事をすすめる / 〈天候・時間などが〉都合がよい / (テニスなどで)ボールをサーブする / (テニスなどの)サープ[の番],サープの仕方
- 〈容器など〉‘を'『いっぱいにする』,満たす,‘に'つぐ / 〈人・物が〉〈場所・空間〉‘を'『占める』,いっぱいにする / (…で)…‘を'満たす,埋める,ふさぐ《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 〈人の要求など〉‘を'満たす,かなえる / 〈注文〉‘に'応じる;〈処方箋〉‘を'調剤する / 〈地位〉‘を'占める;〈職務〉‘を'果たす / (…で)『いっぱいになる』,満る《+『with』+『名』》 / 《ones fill》欲しいだけ,存分 / 《a fill》(…の)1杯の量《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉盛り土(石)
- 〈目標など〉'を'『達成する』,‘に'到達する / 〈勝利・名声・地位など〉'を'獲得する,勝ち取る
- 〈目的・望みなど〉'を'『達成する』,獲得する(gain, accomplish) / 〈高い所・ある年齢など〉‘に'『達する』(reach, come to) / (努力して)(…に)到達する《+『to』+『名』》
- 〈命令・約束など〉‘を'『果たす』,実行する / 〈要求・希望など〉‘を'満たす,かなえる / 〈期限・仕事など〉‘を'完了する,終える(finish)
- 自己実現的予言 《予言したという事実がその実現をもたらす》・自己達成しつつある予言、自己達成的予言
- (義務・約束などの)遂行;(夢・希望などの)実現《+『of』+『名』》
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English Journal
- A simple model of ultrasound propagation in a cavitating liquid. Part I: Theory, nonlinear attenuation and traveling wave generation.
- Louisnard O.SourceCentre RAPSODEE, FRE CNRS 3213, Universite de Toulouse, Ecole des Mines d'Albi, 81013 Albi Cedex 09, France.
- Ultrasonics sonochemistry.Ultrason Sonochem.2012 Jan;19(1):56-65. Epub 2011 Jun 25.
- The bubbles involved in sonochemistry and other applications of cavitation oscillate inertially. A correct estimation of the wave attenuation in such bubbly media requires a realistic estimation of the power dissipated by the oscillation of each bubble, by thermal diffusion in the gas and viscous fr
- PMID 21764348
- A bifunctional allosteric site in the dimer interface of procaspase-3.
- Schipper JL, Mackenzie SH, Sharma A, Clark AC.SourceDepartment of Molecular and Structural Biochemistry, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA.
- Biophysical chemistry.Biophys Chem.2011 Nov;159(1):100-9. Epub 2011 May 25.
- The dimer interface of caspase-3 contains a bifunctional allosteric site in which the enzyme can be activated or inactivated, depending on the context of the protein. In the mature caspase-3, the binding of allosteric inhibitors to the interface results in an order-to-disorder transition in the acti
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Japanese Journal
- クラウドにおけるデータトレーサビリティ機能の検討および大規模分散ストレージシステム上での実装と評価
- 大西 健司,長谷川 亙,竹内 成和,高杉 英利
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング] 2011-HPC-130(35), 1-8, 2011-07-20
- クラウドの利用拡大が進む一方,ユーザがクラウドに預けているコンテンツ,データの所在あるいは扱われ方が分からないことから,利用や導入に躊躇する場合がある.ユーザが安心してクラウドを利用できるため,事業者がユーザに対してアカウンタビリティ(説明責任)を果たす必要がある.本研究では,アカウンタビリティの整理と供に,その中で重要な機能のひとつである責任追跡性の要件定義および設計を行い,大規模分散ストレージ …
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- 頼経 かをる,永山 くに子
- 母性衛生 52(1), 120-128, 2011-04
- <目的>生後3ヵ月間における乳児の泣きをめぐる母親の体験を記述すること。<方法>初産婦1名の語りからナラティブ・アプローチを活用し質的記述的に分析を行った。データ収集は生後2週間,1ヵ月半,3ヵ月前後に半構成面接と参加観察を行った。<結果・考察>【泣きへの戸惑い】【乳児の欲求・感情の汲み取り】【泣きへの対処】【泣きの特徴をつかむ】【泣きやまないことへの自分なりの …
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- (任務を)果たす、役立つ、貢献する、勤める、奉仕する
- 関
- achieve、attain、avail、available、conducive、contribute、contribution、fulfill、help、helpful、instrumental、play、serviceable、subserve、useful、valuable
- 英
- achieve、(役割を)play、(任務を)serve、attain、fulfill
- 関
- 貢献、達する、達成、満たす、役立つ、成し遂げる、奉仕、履行、遊ぶ、演ずる、勤める
- 関
- achieve、attain、fulfill、serve
- 関
- accomplish、accomplishment、achieve、achievement、amount、arrive、attainment、come、fulfill、play、reach、serve
- 関
- accomplish、accomplishment、achievement、attain、attainment、fulfill、play、serve
- 関
- complete、completion、finish、fulfill