- 関
- accomplishment、achieve、achievement、attain、attainment
- arrival at a new stage; "his attainment of puberty was delayed by malnutrition"
- the act of achieving an aim; "the attainment of independence"
- to gain with effort; "she achieved her goal despite setbacks" (同)accomplish, attain, reach
- the action of accomplishing something (同)achievement
- capable of existing or taking place or proving true; possible to do (同)achievable, doable, manageable, realizable
- an act that does not achieve its intended goal (同)nonachievement
- settled securely and unconditionally; "that smoking causes health problems is an accomplished fact" (同)effected, established
- highly skilled; "an accomplished pianist"; "a complete musician" (同)complete
- successfully completed or brought to an end; "his mission accomplished he took a vacation"; "the completed project"; "the joy of a realized ambition overcame him" (同)completed, realized, realised
- 〈仕事・目的など〉'を'『成し遂げる』,仕上げる(perform)
- 〈U〉(目的などを)『達成すること』,(…への)到達《+『of』+『名』》 / 《しばしば複数形で》学識,技能
- 〈目標など〉'を'『達成する』,‘に'到達する / 〈勝利・名声・地位など〉'を'獲得する,勝ち取る
- 〈目的・望みなど〉'を'『達成する』,獲得する(gain, accomplish) / 〈高い所・ある年齢など〉‘に'『達する』(reach, come to) / (努力して)(…に)到達する《+『to』+『名』》
- 〈U〉(…の)『成就』(じょうじゅ),達成《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉『業績』,功績,達成されたこと
- 〈U〉完成,成就(じょうじゅ) / 〈C〉業績 / 《複数形で》教養,たしなみ,才芸
- 完成する人
- 成し遂げられた,既成の / 教養(技術など)が備わった,熟達した(skilled)
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English Journal
- Triple bottom line assessment of raw water treatment: methodology and application to a case study in the municipality of Oppegård in south-eastern Norway.
- Venkatesh G1, Azrague K, Bell S, Eikebrokk B.
- Environmental technology.Environ Technol.2015 Aug;36(15):1954-65. doi: 10.1080/09593330.2015.1018337. Epub 2015 Mar 18.
- There could be several options a water treatment plant (WTP) can select from, if an improvement in treated water quality (WQ) is desired. This paper outlines a methodology to test a variety of approaches to accomplish pre-set goals as regards WQ, while adopting a triple bottom line approach. This ap
- PMID 25672761
- Depth perception from moving cast shadow in macaque monkey.
- Mizutani S1, Usui N2, Yokota T3, Taira M2, Katsuyama N4.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2015 Jul 15;288:63-70. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2015.04.005. Epub 2015 Apr 13.
- In the present study, we investigate whether the macaque monkey can perceive motion in depth using a moving cast shadow. To accomplish this, we conducted two experiments. In the first experiment, an adult Japanese monkey was trained in a motion discrimination task in depth by binocular disparity. A
- PMID 25882723
- Diabetes and Behavioral Learning Principles: Often Neglected yet Well-Known and Empirically Validated Means of Optimizing Diabetes Care Behavior.
- Stoeckel M1, Duke D.
- Current diabetes reports.Curr Diab Rep.2015 Jul;15(7):615. doi: 10.1007/s11892-015-0615-4.
- Managing diabetes is known to be invasive, pervasive, and unrelenting, making adherence to the treatment regimen difficult to accomplish. Ongoing clinical and research efforts have attempted to address the struggles faced by youth and adults with diabetes. Recent research supports the integration of
- PMID 25957526
Japanese Journal
- 第52次日本南極地域観測隊夏隊における東京海洋大学「海鷹丸」観測報告
- 橋田 元,佐々木 洋,北出 裕二郎,小達 恒夫
- 南極資料 56(1), 68-83, 2012-03-30
- 第52次日本南極地域観測隊(JARE-52)では,南極地域観測第VIII期6か年計画(平成22-27年度)の第1年次として重点研究観測及び一般研究観測の課題を実施するため,東京海洋大学練習船「海鷹丸」の南極海航海おいて海洋観測を実施した.主として,南極海の温暖化,大気中二酸化炭素濃度増加に伴う海洋酸性化などの変化が生態系に与える影響,及びプランクトン群集組成の変動と環境変動との関係の解明を目指すこ …
- NAID 110009103296
- 「民族ドイツ人」移住農民の戦時経験 : ナチス併合地ポーランド入植政策から東ドイツ土地改革へ
- 足立 芳宏
- 生物資源経済研究 17, 39-76, 2012-03-22
- … (2) The action program was designed to simultaneously accomplish both settlement and deportation and was executed systematically and quickly -in only half a day- under the command of the SS organs by mobilizing Nazi activists, including assistant staff members from Nazi women societies, county officials, and local community leaders of native resident ethnic Germans (called "native Germans" in this paper). …
- NAID 120003988233
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- 関
- accomplish、accomplishment、achieve、attain、attainment、outcome、product、result、succeed、success、successfully
- 関
- accomplish、accomplishment、achieve、achievement、amount、arrive、attainment、come、fulfill、play、reach、serve
- 英
- achievement、accomplishment、attainment、achieve、accomplish、attain
- 関
- 成功、達する、到達、果たす、業績、成し遂げる、成果、研究成果
- 関
- accomplish、accomplishment、achievement、attain、attainment、fulfill、play、serve
- 関
- accomplish、accomplishment、achieve、achievement、arrive、attain、delivery、reach
- 関
- accomplish、achieve、achievement、attain、attainment、outcome、product、result