- perform too rarely; "Her plays are underperformed, although they are very good"
- a business that is less successful than expected
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English Journal
- Towards a program of assessment for health professionals: from training into practice.
- Eva KW1, Bordage G2, Campbell C3, Galbraith R4, Ginsburg S5, Holmboe E6, Regehr G7.
- Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice.Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract.2016 Oct;21(4):897-913. doi: 10.1007/s10459-015-9653-6. Epub 2015 Nov 21.
- Despite multifaceted attempts to "protect the public," including the implementation of various assessment practices designed to identify individuals at all stages of training and practice who underperform, profound deficiencies in quality and safety continue to plague the healthcare system. The purp
- PMID 26590984
- Synthetic Biology-Based Point-of-Care Diagnostics for Infectious Disease.
- Wei TY1, Cheng CM2.
- Cell chemical biology.Cell Chem Biol.2016 Sep 22;23(9):1056-66. doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2016.07.016.
- Infectious diseases outpace all other causes of death in low-income countries, posing global health risks, laying stress on healthcare systems and societies, and taking an avoidable human toll. One solution to this crisis is early diagnosis of infectious disease, which represents a powerful way to o
- PMID 27662252
- A Tale of Two Types of Perspective Taking: Sex Differences in Spatial Ability.
- Tarampi MR1, Heydari N2, Hegarty M2.
- Psychological science.Psychol Sci.2016 Sep 22. pii: 0956797616667459. [Epub ahead of print]
- Sex differences in favor of males have been documented in measures of spatial perspective taking. In this research, we examined whether social factors (i.e., stereotype threat and the inclusion of human figures in tasks) account for these differences. In Experiment 1, we evaluated performance when p
- PMID 27658902
Japanese Journal
- 頂点間の類似度の足し合わせによるリンク予測精度の改善
- 元田 剛史,村田 剛志
- 人工知能学会論文誌 26(3), 427-439, 2011
- … Proposed methods underperform for trade network, circuit network, and food web network. …
- NAID 130000674805
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