- 英
- autoimmune orchitis
- 関
- アレルギー性精巣炎
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- 1. 成人の急性陰嚢痛acute scrotal pain in adults [show details]
… acute epididymo-orchitis or orchitis is a more likely diagnosis. In acute epididymo-orchitis,… commonly infectious in etiology but can also be from noninfectious causes such as trauma and autoimmune diseases . Noninfectious causes generally present as subacute or chronic epididymitis and are discussed …
- 2. 男性における原発性性腺機能低下の原因causes of primary hypogonadism in males [show details]
…sexual hair, muscle mass, and bone mineral density; Mumps orchitis is the infection most closely associated with testicular damage. Orchitis is a much more common manifestation when mumps occurs in adulthood …
- 3. 小児における不明熱:病因fever of unknown origin in children etiology [show details]
… Rheumatologic disease is the second most common etiologic category of FUO in children. A positive antinuclear antibody test can suggest the presence of an underlying connective tissue disorder,… Clinical manifestations may include persistent fever and lethargy, osteoarticular complaints and epididymo-orchitis, hepatosplenomegaly, mild elevation of liver enzymes, and lymphocytopenia. When considering …
- 4. 家族性地中海熱の臨床症状および診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of familial mediterranean fever [show details]
… Acute scrotal swelling and tenderness due to orchitis is a rare manifestation of FMF .… Systemic rheumatic diseases – Fever, serositis, and arthritis can be the predominant manifestations of other systemic rheumatic diseases such as systemic lupus…
- 5. 成人における結節性多発動脈炎の臨床症状および診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of polyarteritis nodosa in adults [show details]
… Virtually any organ of the body may be affected in patients with PAN: Orchitis with testicular tenderness and pain occurs in more than 10 percent of patients,… High titers of ANA suggest an underlying autoimmune disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE),…
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- 原因 急性精巣炎の多くは、流行性耳下腺炎(おたふくかぜ)に伴って発症します。流行性耳下腺炎はムンプスウイルスに感染することでかかりますが、幼児期におたふくかぜにかかっていない人、予防接種を受けていない人はこのウイルスに免疫がなく、成人して感染すると流行性耳下腺炎と ...
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- 英
- immunity, immune
- 関
- 免疫系
免疫の種類 (PT.246-251)
- 英
- testicle, orchis
- ラ
- testis (Z), testes
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- 睾丸
- 関
- 外生殖器
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- 炎光、炎症
- 英
- orchitis, testitis
- 同
- 睾丸炎
- 英
- autoimmunity
- 関
- 免疫