- 英
- 関
- 開発、拡大、進化、伸長、展開、発育、発生、発達、広がる、膨張、現像、かかる
- superimpose a three-dimensional surface on a plane without stretching, in geometry
- cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development; "The perfect climate here develops the grain"; "He developed a new kind of apple" (同)make grow
- be gradually disclosed or unfolded; become manifest; "The plot developed slowly";
- elaborate by the unfolding of a musical idea and by the working out of the rhythmic and harmonic changes in the theme; "develop the melody and change the key"
- expand in the form of a series; "Develop the function in the following form"
- grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment; "A flower developed on the branch"; "The country developed into a mighty superpower"; "The embryo develops into a fetus"; "This situation has developed over a long time"
- gain through experience; "I acquired a strong aversion to television"; "Children must develop a sense of right and wrong"; "Dave developed leadership qualities in his new position"; "develop a passion for painting" (同)acquire, evolve
- grow emotionally or mature; "The child developed beautifully in her new kindergarten"; "When he spent a summer at camp, the boy grew noticeably and no longer showed some of his old adolescent behavior" (同)grow
- generate gradually; "We must develop more potential customers"; "develop a market for the new mobile phone"
- make something new, such as a product or a mental or artistic creation; "Her company developed a new kind of building material that withstands all kinds of weather"; "They developed a new technique"
- make visible by means of chemical solutions; "Please develop this roll of film for me"
- move into a strategically more advantageous position; "develop the rook"
- move ones pieces into strategically more advantageous positions; "Spassky developed quickly"
- make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity; "expand the house by adding another wing"
- become larger in size or volume or quantity; "his business expanded rapidly"
- extend in one or more directions; "The dough expands" (同)spread out
- (biology) the sequence of events involved in the evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of organisms (同)organic evolution, phylogeny, phylogenesis
- processing a photosensitive material in order to make an image visible; "the development and printing of his pictures took only two hours" (同)developing
- a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage); "the development of his ideas took many years"; "the evolution of Greek civilization"; "the slow development of her skill as a writer" (同)evolution
- a state in which things are improving; the result of developing (as in the early part of a game of chess); "after he saw the latest development he changed his mind and became a supporter"; "in chess your should take care of your development before moving your queen"
- act of improving by expanding or enlarging or refining; "he congratulated them on their development of a plan to meet the emergency"; "they funded research and development"
- (music) the section of a composition or movement (especially in sonata form) where the major musical themes are developed and elaborated
- a district that has been developed to serve some purpose; "such land is practical for small park developments"
- a recent event that has some relevance for the present situation; "recent developments in Iraq"; "what a revolting development!"
- (今まではなかったが)…‘を'『生じさせる』,‘を'現す / …‘を'『発展させる』,伸ばす,成長させる / 〈病気・悪習など〉‘に'だんだん感染する,かかりはじめる,‘を'発病させる / 〈資源など〉‘を'『開発する』 / …‘を'十分に考える,〈議論・主題など〉‘を'展開する / 〈フイルム〉‘を'現像する / 〈ないもの・隠れているものが〉『現れる』,明らかになる / (…から…に)『発展する』,発育する《+『from』+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / 〈フイルムが〉現像される
- (…にまで)『拡大する』,膨張する,広がる《+『into』+『名』》 / (…について)さらに詳しく述べる《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / 〈人が〉打ち解ける,心を開く / …‘を'『拡大する』,拡張する,広げる;…‘を'拡大して(…に)する《+『名』+『into』+『名』》
- 〈U〉(徐々の)『発展』,進展,展開 / 〈U〉(生物の)『進化』;進化論 / 〈C〉(ダンス・体操などの)旋回[動作]
- 〈U〉〈C〉『発達』,発展,発育,成長;『開発』;進化 / 〈U〉(写真の)現像 / 〈C〉発達(発展)の結果できたもの / 〈C〉開発した土地(地区);(特に)住宅団地(housing development) / 〈C〉(最近の)でき事,新事実
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/10/12 14:34:36」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
この項目では、一般的な意味・哲学的な意味での"発展"について説明しています。ゲイ用語の"発展"については「ハッテン」をご覧ください。 |
- 哲学・思想事典(岩波書店、1998年)ISBN 4-00-080089-2
- 時間発展
- 経済発展
- いすゞ・810・・・発展の語呂合わせ("ハチ"+"テン")で810と言う名が付けられた。
この項目は、哲学に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めています(Portal:哲学)。 |
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Japanese Journal
- グローバル・マーケティング最前線(最終回)国際観光の発展 : インバウンドの衝撃
Related Links
- はってん【発展】とは。意味や解説、類語。[名](スル)1 物事の勢いなどが伸び広がって盛んになること。物事が、より進んだ段階に移っていくこと。「経済が―する」「大事件に―する」2 異性関係や遊蕩について、活動の範囲を ...
- デジタル大辞泉 - 発展の用語解説 - [名](スル)1 物事の勢いなどが伸び広がって盛んになること。物事が、より進んだ段階に移っていくこと。「経済が―する」「大事件に―する」2 異性関係や遊蕩について、活動の範囲を広めること。
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- 関
- buildup、deployment、develop、developmental、emergence、engender、evolution、expand、exploit、exploitation、generate、generation、growth、occur、occurrence、onset、transpire、unfold
- 関
- growth and development
- 英
- expansion、swelling、inflation、distention、dilatation、expand、swell、distend、dilate、inflate
- 関
- インフレ、拡大、拡張、散大、腫大、腫脹、伸長、増殖、増大、怒張、発展、肥大、広がる、膨化、膨潤、隆起
- 英
- spread、stretch、extend、expand
- 関
- 延ばす、延展、及ぶ、拡散、拡大、拡張、伸長、伸展、伝播、伸びる、発展、広げる、膨張、蔓延、流布、ストレッチ
- 英
- 関
- 開発、配置、発育、発生、発達、発展、ほどく、現像、アンフォールド、かかる
- 英
- development、develop, (胎児・乳児の発育)growthand development
- 関
- 開発、展開、発生、発達、発展、現像、かかる
- 成長、発達
- 英
- developing country
- 105B018、ミレニアム開発目標
- 成人HIV感染率はサハラ以南アフリカが最も高い。
- 5歳未満児死亡率はこの20年で低下傾向である。
- 5歳未満児の3大死因は肺炎、下痢、栄養不良である。
- 乳児の下痢には母乳の継続が有効である。
- マラリアの予防には蚊帳が有効である。
- 英
- processive
- 関
- 進化性、連続移動的
- 英
- Personlichkeitsentwicklung