- 関
- agitate、deflection、perturb、perturbation、surge、unbalance
- play with a subtle and intuitively felt sense of rhythm
- a state of steady vigorous action that is characteristic of an activity; "the party went with a swing"; "it took time to get into the swing of things"
- changing location by moving back and forth (同)swinging, vacillation
- a square dance figure; a pair of dancers join hands and dance around a point between them
- a sweeping blow or stroke; "he took a wild swing at my head"
- mechanical device used as a plaything to support someone swinging back and forth
- a style of jazz played by big bands popular in the 1930s; flowing rhythms but less complex than later styles of jazz (同)swing music, jive
- be a social swinger; socialize a lot (同)get_around
- move or walk in a swinging or swaying manner; "He swung back" (同)sway
- make a big sweeping gesture or movement (同)sweep, swing out
- influence decisively; "This action swung many votes over to his side" (同)swing over
- alternate dramatically between high and low values; "his mood swings"; "the market is swinging up and down"
- change direction with a swinging motion; turn; "swing back"; "swing forward"
- engage freely in promiscuous sex, often with the husband or wife of ones friends; "There were many swinging couples in the 1960s"
- have a certain musical rhythm; "The music has to swing"
- hit or aim at with a sweeping arm movement; "The soccer player began to swing at the referee"
- live in a lively, modern, and relaxed style; "The Woodstock generation attempted to swing freely"
- move in a curve or arc, usually with the intent of hitting; "He swung his left fist"; "swing a bat"
- change the arrangement or position of (同)vex, disturb, commove, shake up, stir up, raise up
- try to stir up public opinion (同)foment, stir up
- cause to be agitated, excited, or roused; "The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks" (同)rouse, turn_on, charge, commove, excite, charge up
- disturb or interfere with the usual path of an electron or atom; "The electrons were perturbed by the passing ion"
- throw into great confusion or disorder; "Fundamental Islamicists threaten to perturb the social order in Algeria and Egypt" (同)derange, throw out of kilter
- disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed; "She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill" (同)unhinge, disquiet, trouble, cark, distract, disorder
- cause a celestial body to deviate from a theoretically regular orbital motion, especially as a result of interposed or extraordinary gravitational pull; "The orbits of these stars were perturbed by the passings of a comet"
- (physics) a secondary influence on a system that causes it to deviate slightly
- a disposition that is confused or nervous and upset (同)fluster
- activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption; "the term `distress connotes some degree of perturbation and emotional upset"; "he looked around for the source of the disturbance"; "there was a disturbance of neural function" (同)disturbance
- a twist or aberration; especially a perverse or abnormal way of judging or acting (同)warp
- the property of being bent or deflected (同)deflexion, bending
- the movement of the pointer or pen of a measuring instrument from its zero position (同)deflexion
- the amount by which a propagating wave is bent (同)deflexion, refraction
- throw out of balance or equilibrium; "The tax relief unbalanced the budget"; "The prima donna unbalances the smooth work in our department"
- derange mentally, throw out of mental balance; make insane; "The death of his parents unbalanced him" (同)derange
- a person who engages freely in promiscuous sex (同)tramp
- someone who swings sports implements
- severe; punishingly bad; "swingeing taxation"; "swingeing damages awarded by the judge"
- a voter who has no allegiance to any political party and whose unpredictable decisions can swing the outcome of an election one way or the other (同)floating voter
- a door that swings on a double hinge; opens in either direction (同)swinging door
- a chad that is incompletely removed and still attached at two corners
- (一定の動きで)…‘を'『振る』,揺り動かす / (一点を軸にして)…‘を'『回転させる』,ぐるりと回す / 〈棒など〉‘を'『振り回す』 / …‘を'向きを変える / 〈物〉‘を'『つるす』,掛ける / 《米話》〈取引きなど〉‘を'うまく処理する,思いどおりに操る / (…から別の意見・立場などに)…‘を'変える《+from+名+to+名》 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(一定の動きで)『揺れる』,揺れ動く;ぶらんこに乗る / (一点を軸にして)『回転する』,ぐるりと回る / (大きく弧を描くように)(…を)打つ《+at+名》 / (…の方に)向きを変える《+on(onto,to,into)+名》 / のびのびと調子よく歩く,活動的になる / 《話》(…のことで)絞首刑になる《+for+名》 / (別の意見・立場などに)変わる《+to(toward)+名(doing)》 / 《話》〈音楽が〉スイング風である(に演奏する) / 〈C〉〈U〉(一定の動きを伴う)揺れ,振動;(ある方向への)揺れ動き《+toward+名》 / 〈C〉振幅 / 〈C〉『ぶらんこ』;ぶらんこ遊び / 〈U〉《しばしば a~》リズミカルな動き(歩き方) / 〈C〉(…を)大きく振ること,打つこと《+of+名》 / 〈U〉活動の自由 / 〈U〉スイング(1930‐40年代のジャズのリズム) / 〈C〉各国・各大陸を飛び歩く
- (激しく)〈液体など〉'を'『ゆする』,ゆり動かす;…'を'かき混ぜる / 〈人・世問・心〉'を'『かき乱す』,動揺させる / (政治・社会問題で)(…に反対(賛成)して)『扇動する』,アジる《+『against』(『for』)+『名』》
- 〈人・人の心〉‘を'非常に不安にさせる(心配させる)
- 〈U〉動揺,不安;混乱 / 〈C〉不安(混乱)のもと
- (進路などの)ふれ,偏り;(計器などの針の)ふれ,偏差
- …の平衡を失わせる / 〈心の安定〉‘を'くずさせる;〈人〉‘を'精神的に動揺させる
- 揺れる人(物) / 《俗》陽気で若々しく現代的な人
- 非常に大きい;(金額などが)ばく大な,大幅の 巨大な 強い / 《話》すぐれている,一流の
- 揺れる,揺れ動く / 威勢のよい,活発な / (特に性生活が)当世風の,進んでいる
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[Wiki ja表示]
この項目では、Javaのプラットフォームについて記述しています。その他のスウィングについては「スウィング」をご覧ください。 |
Swingは、プログラミング言語 Java のGUIツールキット。同じく Java の GUI ツールキットである AWT を拡張したもの。
AWT はオペレーティングシステムのウィンドウシステムに準じたデザインになるのに対し、Swing で作成した GUI は Java プログラム上で描画されるので、より柔軟な設計が可能となる。AWT に対し Swing のようなコンポーネントを軽量コンポーネントと呼ぶ。
プラグイン可能なルック・アンド・フィールを持っているので、簡単にルック・アンド・フィールを切り替えることができる。また AWT には無かった、表、スライダー、スピナ、ツリー表示をするコンポーネントなど高度なコンポーネントが用意されている。
- 1 プログラム例
- 2 歴史
- 3 関連項目
- 4 外部リンク
import javax.swing.JFrame ;
import javax.swing.JLabel ;
public class HelloWorld
public static void main (String [] args)
JFrame frame = new JFrame () ;
frame .setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) ;
frame .getContentPane () .add (new JLabel ("Hello, world!")) ;
frame .pack () ;
frame .setLocationRelativeTo (null) ;
frame .setVisible (true) ;
- 1998年にリリースされた J2SE 1.2 で初めてリリースされた。
- 2002年にリリースされた J2SE 1.4 で提供された Java Web Start を利用することでプログラムの再配布の問題を解決した。
- 2004年にリリースされた Java SE 1.5 でメモリ消費効率の改善を行った。
- 2006年にリリースされた Java SE 6 では Java の実行性能が改善されたことによって Swing の実行性能も改善された。
- レイアウトマネージャ
- Abstract Window Toolkit
- Standard Widget Toolkit
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- Macintosh Toolbox/Carbon
- Intrinsics
- Intuition(英語版)
- Windows API
- Xlib
高レベル |
- BOOPSI(英語版)
- Magic User Interface(英語版)
- ReAction GUI(英語版)
- Zune (ウィジェット・ツールキット)(英語版)
Mac OS/OS X対応
- Cocoa
- MacApp(英語版)
- MacZoop(英語版)
- PowerPlant(英語版)
- Microsoft Foundation Class Library(英語版)
- Object Windows Library(英語版)
- Silverlight
- SmartWin++(英語版)
- Visual Component Library
- Windows Forms
- Windows Presentation Foundation
- Windows Template Library
- WinRT XAML(英語版)
- Athena/Xaw(英語版)
- InterViews(英語版)
- LessTif
- Motif
- Gtk#
- Moonlight(英語版)
- Tao(英語版)
C or C++
- CEGUI(英語版)
- Component Library for Cross Platform
- FOX toolkit(英語版)
- OpenGL User Interface Library(英語版)
- GTK+
- Juce(英語版)
- Qt
- Wt(英語版)
- Tk
- TnFOX(英語版)
- Ultimate++(英語版)
- Visual Component Framework(英語版)
- wxWidgets
- YAAF(英語版)
- XForms
- XVT(英語版)
- Abstract Window Toolkit
- Swing
- Standard Widget Toolkit
- Qt Jambi(英語版)
- Dojo Toolkit
- Echo(英語版)
- Ext JS
- Google Closure(英語版)
- jQuery
- jQuery UI
- MooTools
- Qooxdoo(英語版)
- script.aculo.us(英語版)
- YUI(英語版)
- Yahoo! UI Library
Common Lisp
- CAPI(英語版)
- Common Graphics(英語版)
- CLIM(英語版)
- Ltk
- McCLIM(英語版)
Object Pascal
- Component Library for Cross Platform
- fpGUI(英語版)
- IP Pascal(英語版)
- Lazarus
- PHP-GTK(英語版)
- PHP-Qt(英語版)
- WxPHP(英語版)
- Pyjamas(英語版)
- PyQt(英語版)
- PyGTK(英語版)
- PyGObject(英語版)
- PySide(英語版)
- Tkinter
- wxPython
- Ample SDK(英語版)
- CougarXML(英語版)
- GladeXML
- Lively Kernel(英語版)
- Pyjamas(英語版)
- Rialto Toolkit(英語版)
- XML User Interface(英語版)
- Wt(英語版)
[Wiki en表示]
Swing or swinging may refer to:
- 1 Activity
- 2 Computing
- 3 Entertainment
- 3.1 Music
- 3.1.1 Artists
- 3.1.2 Songs and albums
- 3.2 Theatre
- 3.3 Television and films
- 4 Politics
- 5 Other uses
- 6 See also
- Swing (seat), a (usually outdoors located) hanging seat suspended from a bar that swings back and forth
- a Russian swing, a swing-like circus apparatus
- Baseball swing, a bat-and-ball sport played between two teams of nine players each
- Golf swing, the means by which golfers make decisions (selecting clubs, selecting shots) and execute them (making shots) in the sport of golf
- Swing bowling, a subtype of fast bowling in cricket
- Swing (boxing)
- Swing ride an amusement park ride consisting of suspended seats that rotate like a merry-go-round
- Swing (Java), Sun's lightweight GUI library for the Java programming language
- Swing (video game), a 1997 video game for the PC and PlayStation
- New jack swing, a hybrid of hip hop and R&B that first emerged in 1987
- Swing (dance), a group of dances that correspond to swing style of jazz music
- Swing (jazz performance style), the sense of propulsive rhythmic "feel" or "groove" in jazz
- Swing music, a style of jazz from the 1930s-1940s, also called "swing jazz"
- Swing Time Records, a record label
- Swing (music group), a Hong Kong pop music group
- Swing (band), a Canadian néo-trad band
Songs and albums[edit]
- Swing!, a 1999 Broadway musical
- Swing (album), 1997 album by The Manhattan Transfer
- Swing (song), a 2005 song by New Zealand performer Savage, released again in 2008 featuring Soulja Boy
- Swing (Trace Adkins song), a song by Trace Adkins
- Swing, a song by Yello
- Swing, a song by Taking Back Sunday
- The Swing, a 1984 album by Australian rock band INXS
- Swing, Swing, a 2003 song by the All-American Rejects
- Swingin', 1983 single by John Anderson
- Swinging, a song by Tom Molloy
- Swing, a term in musical theatre for an understudy who prepares several roles
Television and films[edit]
- Swing! (film), a 1938 American film directed by Oscar Micheaux
- Swing (2002 film), a French film by Tony Gatlif
- Swing (2003 film), an American film by Martin Guigui
- Swing (2010 film), a Hindi short film
- Swing (2011 film), a Kuwaiti short film
- Swing (politics), an indication of the scale of voter change
- Swing (Australian politics), the swing between the last two remaining parties in a preferential voting election
- Swing (United Kingdom), in a British political context is a single figure used as an indication of the scale of voter change between two political parties
- Captain Swing, an imaginary leader of the Swing Riots
Other uses[edit]
- Aquilair Swing, a French ultralight trike aircraft design
- Swing trading is a speculative activity in financial markets where a tradable asset is held for between one to several days in an effort to profit from price changes or 'swings'
- Swing rifles, type of firearm
- Swinging, manipulation of poï in juggling
- Sex swing, a type of harness specifically for the purpose of sexual intercourse
- The Swing (painting), a 1767 rococo painting by Jean-Honoré Fragonard
- Swing Bike, a bicycle where both front and rear wheels are steerable
See also[edit]
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English Journal
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- Wu X1, Yuan B1, Bao Z2, Deng S3.
- Journal of colloid and interface science.J Colloid Interface Sci.2014 Sep 15;430:78-84. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2014.05.021. Epub 2014 May 23.
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- American journal of veterinary research.Am J Vet Res.2014 Sep;75(9):800-8. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.75.9.800.
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- Archives of gerontology and geriatrics.Arch Gerontol Geriatr.2014 Sep-Oct;59(2):312-6. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2014.03.013. Epub 2014 Apr 5.
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- Liboff AR.
- Electromagnetic biology and medicine.Electromagn Biol Med.2014 Sep;33(3):241-5. doi: 10.3109/15368378.2013.809579. Epub 2013 Aug 5.
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- … N-channel thin-film transistors (TFTs) fabricated using the films on glass at 300 °C showed a field-effect mobility of 505 cm<sup>2</sup>V<sup>−1</sup>s<sup>−1</sup>, a threshold voltage of 2.47 V and a subthreshold swing of 324 mV/dec. on average. …
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- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54(8), 081101, 2015-07-01
- … InGaZnO (IGZO) thin-film transistors (TFTs) with hybrid silver nanowires (hybrid-AgNWs) as the source and drain electrodes exhibit superior performance according to the on/off current ratio (≈10<sup>6</sup>), subthreshold swing (SS) (367 mV/decade), and mobility (15.6 cm<sup>2</sup>V<sup>−1</sup>s<sup>−1</sup>). …
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- (演説・討論・論文など普段の活動によって)激しく(揺り)動かす、かきたてる、かきまわす。(人)の心を動揺させる(かき乱す)、煽動する。(主義・変革運動などを)熱心に論じる、~への関心を喚起する
- (新計画など)のあらゆる面について熟慮する、~の構想を練る
- (液体を)かきまわす、かきまぜる。
- 関
- agitation, deflection, incite, instigate, perturb, perturbation, stir, stirring, surge, swing, unbalance
- 心の動揺、狼狽、不安、心配。不安/心配の原因。(天・理)摂動
- 関
- agitate, confound, confuse, confusion, deflection, derange, derangement, disarray, disorganized, disorient, disrupt, disruption, disturbance, perturb, perturbate, surge, swing, unbalance, upset
- それ、偏り。(電子工)(電子ビームの)変更。(理)偏差。(計器の針などの)ふれ。(工)(部材の)たわみ。(光の)屈折。(砲の)方向偏差、方向角。方向偏差補正
- 関
- agitate、deviate、deviation、perturb、perturbation、predilection、surge、swing、unbalance
- 関
- agitate、deflection、derangement、disrupt、disturbance、perturbation、surge、swing、unbalance
- 関
- agitate、deflection、disequilibrium、imbalance、perturb、perturbation、surge、swing
- 関
- mood change