- see ones performance improve; "He levelled the score and then surged ahead"
- a sudden or abrupt strong increase; "stimulated a surge of speculation"; "an upsurge of emotion"; "an upsurge in violent crime" (同)upsurge
- play with a subtle and intuitively felt sense of rhythm
- a state of steady vigorous action that is characteristic of an activity; "the party went with a swing"; "it took time to get into the swing of things"
- changing location by moving back and forth (同)swinging, vacillation
- a square dance figure; a pair of dancers join hands and dance around a point between them
- a sweeping blow or stroke; "he took a wild swing at my head"
- mechanical device used as a plaything to support someone swinging back and forth
- a style of jazz played by big bands popular in the 1930s; flowing rhythms but less complex than later styles of jazz (同)swing music, jive
- be a social swinger; socialize a lot (同)get_around
- move or walk in a swinging or swaying manner; "He swung back" (同)sway
- make a big sweeping gesture or movement (同)sweep, swing out
- influence decisively; "This action swung many votes over to his side" (同)swing over
- alternate dramatically between high and low values; "his mood swings"; "the market is swinging up and down"
- change direction with a swinging motion; turn; "swing back"; "swing forward"
- engage freely in promiscuous sex, often with the husband or wife of ones friends; "There were many swinging couples in the 1960s"
- have a certain musical rhythm; "The music has to swing"
- hit or aim at with a sweeping arm movement; "The soccer player began to swing at the referee"
- live in a lively, modern, and relaxed style; "The Woodstock generation attempted to swing freely"
- move in a curve or arc, usually with the intent of hitting; "He swung his left fist"; "swing a bat"
- change the arrangement or position of (同)vex, disturb, commove, shake up, stir up, raise up
- try to stir up public opinion (同)foment, stir up
- cause to be agitated, excited, or roused; "The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks" (同)rouse, turn_on, charge, commove, excite, charge up
- disturb or interfere with the usual path of an electron or atom; "The electrons were perturbed by the passing ion"
- throw into great confusion or disorder; "Fundamental Islamicists threaten to perturb the social order in Algeria and Egypt" (同)derange, throw out of kilter
- disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed; "She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill" (同)unhinge, disquiet, trouble, cark, distract, disorder
- cause a celestial body to deviate from a theoretically regular orbital motion, especially as a result of interposed or extraordinary gravitational pull; "The orbits of these stars were perturbed by the passings of a comet"
- (physics) a secondary influence on a system that causes it to deviate slightly
- a disposition that is confused or nervous and upset (同)fluster
- activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption; "the term `distress connotes some degree of perturbation and emotional upset"; "he looked around for the source of the disturbance"; "there was a disturbance of neural function" (同)disturbance
- a twist or aberration; especially a perverse or abnormal way of judging or acting (同)warp
- the property of being bent or deflected (同)deflexion, bending
- the movement of the pointer or pen of a measuring instrument from its zero position (同)deflexion
- the amount by which a propagating wave is bent (同)deflexion, refraction
- 波のように押し寄せる,殺到する / 〈感情が〉こみあげる《+up》 / 急増する,〈株などが〉急騰する / (…が)押し寄せること,(…の)襲来,殺到《+of+名》 / (感情の)高まり,急増,急騰
- (一定の動きで)…‘を'『振る』,揺り動かす / (一点を軸にして)…‘を'『回転させる』,ぐるりと回す / 〈棒など〉‘を'『振り回す』 / …‘を'向きを変える / 〈物〉‘を'『つるす』,掛ける / 《米話》〈取引きなど〉‘を'うまく処理する,思いどおりに操る / (…から別の意見・立場などに)…‘を'変える《+from+名+to+名》 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(一定の動きで)『揺れる』,揺れ動く;ぶらんこに乗る / (一点を軸にして)『回転する』,ぐるりと回る / (大きく弧を描くように)(…を)打つ《+at+名》 / (…の方に)向きを変える《+on(onto,to,into)+名》 / のびのびと調子よく歩く,活動的になる / 《話》(…のことで)絞首刑になる《+for+名》 / (別の意見・立場などに)変わる《+to(toward)+名(doing)》 / 《話》〈音楽が〉スイング風である(に演奏する) / 〈C〉〈U〉(一定の動きを伴う)揺れ,振動;(ある方向への)揺れ動き《+toward+名》 / 〈C〉振幅 / 〈C〉『ぶらんこ』;ぶらんこ遊び / 〈U〉《しばしば a~》リズミカルな動き(歩き方) / 〈C〉(…を)大きく振ること,打つこと《+of+名》 / 〈U〉活動の自由 / 〈U〉スイング(1930‐40年代のジャズのリズム) / 〈C〉各国・各大陸を飛び歩く
- (激しく)〈液体など〉'を'『ゆする』,ゆり動かす;…'を'かき混ぜる / 〈人・世問・心〉'を'『かき乱す』,動揺させる / (政治・社会問題で)(…に反対(賛成)して)『扇動する』,アジる《+『against』(『for』)+『名』》
- 〈人・人の心〉‘を'非常に不安にさせる(心配させる)
- 〈U〉動揺,不安;混乱 / 〈C〉不安(混乱)のもと
- (進路などの)ふれ,偏り;(計器などの針の)ふれ,偏差
- surgeon / surgery / surgical
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Look up surge in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Surge may refer to:
- 1 Science
- 2 Popular culture
- 3 Other
- 4 See also
- Jerk (physics) or "surge", the rate of change of acceleration in physics
- Storm surge, the onshore gush of water associated with a low pressure weather system
- Surge (glacier), a short-lived event where a glacier can move up to velocities 100 times faster than normal
- Pyroclastic surge, the fluidized mass of turbulent gas and rock fragments ejected during some volcanic eruptions
- Characteristic impedance, also known as "surge impedance" in electrical engineering
- Voltage spike, short duration surges in electrical circuits
- Compressor stall, also known as "compressor surge", in aviation
- Surge, one of the linear degrees of freedom in ship motions
Popular culture
- Surge (soft drink), a soft drink made by the Coca-Cola Company
- Surge, a video game publishing label owned by Namco Bandai Games
- Surge (radio station), the student radio station of the University of Southampton
- Surge (comics), a comic book character and mutant in the Marvel Universe
- Lt. Surge, a gym Leader in the Pokémon video games
- Mark Surge, a Hero in the Hero Factory toyline
- Iraq War troop surge of 2007 (usually referred to as "The Surge"), the revised U.S. counter-insurgency strategy in the Iraq War
- War in Afghanistan (2001–present) #Troop surge - Increase of U.S. troops in 2010
See also
- All pages beginning with "Surge"
- All pages with titles containing "Surge"
- Surgery (disambiguation)
- Serge
- Gush (disambiguation)
- Serge Corbin Professional Marathon canoe racer
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English Journal
- Association of luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) mRNA with its binding protein leads to decapping and degradation of the mRNA in the p bodies.
- Menon B, Sinden J, Menon KM.SourceDepartment of Obstetrics/Gynecology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0617, USA.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2013 May;1833(5):1173-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2013.01.024. Epub 2013 Jan 31.
- Luteinizing hormone receptor undergoes downregulation during preovulatory Luteinizing hormone surge through a post-transcriptional mechanism involving an RNA binding protein designated as LRBP. The present study examined the mechanism by which LRBP induces the degradation of Luteinizing hormone rece
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- Bayesian learning and the psychology of rule induction.
- Endress AD.SourceUniversitat Pompeu Fabra, Center of Brain and Cognition, C. Roc Boronat, 138, Edifici Tanger, 55.106, 08018 Barcelona, Spain; City University London, Department of Psychology, London EC1V 0HB, United Kingdom; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, 43 Vassar St, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States. Electronic address: ansgar.endress@m4x.org.
- Cognition.Cognition.2013 May;127(2):159-76. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2012.11.014. Epub 2013 Mar 1.
- In recent years, Bayesian learning models have been applied to an increasing variety of domains. While such models have been criticized on theoretical grounds, the underlying assumptions and predictions are rarely made concrete and tested experimentally. Here, I use Frank and Tenenbaum's (2011) Baye
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- Biogeography of bacterioplankton in the tropical seawaters of Singapore.
- Lau SC, Zhang R, Brodie EL, Piceno YM, Andersen G, Liu WT.SourceDivision of Environmental Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- FEMS microbiology ecology.FEMS Microbiol Ecol.2013 May;84(2):259-69. doi: 10.1111/1574-6941.12057. Epub 2013 Jan 15.
- Knowledge about the biogeography of marine bacterioplankton on the global scale in general and in Southeast Asia in particular has been scarce. This study investigated the biogeography of bacterioplankton community in Singapore seawaters. Twelve stations around Singapore island were sampled on diffe
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- Interplay of reactive oxygen species, intracellular Ca(2+) and mitochondrial homeostasis in the apoptosis of prostate cancer cells by deoxypodophyllotoxin.
- Kim KY, Cho HJ, Yu SN, Kim SH, Yu HS, Park YM, Mirkheshti N, Kim SY, Song CS, Chatterjee B, Ahn SC.SourceDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Yangsan 626-870, Republic of Korea.
- Journal of cellular biochemistry.J Cell Biochem.2013 May;114(5):1124-34. doi: 10.1002/jcb.24455.
- The limited treatment option for recurrent prostate cancer and the eventual resistance to conventional chemotherapy drugs has fueled continued interest in finding new anti-neoplastic agents of natural product origin. We previously reported anti-proliferative activity of deoxypodophyllotoxin (DPT) on
- PMID 23192945
Japanese Journal
- インドネシアの中等教育における日本語教師研修インストラクターの養成 - 教育文化省語学教員研修所と高校日本語教師の連携による研修の自立化を目指して -
- エフィ ルシアナ,尾崎 裕子,秋山 佳世
- 国際交流基金日本語教育紀要 (9), 43-58, 2013-03-00
- インドネシアでは近年中等教育段階(主に高校)の日本語学習者が急増し、高校日本語教師の研修の重要性が増している。国際交流基金ジャカルタ日本文化センター(以下、「JFJ」)は、インドネシアの教育文化省語学教員研修所(以下、「P4TK Bahasa」)と共催で教師研修を実施してきたが、従来、教師研修の講師は主にJFJ の専任講師や専門家と現職高校日本語教師のインストラクターが務め、P4TK Bahasa …
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- Short-term glacier velocity changes at West Kunlun Shan, Northwest Tibet, detected by Synthetic Aperture Radar data
- Yasuda Takatoshi,Furuya Masato
- Remote Sensing of Environment 128, 87-106, 2013-01-21
- … While glacier surfaces are mostly clean with limited debris-cover, except near the termini, surge-type glaciers might be common in WKS. …
- NAID 120005208898
- A Methodology to Develop Induction Motor Model from Modal Measurements for EMTP
- Shendge Asha,Nagaoka Naoto
- 同志社大学理工学研究報告 53(4), 191-194, 2013-01-00
- … A motor winding may partially discharge due to an inverter surge giving a significant impact on its insulation, and lead to a breakdown.A soft switching technology has been developed to suppress the surge voltage. … It requires to evaluate the surge in advance. … For this, an accurate prediction of the surge voltages at the terminals of the motor becomes very significant. …
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- SPD,避雷器の現状 (特集 最新技術による電気設備)
- 道下 幸志
- 電気設備学会誌 = The Journal of the Institute of Electrical Installation Engineers of Japan 32(12), 901-904, 2012-12-00
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- (演説・討論・論文など普段の活動によって)激しく(揺り)動かす、かきたてる、かきまわす。(人)の心を動揺させる(かき乱す)、煽動する。(主義・変革運動などを)熱心に論じる、~への関心を喚起する
- (新計画など)のあらゆる面について熟慮する、~の構想を練る
- (液体を)かきまわす、かきまぜる。
- 関
- agitation, deflection, incite, instigate, perturb, perturbation, stir, stirring, surge, swing, unbalance
- 心の動揺、狼狽、不安、心配。不安/心配の原因。(天・理)摂動
- 関
- agitate, confound, confuse, confusion, deflection, derange, derangement, disarray, disorganized, disorient, disrupt, disruption, disturbance, perturb, perturbate, surge, swing, unbalance, upset
- それ、偏り。(電子工)(電子ビームの)変更。(理)偏差。(計器の針などの)ふれ。(工)(部材の)たわみ。(光の)屈折。(砲の)方向偏差、方向角。方向偏差補正
- 関
- agitate、deviate、deviation、perturb、perturbation、predilection、surge、swing、unbalance
- 関
- agitate、deflection、derangement、disrupt、disturbance、perturbation、surge、swing、unbalance
- 関
- agitate、deflection、perturb、perturbation、surge、unbalance
- 関
- stereotactic radiosurgery