- 関
- impregnated、penetrability、penetrant、permeability、permeable、permeant
- allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through; "permeable membranes"; "rock that is permeable by water"
- the property of something that can be pervaded by a liquid (as by osmosis or diffusion) (同)permeableness
- spreading or spread throughout; "armed with permeative irony...he punctures affectations"; "the pervasive odor of garlic"; "an error is pervasive if it is material to more than one conclusion" (同)permeating, permeative, pervasive
- the quality of being penetrable (by people or light or missiles etc.) (同)perviousness
- injury incurred when an object (as a knife or bullet or shrapnel) penetrates into the body (同)penetrating_injury
- with ability to see into deeply; "the author treats his subject penetratingly" (同)penetratively
- (寒さなど)突き刺すような / 見抜く,洞察力のある / (声などが)よく通る
- 浸透できる, 浸透性の;(…に)・浸透透する《+『to』+『名』》
- 浸透性
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English Journal
- Paclitaxel loaded liposomes decorated with a multifunctional tandem peptide for glioma targeting.
- Liu Y1, Ran R1, Chen J1, Kuang Q1, Tang J1, Mei L1, Zhang Q1, Gao H1, Zhang Z1, He Q2.Author information 1Key Laboratory of Drug Targeting and Drug Delivery Systems, West China School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University, No. 17, Block 3, Southern Renmin Road, Chengdu 610041, PR China.2Key Laboratory of Drug Targeting and Drug Delivery Systems, West China School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University, No. 17, Block 3, Southern Renmin Road, Chengdu 610041, PR China. Electronic address: qinhe@scu.edu.cn.AbstractThe treatment of glioma is a great challenge because of the existence of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In order to reduce toxicity to the normal brain tissue and achieve efficient treatment, it is also important for drugs to specifically accumulate in the glioma foci and penetrate into the tumor core after entering into the brain. In this study, a specific ligand cyclic RGD peptide was conjugated to a cell penetrating peptide R8 to develop a multifunctional peptide R8-RGD. R8-RGD increased the cellular uptake of liposomes by 2-fold and nearly 30-fold compared to separate R8 and RGD respectively, and displayed effective penetration of three-dimensional glioma spheroids and BBB model in vitro. In vivo studies showed that R8-RGD-lipo could be efficiently delivered into the brain and selectively accumulated in the glioma foci after systemic administration in C6 glioma bearing mice. When paclitaxel (PTX) was loaded in liposomes, R8-RGD-lipo could induce the strongest inhibition and apoptosis against C6 cells and finally achieved the longest survival in intracranial C6 glioma bearing mice. In conclusion, all the results indicated that the tandem peptide R8-RGD was a promising ligand possessing multi functions including BBB transporting, glioma targeting and tumor penetrating. And R8-RGD-lipo was proved to be a potential anti-glioma drug delivery system.
- Biomaterials.Biomaterials.2014 Jun;35(17):4835-47. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2014.02.031. Epub 2014 Mar 17.
- The treatment of glioma is a great challenge because of the existence of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In order to reduce toxicity to the normal brain tissue and achieve efficient treatment, it is also important for drugs to specifically accumulate in the glioma foci and penetrate into the tumor co
- PMID 24651033
- A right hemisphere role in cognitive reserve.
- Robertson IH.Author information Institute of Neuroscience and School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Electronic address: iroberts@tcd.ie.AbstractHigh levels of education, occupational complexity, and/or premorbid intelligence are associated with lower levels of cognitive impairment than would be expected from a given brain pathology. This has been observed across a range of conditions including Alzheimer's disease (Roe et al., 2010), stroke (Ojala-Oksala et al., 2012), traumatic brain injury (Kesler et al., 2003), and penetrating brain injury (Grafman, 1986). This cluster of factors, which seemingly protect the brain from expressing symptoms of damage, has been termed "cognitive reserve" (Stern, 2012). The current review considers one possible neural network, which may contribute to cognitive reserve. Based on the evidence that the neurotransmitter, noradrenaline mediates cognitive reserve's protective effects (Robertson, 2013) this review identifies the neurocognitive correlates of noradrenergic (NA) activity. These involve a set of inter-related cognitive processes (arousal, sustained attention, response to novelty, and awareness) with a strongly right hemisphere, fronto-parietal localization, along with working memory, which is also strongly modulated by NA. It is proposed that this set of processes is one plausible candidate for partially mediating the protective effects of cognitive reserve. In addition to its biological effects on brain structure and function, NA function may also facilitate networks for arousal, novelty, attention, awareness, and working memory, which collectively provide for a set of additional, cognitive, mechanisms that help the brain adapt to age-related changes and disease. It is hypothesized that to the extent that the lateral surface of the right prefrontal lobe and/or the right inferior parietal lobe maintain structural (white and gray matter) and functional integrity and connectivity, cognitive reserve should benefit and behavioral expression of pathologic damage should thus be mitigated.
- Neurobiology of aging.Neurobiol Aging.2014 Jun;35(6):1375-1385. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2013.11.028. Epub 2013 Dec 4.
- High levels of education, occupational complexity, and/or premorbid intelligence are associated with lower levels of cognitive impairment than would be expected from a given brain pathology. This has been observed across a range of conditions including Alzheimer's disease (Roe et al., 2010), stroke
- PMID 24378088
- Aggregation dynamics, structure, and mechanical properties of bigels.
- Di Michele L1, Fiocco D, Varrato F, Sastry S, Eiser E, Foffi G.Author information 1University of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory, JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK.AbstractRecently we have introduced bigels, inter-penetrating gels made of two different colloidal species. Even if particles with simple short-range isotropic potential are employed, the selective interactions enable the tunability of the self-assembly, leading to the formation of complex structures. In the present paper, we explore the non-equilibrium dynamics and the phenomenology underlying the kinetic arrest under quench and the formation of bigels. We demonstrate that the peculiar bigel kinetics can be described through an arrested spinodal decomposition driven by demixing of the colloidal species. The role played by the presence of a second colloidal species on the phase diagram, as expanded to account for the increased number of parameters, is clarified both via extensive numerical simulations and experiments. We provide details on the realisation of bigels, by means of DNA-coated colloids (DNACCs), and the consequent imaging techniques. Moreover we evidence, by comparison with the usual one-component gel formation, the emergence of controllable timescales in the aggregation of the bigels, whose final stages are also experimentally studied to provide morphological details. Finally, we use numerical models to simulate the bigel response to mechanical strain, highlighting how such a new material can bear significantly higher stress compared to the usual one-component gel. We conclude by discussing possible technological uses and by providing insights on the viable research steps to undertake for more complex and yet tuneable multi-component colloidal systems.
- Soft matter.Soft Matter.2014 May 28;10(20):3633-48. doi: 10.1039/c3sm52558a. Epub 2014 Mar 25.
- Recently we have introduced bigels, inter-penetrating gels made of two different colloidal species. Even if particles with simple short-range isotropic potential are employed, the selective interactions enable the tunability of the self-assembly, leading to the formation of complex structures. In th
- PMID 24668413
Japanese Journal
- Vortex Dynamics and Diamagnetic Torque Signals in Two Dimensional Organic Superconductor λ-(BETS)<sub>2</sub>GaCl<sub>4</sub>
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- verb (used with object) 1. to pierce or pass into or through: The bullet penetrated the wall. The fog lights penetrated the mist. 2. to enter the interior of: to penetrate a forest. 3. to enter and diffuse itself through; permeate. 4. to arrive at ...
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- Earlier it may require careful cine-radiology with a bolus of food impregnated with barium.(CAESS.146)
- 関
- penetrability、penetrant、penetrating、permeability、permeable、permeant
- 関
- conductance、impregnated、penetrability、penetrant、penetrating、permeabilize、permeable、permeant、T、transmittance
- 英
- permeability、penetrability、permeable、permeant、penetrating、penetrant、impregnated
- 関
- 貫通刺胞、貫通性、穿通性、透過性、透過率
- 関
- conductance、impregnated、penetrability、penetrant、penetrating、permeability、permeabilize、permeant
- 関
- impregnated、penetrability、penetrating、permeability、permeable、permeant