- 同
- LVEDV, 左室拡張末期容積
- 同
- 左室収縮期容積, LVEDV
redirect 左室拡張末期容積
- 関
- put an end to; "The terrible news ended our hopes that he had survived"
- a final state; "he came to a bad end"; "the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end" (同)destruction, death
- the point in time at which something ends; "the end of the year"; "the ending of warranty period" (同)ending
- bring to an end or halt; "She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime"; "The attack on Poland terminated the relatively peaceful period after WW I" (同)terminate
- a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold (同)remainder, remnant, oddment
- (American football) a position on the line of scrimmage; "no one wanted to play end"
- the part you are expected to play; "he held up his end"
- the concluding parts of an event or occurrence; "the end was exciting"; "I had to miss the last of the movie" (同)last, final_stage
- either extremity of something that has length; "the end of the pier"; "she knotted the end of the thread"; "they rode to the end of the line"; "the terminals of the anterior arches of the fornix" (同)terminal
- (football) the person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage; "the end managed to hold onto the pass"
- a boundary marking the extremities of something; "the end of town"
- a final part or section; "we have given it at the end of the section since it involves the calculus"; "Start at the beginning and go on until you come to the end"
- one of two places from which people are communicating to each other; "the phone rang at the other end"; "both ends wrote at the same time"
- the surface at either extremity of a three-dimensional object; "one end of the box was marked `This side up"
- have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical; "the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed"; "Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other"; "My property ends by the bushes"; "The symphony ends in a pianissimo" (同)stop, finish, terminate, cease
- be the end of; be the last or concluding part of; "This sad scene ended the movie" (同)terminate
- toward or on the left; also used figuratively; "he looked right and left"; "the political party has moved left"
- a turn toward the side of the body that is on the north when the person is facing east; "take a left at the corner"
- the hand that is on the left side of the body; "jab with your left" (同)left_hand
- those who support varying degrees of social or political or economic change designed to promote the public welfare (同)left wing
- location near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east; "she stood on the left"
- intended for the left hand; "I rarely lose a left-hand glove" (同)left-hand
- being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north; "my left hand"; "left center field"; "the left bank of a river is bank on your left side when you are facing downstream"
- of or belonging to the political or intellectual left
- a relative amount; "mix one volume of the solution with ten volumes of water"
- the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object; "the gas expanded to twice its original volume"
- the magnitude of sound (usually in a specified direction); "the kids played their music at full volume" (同)loudness, intensity
- a publication that is one of a set of several similar publications; "the third volume was missing"; "he asked for the 1989 volume of the Annual Review"
- event whose occurrence ends something; "his death marked the ending of an era"; "when these final episodes are broadcast it will be the finish of the show" (同)conclusion, finish
- the end of a word (a suffix or inflectional ending or final morpheme); "I dont like words that have -ism as an ending" (同)termination
- furnished with volumes; "a large room volumed with ancient books"
- (often used in combination) consisting of or having a given number or kind of volumes; "the poets volumed works"; "a two-volumed history"; "multi-volumed encyclopedias"; "large-volumed editions"
- formed or rising in rounded masses; "gasping with the volumed smoke"
- (細いものの)『端』,先端《+『of』+『名』》 / (物語などの)『終り』,終結部《+『of』+『名』》 / (物事・期間の)『最後』《+『of』+『名』》;(…に)結末をつけるもの《+『to』+『名』》 / (…の)端の部分,末端部《『of』+『名』》 / 《しばしば複数形で》『目的』(purpose),目標(aim) / 《遠回しに》死,滅亡 / 《しばしば複数形で》切れ端,くず,残りもの / (事業などの)部門(part) / (フットボールで)エンド)前衛両端の選手または位置) / …‘を'『終わらせる』,終える / 〈物事が〉…‘の'終りとなる,‘を'締めくくる / 『終わる』,終了する(come to an end)
- leaveの過去・過去分詞
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『左の』,左方の / 《しばしばl-》(政治上の)左翼の,左派の,革新派の / 左に,左方に / 《通例 the ~》『左』,左方,左側 / 《しばしばthe L-》左翼の政党(団体),左派 / 〈U〉(野球で)左翼,レフト(left field);〈C〉左翼手(left fielder) / 〈C〉(ボクシングで)左手打ち
- 〈C〉(特に分厚い)『本』,書物 / 〈C〉(シリーズものの)『巻』,冊(《略》(単数形で)vol.,(複数形で)vols.) / 〈U〉(…の)『体積』,容積《+of+名》 / 〈U〉〈C〉)…の)『量』,かさ《+of+名》 / 〈U〉(…の)『音量』,音の強さ,ボリューム《+of+名》 / 《複数形で》多量(の…),たくさん(の…)《+of+名》
- 終り,終了;(物語・映画などの)結末 / (文の)語尾
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English Journal
- Relation of heart-rate recovery to new onset heart failure and atrial fibrillation in patients with diabetes mellitus and preserved ejection fraction.
- Negishi K, Seicean S, Negishi T, Yingchoncharoen T, Aljaroudi W, Marwick TH.SourceHeart and Vascular Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio.
- The American journal of cardiology.Am J Cardiol.2013 Mar 1;111(5):748-53. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2012.11.028. Epub 2012 Dec 27.
- Diabetic autonomic neuropathy is a possible link between abnormal metabolism in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and risk for atrial fibrillation (AF) and heart failure (HF). The aim of this study was to elucidate the association between attenuated heart rate recovery (HRR) and these manifestations o
- PMID 23273718
- Evaluation of patients with cardiac amyloidosis using echocardiography, ECG and right heart catheterization.
- Granstam SO, Rosengren S, Vedin O, Kero T, Sörensen J, Carlson K, Flachskampf FA, Wikström G.SourceDepartment of Medical Sciences: Clinical Physiology .
- Amyloid : the international journal of experimental and clinical investigation : the official journal of the International Society of Amyloidosis.Amyloid.2013 Mar;20(1):27-33. doi: 10.3109/13506129.2012.761967. Epub 2013 Jan 22.
- Abstract Aims: To characterize patients with cardiac amyloidosis using echocardiography, electrocardiogram (ECG) and right heart catheterization (RHC). Methods and results: Fourteen patients with biopsy verified light chain or transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis were included. All patients had hea
- PMID 23339421
- Relationship between mean platelet volume and mitral annular calcification.
- Varol E, Aksoy F, Ozaydin M, Erdogan D, Dogan A.SourceDepartment of Cardiology, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey.
- Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis : an international journal in haemostasis and thrombosis.Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis.2013 Mar;24(2):189-93. doi: 10.1097/MBC.0b013e32835b7296.
- Mitral annular calcification (MAC) is associated with several cardiovascular disorders including coronary artery disease (CAD), atherosclerosis, heart failure, and stroke. MAC and atherosclerosis share similar clinical risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, including age, obesity, hypertension, h
- PMID 23168496
Japanese Journal
- Effect on treadmill exercise capacity, myocardial ischemia, and left ventricular function as a result of repeated whole-body periodic acceleration with heparin pretreatment in patients with angina pectoris and mild left ventricular dysfunction.
- Miyamoto Shoichi,Fujita Masatoshi,Inoko Moriaki,Oba Muneo,Hosokawa Ryohei,Haruna Tetsuya,Izumi Toshiaki,Saji Yoshiaki,Nakane Eisaku,Abe Tomomi,Ueyama Koji,Nohara Ryuji
- The American journal of cardiology 107(2), 168-174, 2011-01-15
- … We hypothesized that treatment with WBPA improves exercise capacity, myocardial ischemia, and left ventricular (LV) function because of increased coronary and peripheral vasodilatory reserves in patients with angina. … On scintigraphic images at rest, LV end-diastolic volume index decreased by 18% (p <0.01) with an augmentation of LV ejection fraction from 50 ± 16% to 55 ± 16% (p <0.01). …
- NAID 120002723157
- Volume Overload and Pressure Overload due to Left-to-Right Shunt-Induced Myocardial Injury : – Evaluation Using a Highly Sensitive Cardiac Troponin-I Assay in Children With Congenital Heart Disease –
- Sugimoto Masaya,Ota Kei,Kajihama Aya,Nakau Kouichi,Manabe Hiromi,Kajino Hiroki
- Circulation Journal 75(9), 2213-2219, 2011
- … It was hypothesized that significant hemodynamic overload due to a left-to-right shunt induces myocardial injury. … Methods and Results: A highly sensitive cTnI assay was used to measure the serum cTnI levels in 30 children with atrial septal defect (ASD), 32 children with ventricular septal defect (VSD), and 350 healthy children. …
- NAID 130000961120
Related Links
- In cardiovascular physiology, end-diastolic volume (EDV) is the volume of blood in the right and/or left ventricle at end load or filling in (diastole). Because greater EDVs cause greater distention of the ventricle, EDV is often used synonymously ...
- Definition of end-diastolic volume in the Medical Dictionary. end-diastolic volume explanation. Information ... end-diastolic volume (EDV) the volume of blood in each ventricle at the end of diastole, usually about 120–130 mL but sometimes reaching 200–250 mL in the normal heart. ... End-Diastolic Left Ventricular Diameter ...
- 同
- left ventricular end-diastolic volume, 左室拡張末期容積
左室収縮期容積 left ventricular end-diastolic volume
redirect 左室拡張末期容積
- 関
- left ventricular end-diastolic volume
- 同
- left ventricular end-diastolic volume, LVEDV
- 英
- left ventricular end-diastolic volume
- 同
- LVEDV, left ventricular end-diastolic volume
- 関
- aim、brink、cease、complete、conclude、corner、distal、eventuate、extremity、goal、object、objective、side、terminal、terminally、terminate、termination
- 関
- cardiac ventricle、cerebral ventricle、cerebroventricle、cerebroventricular、heart ventricle、ventricle、ventriculi、ventriculus
- 関
- leave
- 関
- amount、bulk、content、quantity
- 関
- diastole