- 関
- amount, quantity, volume
- (ラテン語 continereの過去分詞 contentus(中身が満たされた。conainの過去分詞に相当する語)
- (~に)(ほどほどのところで)満足して、甘んじて(with)。(~と言うことに)安心する(that節)(⇔discontent)
- (be ~ to do)喜んで~する(willing)。(~であることに)満足する、甘んじる(that節)
(~ oneself)(不十分な物・事で)満足する(with (doing))
- satisfy in a limited way; "He contented himself with one glass of beer per day"
- the proportion of a substance that is contained in a mixture or alloy etc.
- the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned (同)cognitive content, mental object
- everything that is included in a collection and that is held or included in something; "he emptied the contents of his pockets"; "the two groups were similar in content"
- make content; "I am contented"
- a relative amount; "mix one volume of the solution with ten volumes of water"
- the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object; "the gas expanded to twice its original volume"
- the magnitude of sound (usually in a specified direction); "the kids played their music at full volume" (同)loudness, intensity
- a publication that is one of a set of several similar publications; "the third volume was missing"; "he asked for the 1989 volume of the Annual Review"
- the relative magnitude of something with reference to a criterion; "an adequate amount of food for four people"
- be tantamount or equivalent to; "Her action amounted to a rebellion"
- an adequate or large amount; "he had a quantity of ammunition"
- the concept that something has a magnitude and can be represented in mathematical expressions by a constant or a variable
- a point asserted as part of an argument
- of persons; not given to controversy
- satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are; "a contented smile" (同)content
- a list of divisions (chapters or articles) and the pages on which they start (同)table_of_contents
- 〈C〉《複数形で》(容器などにはいっている)『中身』,内容物,(記録・書物などの)目次 / 〈U〉(書物・演説などの)趣旨 / 〈C〉《~》《修飾語を伴って》含有量,(容器の)容量
- 『満足して』,甘んじて / 満足 / (…で)…'を'『満足させる』《+名+『with』+『名』》
- 〈C〉(特に分厚い)『本』,書物 / 〈C〉(シリーズものの)『巻』,冊(《略》(単数形で)vol.,(複数形で)vols.) / 〈U〉(…の)『体積』,容積《+of+名》 / 〈U〉〈C〉)…の)『量』,かさ《+of+名》 / 〈U〉(…の)『音量』,音の強さ,ボリューム《+of+名》 / 《複数形で》多量(の…),たくさん(の…)《+of+名》
- 〈計算・金額が〉『総計』(…に)『なる』,(…に)のぼる《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈事が〉結局(…に)なる,(…に)等しい《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《the ~》『総計』,総額,総数(sum) / (ある)『量』,額 / 〈U〉真意;要旨
- 〈U〉『量』 / 〈C〉(…の)『量』,数,額,高《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉『多量』,多数 / 〈C〉(数学で)量,数量
- 競争; 論争; 論(争)点, 主張; 【コンピュータ】(通信の)競合, コンテンション〈C〉(論争における)言い分
- =malcontent
- 『満足した』,満足そうな
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/04/22 17:14:54」(JST)
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See also: Portal:Contents
Content or contents may refer to:
- 1 Mathematics
- 2 Places
- 3 Ships
- 4 Other uses
- 5 See also
- Content (algebra), the highest common factor of a polynomial's coefficients
- Content (measure theory), an additive real function defined on a field of sets
- Content (Centreville, Maryland) also known as C.C. Harper Farm, a historic home located at Centreville, Maryland
- Content (Upper Marlboro, Maryland) also known as the Bowling House, a historic home located in Upper Marlboro, Maryland
- HMS Content, ships of the British Royal Navy
- USS Content (SP-538), a United States Navy vessel
Other uses
- Content (album), a 2011 studio album by the UK band Gang of Four
- Content (Freudian dream analysis), a dream as it is remembered and the hidden meaning of the dream in Freudian analysis
- Content (media), information or experience provided to audience or end-users by publishers or media producers
- Content industry, an umbrella term that encompasses companies owning and providing mass media and media metadata
- Content provider, a provider of non-core services in the telecommunications industry
- Free content, published material that can be used, copied, and modified without significant legal restriction
- Open content, published material licensed to authorize copying and modification by anyone
- Web content, information published on the World Wide Web
- Contentment, a state of being
- Contents insurance, insurance that pays for damage to, or loss of, an individual’s personal possessions whilst they are located within that individual’s home
- Table of contents, a list of chapters or sections in a document
- Content analysis, a methodology used in the social sciences and humanities for studying the content of communication
- Content format, an encoded format for converting a specific type of data to displayable information
- Brill's Content, a former media watchdog publication by Steven Brill (journalist)
See also
- Category:Contents, the top-level category in Wikipedia's category system
- Content security (disambiguation)
- Contain (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Phytochemical characteristics, free radical scavenging activities, and neuroprotection of five medicinal plant extracts.
- Chang CL, Lin CS, Lai GH.SourceResearch Institute of Biotechnology, HungKuang University, 34 Chung-Chie Rd, Sha Lu, Taichung 43302, Taiwan.
- Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM.Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.2012;2012:984295. Epub 2011 Aug 10.
- The objective of this study was to determine phytochemical characteristics, chemiluminescence antioxidant capacities, and neuroprotective effects on PC12 cells for methanol extracts of Spatholobus suberectus, Uncaria rhynchophylla, Alpinia officinarum, Drynaria fortunei, and Crataegus pinnatifida. T
- PMID 21845204
- Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant Activity, and Neuroprotective Effect of Terminalia chebula Retzius Extracts.
- Chang CL, Lin CS.SourceResearch Institute of Biotechnology, HungKuang University, 34 Chung-Chie Rd, Sha Lu, Taichung 43302, Taiwan.
- Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM.Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.2012;2012:125247. Epub 2011 Jul 5.
- The objectives of this study were to determine phytochemical compositions, chemiluminescence antioxidant activities, and neuroprotective effects on PC12 cells for water, methanol, and 95% ethanol extracts of the air-dried fruit of Terminalia chebula Retzius. The water extract afforded the greatest y
- PMID 21754945
- Modeling the QSAR of ACE-Inhibitory Peptides with ANN and Its Applied Illustration.
- He R, Ma H, Zhao W, Qu W, Zhao J, Luo L, Zhu W.SourceSchool of Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University, 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013, China.
- International journal of peptides.Int J Pept.2012;2012:620609. Epub 2011 Jun 9.
- A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model of angiotensin-converting enzyme- (ACE-) inhibitory peptides was built with an artificial neural network (ANN) approach based on structural or activity data of 58 dipeptides (including peptide activity, hydrophilic amino acids content, thre
- PMID 21822439
- MRI findings in neuroferritinopathy.
- Ohta E, Takiyama Y.SourceDepartment of Neurology, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering, University of Yamanashi, 1110 Shimokato, Chuo, Yamanashi 409-3898, Japan.
- Neurology research international.Neurol Res Int.2012;2012:197438. Epub 2011 Jul 21.
- Neuroferritinopathy is a neurodegenerative disease which demonstrates brain iron accumulation caused by the mutations in the ferritin light chain gene. On brain MRI in neuroferritinopathy, iron deposits are observed as low-intensity areas on T2WI and as signal loss on T2(?)WI. On T2WI, hyperintens
- PMID 21808735
Japanese Journal
- MaterialReader:デザイン視点で作る電子書籍プラットフォーム
- 櫻井 稔,江渡 浩一郎
- 情報処理学会研究報告. EC, エンタテインメントコンピューティング 2011-EC-21(8), 1-6, 2011-08-23
- 我々は,デザイナとエンジニアのコラボレーションによって,新しい電子書籍プラットフォーム (電子書籍フォーマットと電子書籍リーダ "MaterialReader" の組) を一冊の電子書籍コンテンツ "MaterialBook" と同時平行で構築した.本稿は,その開発過程の記録である.構築過程では,基本設計思想として 「デザイン視点」 を採用し,既存の電子書籍の制約を一旦忘れ,デザイナが考える理想の …
- NAID 110008600685
- 情報の一次接触を重視した動画視聴システムの提案と試作
- 伊藤 永悟,米盛 堂大,安達 元一,藤本 貴之
- 情報処理学会研究報告. EC, エンタテインメントコンピューティング 2011-EC-21(4), 1-6, 2011-08-23
- 近年,インターネットによる動画共有が普及したことにより,その情報の取捨が求められるようになりつつある.しかし,動画のデータ容量は大きく,通信時間が長くなり,動画の視聴価値の判断を行うための部分的な視聴には不向きである.また,通信網や視聴端末への負荷が大きく求められた視聴内容とそれらの負荷の釣りあいがとれているとは言えない.著者らは,このような動画の視聴価値を判断するためには,部分的に視覚情報を欠落 …
- NAID 110008600681
- 生物資源由来燃料およびエマルジョン燃料を用いたディーゼルエンジンの排出ガス特性
- 位田 晴良,Ida Haruyoshi,上嶋 敏裕,Uejima Toshihiro
- 41, 170-177, 2011-08-02T05:04:22Z
- … However, the use of BDF increases NOX emission from diesel engines, though the generation of PM (Particulate Matters) is controlled by the oxygen content in the BDF. …
- NAID 120003222688
- 澤﨑 雅之,Sawazaki Masayuki
- 41, 215-223, 2011-08-02T07:44:17Z
- … Discussed also is a procedure for correcting the reference value of the resistivity for the change of water content. … It has been found that the air porosity or the volume water content is a reliable compaction control index. … A procedure for correcting the reference value of the resistivity for the change of water content is presented. … This procedure is based on relationships between the resistivity and the air porosity or the volume water content. …
- NAID 120003222694
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- 英
- amount、volume、content、quantity
- 関
- 巻、含有量、含量、体積、達する、容積、内容物、内容、ボリューム
- 関
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- 英
- content、amount、quantity
- 関
- 含有量、達する、量、内容物、内容
- 関
- amount、content、volume
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- 関
- respiratory aspiration