- develop into a distinctive entity; "our plans began to take shape" (同)take form, take shape, spring
- assume a form or shape; "the water formed little beads"
- the visual appearance of something or someone; "the delicate cast of his features" (同)shape, cast
- a mold for setting concrete; "they built elaborate forms for pouring the foundation"
- a particular mode in which something is manifested; "his resentment took the form of extreme hostility"
- a perceptual structure; "the composition presents problems for students of musical form"; "a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them" (同)shape, pattern
- (biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups; "a new strain of microorganisms" (同)variant, strain, var.
- the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something; "the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached" (同)word form, signifier, descriptor
- a printed document with spaces in which to write; "he filled out his tax form"
- an ability to perform well; "he was at the top of his form"; "the team was off form last night"
- an arrangement of the elements in a composition or discourse; "the essay was in the form of a dialogue"; "he first sketches the plot in outline form"
- to compose or represent:"This wall forms the background of the stage setting"; "The branches made a roof"; "This makes a fine introduction" (同)constitute, make
- create (as an entity); "social groups form everywhere"; "They formed a company" (同)organize, organise
- having or given a form or shape
- 〈C〉〈U〉(色・材質に対して)『形』,形状,姿 / 〈C〉『人体』,体つき / 〈C〉〈U〉『外観』,格好,人影 / 〈C〉〈U〉(ものの現れる)『形態』,形式 / 〈C〉(生物などの)『種類』,品種 / 〈U〉(芸術作品の)表現形式 / 〈U〉(特にスポーツで)(競技者の)フォーム / 〈U〉(心身の)調子,元気 / 〈C〉(印刷された)書き込み用紙,ひな形 / 〈U〉《話》(ある集団などの)やり方,仕方,方式 / 〈C〉〈U〉しきたり,伝統的な儀式 / 〈C〉(英国の学校・米国のある学校で)学年,学級 / 〈U〉〈C〉(意味に対する)形態,形;語形 / 〈C〉(通例寄りかかりのない)長い木のいす / 〈素材〉‘に'形を与える,(…に)…‘を'形作る《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / (素材から)…‘を'形作る《+『名』+『out of』+『名』》 / …‘を'組織する,構成する / 〈考えなど〉‘を'まとめる,思い付く;〈計画など〉‘を'立てる / 〈習慣など〉‘を'身に付ける;〈交際など〉‘を'結ぶ / 〈文章など〉‘を'組み立てる;〈複数形など〉‘を'作る / (ある順序に)配列する,整列させる / 〈物が〉形を成す / 生じる,現れる / (…に)なる《+『into』+『名』》
- 《時間・距離》『…の間』 / 《利益・貢献》『…のために』 / 《適応・用途》『…向きの(に);』…用の(に);…のための(に) / 《目的・意向》『…のために,』に / 《敬意・記念》『…のために;』…を記念して / 《獲得・追求》『…を得るために』,を求めて / 《行く先・方向》『…あてに;』…[方面]行きの,に向けて / 《交換・報償など》『…に対して』;…と引き換えに;…のお返しに / 《原因・理由》『…のために』,なので / 《代理・代表》『…の代わりに;』…を代表して / 《形容詞の後に用いて》『…にとって,』には / 《比較級の後に用いて》『…の結果として,』…のために / 《対比》『…としては,』のわりには / 《関連》『…について,』の点では / 《資格・属性》『…として』 / 《賛成・支持》…『に賛成して』,を支持して / 《傾向・好み》…『に対する』,には / 《模倣》《おもに米》《英文》…の名を取って(after) / 《割合》…に対して / 《『for』+『名』〈人〉+『to』 doの形で,〈人〉が不定詞to doの意味上の主語を表して》…が(…することは,…するために) / […というのは]…だから
- 世襲の,親譲りの / 遺伝的な,遺伝性の
English Journal
- Detection of novel mutations and review of published data suggests that hereditary spastic paraplegia caused by spastin (SPAST) mutations is found more often in males.
- Proukakis C, Moore D, Labrum R, Wood NW, Houlden H.SourceDepartment of Clinical Neurosciences, University College London Institute of Neurology, London, NW3 2PF, UK.
- Journal of the neurological sciences.J Neurol Sci.2011 Jul 15;306(1-2):62-5. Epub 2011 May 5.
- BACKGROUND: Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) is characterised in its pure form by slowly progressive spastic paraparesis. Around 40% of autosomal dominant (AD) cases are caused by mutations in SPAST, encoding spastin.PATIENTS AND METHODS: The clinical and investigation details of all patients wit
- PMID 21546041
- Expansion of the phenotypic spectrum of SPG6 caused by mutation in NIPA1.
- Du J, Hu YC, Tang BS, Chen C, Luo YY, Zhan ZX, Zhao GH, Jiang H, Xia K, Shen L.SourceDepartment of Neurology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410008, China.
- Clinical neurology and neurosurgery.Clin Neurol Neurosurg.2011 Jul;113(6):480-2. Epub 2011 Mar 17.
- BACKGROUND: Hereditary spastic paraplegia type 6 (SPG6) is caused by mutations in the NIPA1 gene, this is a rare cause of HSP, until now, all the affected individuals reported displayed "pure" spastic paraplegia.OBJECTIVES: To analyze the genotype/phenotype correlation of mutations so far described
- PMID 21419568
Japanese Journal
- MESとBN.MES-Cyba[mes]コンジェニック系ラットにおける好酸球増多症に関する系統差を規定する遺伝子は第9,5,および1番染色体上に存在する
- TOMOZAWA Hiroshi,NISHIO Ayako,HIGUCHI Keiichi,MATSUMOTO Kiyoshi,MORI Masayuki
- Experimental Animals 60(2), 151-160, 2011
- … The Matsumoto Eosinophilia Shinshu (MES) rat strain develops hereditary blood eosinophilia due to the mutant Cybames gene. … These data suggest the existence of genes characterizing/distinguishing the eosinophilic phenotypes of MES and BN.MES-Cybames on these chromosomes, and form the basis for positional cloning studies of the genes. …
- NAID 130000654770
- Itsushi KAWASE
- African study monographs. Supplementary issue 41, 101-109, 2010-03-31
- … The paper focuses on the role of the audience in the formation and rediscovery of cultural identity with regard to local knowledge presented via fi lmic documentation, and explores the appropriate manner of fi lm-presentation in the form of montage and screenings, on the basis of my experience using fi lms as an educational medium. …
- NAID 110007523228
Related Links
- hereditary formの意味や和訳。 ** 遺伝形式hereditary formの共起表現 - 約473万語 ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。
- 英
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- 遺伝
- Progression rates are variable and an acute aggressive form with death in 6 months can occur.(疾患の進展速度は症例により様々で、6ヶ月で死亡する急性増悪も起こりうる)(CASES.244)
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- appearance、breed、configure、cultivar、figure、formation、mode、morphology、orchestrate、pattern、race、shape、topology、type、typed
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- heredity、heritable、inherit、inheritable、inheritable character、inheritance、inherited