- …‘を'引き返す / …‘を'さかのぼって調べる(思い出す)
English Journal
- Potential Effects of Environmental Chemical Contamination in Congenital Heart Disease.
- Gorini F, Chiappa E, Gargani L, Picano E.Author information Institute of Clinical Physiology, National Council of Research (CNR), via Moruzzi, 1, 56124, Pisa, Italy, is compelling evidence that prenatal exposures to environmental xenobiotics adversely affect human development and childhood. Among all birth defects, congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most prevalent of all congenital malformations and remains the leading cause of death. It has been estimated that in most cases the causes of heart defects remain unknown, while a growing number of studies have indicated the potential role of environmental agents as risk factors in CHD occurrence. In particular, maternal exposure to chemicals during the first trimester of pregnancy represents the most critical window of exposure for CHD. Specific classes of xenobiotics (e.g. organochlorine pesticides, organic solvents, air pollutants) have been identified as potential risk factors for CHD. Nonetheless, the knowledge gained is currently still incomplete as a consequence of the frequent heterogeneity of the methods applied and the difficulty in estimating the net effect of environmental pollution on the pregnant mother. The presence of multiple sources of pollution, both indoor and outdoor, together with individual lifestyle factors, may represent a further confounding element for association with the disease. A future new approach for research should probably focus on individual measurements of professional, domestic, and urban exposure to physical and chemical pollutants in order to accurately retrace the environmental exposure of parents of affected offspring during the pre-conceptional and pregnancy periods.
- Pediatric cardiology.Pediatr Cardiol.2014 Jan 23. [Epub ahead of print]
- There is compelling evidence that prenatal exposures to environmental xenobiotics adversely affect human development and childhood. Among all birth defects, congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most prevalent of all congenital malformations and remains the leading cause of death. It has been estima
- PMID 24452958
- Coeliac disease: an old or a new disease? History of a pathology.
- Gasbarrini GB, Mangiola F, Gerardi V, Ianiro G, Corazza GR, Gasbarrini A.Author information Fondazione Ricerca in Medicina ONLUS, 40123, Bologna, Italy.AbstractThe celiac disease is an ancient pathology, present since the introduction of the wheat in the diet, of which the first description of the compatible clinical symptoms and signs goes back to 250 A.D. Today it is known that the expression of this pathology is multifaceted, ranging from clinical features indicative of bowel disease and malabsorption, until symptoms once unexpected, because of their extra-digestive clinical features. With our work, we wanted to retrace the history of this disease, correlating it with the intake of gluten present in wheat after cooking , ever since mankind has increased the cultivation of cereals. Re-evaluating the clinical and instrumental methods for the diagnosis of Celiac Disease, and benefitting from the most modern techniques for the morphological, biochemical and genetic study of the patients, we sought to understand whether the incidence of the disease is actually increased or if has been considered less frequent for the lower valuation of the signs once deemed more atypical, but currently considered preliminary indicative of the pathology, for its association with other autoimmune diseases, and for the study of some genetic and familiar characteristics. Each of these factors has led the modern medicine to increase epidemiological studies and expand the research potential carriers of celiac disease with safer diagnostic tests.
- Internal and emergency medicine.Intern Emerg Med.2014 Jan 17. [Epub ahead of print]
- The celiac disease is an ancient pathology, present since the introduction of the wheat in the diet, of which the first description of the compatible clinical symptoms and signs goes back to 250 A.D. Today it is known that the expression of this pathology is multifaceted, ranging from clinical featu
- PMID 24435555
- I find my way in a maze but not in my own territory! Navigational processing in developmental topographical disorientation.
- Palermo L1, Foti F2, Ferlazzo F1, Guariglia C1, Petrosini L1.Author information 1Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome.2IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation.AbstractObjective: Developmental Topographical Disorientation (DTD) is a selective difficulty in way-finding showed by individuals with normal intellectual ability. We aimed to clarify whether getting lost even in familiar contexts could be because of a variety of developmental deficits that may affect the acquisition of one or more navigational competencies. Method: Two DTD individuals were submitted to neuropsychological assessment and MRI exam, to verify the absence of further cognitive deficits and brain abnormalities; navigational and visuospatial tasks, and Radial Arm Maze (RAM) paradigms to assess spatial competencies; and switching paradigms to assess backward inhibition processes in spatial- and no-spatial contexts. DTD performances were compared with those of controls matched for gender, age, and education. Results: DTD participants were not able to retrace a previously showed route, but they could recognize previously seen landmarks. They performed RAM paradigms without significant differences from controls and adopted complex navigational strategies as the cognitive mapping. It is interesting that DTD participants exhibited a peculiar alteration of Backward Inhibition, a mechanism that allows flexibly adapting to continuously changing environments. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that getting lost for DTD participants did not imply the lack of basic navigational strategies and was not related to visuospatial or spatial memory deficits. We discuss the hypothesis that Backward Inhibition might play a role in updating environment representation during navigation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved).
- Neuropsychology.Neuropsychology.2014 Jan;28(1):135-46. doi: 10.1037/neu0000021. Epub 2013 Nov 11.
- Objective: Developmental Topographical Disorientation (DTD) is a selective difficulty in way-finding showed by individuals with normal intellectual ability. We aimed to clarify whether getting lost even in familiar contexts could be because of a variety of developmental deficits that may affect the
- PMID 24219605
Japanese Journal
- フィールドノート : 東北アジアにおける「熊民俗」の予備的研究
- 須藤 護
- 龍谷大学国際社会文化研究所紀要 15, 81-109, 2013-06-30
- … However, a concerted attempt has been made to retrace as thoroughly as possible the lifestyles and cultural practices of the Buryat people with a view to assessing how this culture might have influenced or paralleled that of Japan. …
- NAID 110009606295
- ハーネスは線路かアンテナか(電力,生体,EMC,一般)
- 中村 隆
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. EMCJ, 環境電磁工学 112(361), 101-105, 2012-12-07
- 線路とアンテナの混在する場所では,どのように線路とアンテナを設計すればよいのか.伝送と放射の分離か,棲み分けか,はたまた融合か.今一度,線路とアンテナの原点に戻って放射のメカニズムを見直し,そこからEMCの電磁波対策を考える必要がある. 具体的には,線路とアンテナの違いは何か,線路のどこから放射するか,放射する線路の解析方程式はあるか,などについて検討する.
- NAID 110009667058
- ある形式論的なSFの定義に関する試論(東北英文学研究)
- 高橋 史朗
- 英文学研究. 支部統合号 4, 123-130, 2012-01-20
- … In this brief paper, we will examine Suvin's discourse and retrace the essence of his theoretical achievement. …
- NAID 110009818336
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