- 関
- cross、crossing、transect、transversal、transverse diameter、transversely
- trace a line through or across; "cross your `t"
- any affliction that causes great suffering; "that is his cross to bear"; "he bears his afflictions like a crown of thorns" (同)crown_of_thorns
- a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece
- extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis; "cross members should be all steel"; "from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully"; "transversal vibrations"; "transverse colon" (同)transverse, transversal, thwartwise
- to cover or extend over an area or time period; "Rivers traverse the valley floor", "The parking lot spans 3 acres"; "The novel spans three centuries" (同)traverse, span, sweep
- fold so as to resemble a cross; "she crossed her legs"
- meet and pass; "the trains crossed"
- a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other (同)crosswalk, crossover
- a voyage across a body of water (usually across the Atlantic Ocean)
- traveling across
- a point where two lines (paths or arcs etc.) intersect
- cut across or divide transversely; "the trails transect the property"
- 横の,横断の;(線など)交わる / (幾何で)横軸の / 横断するもの(特に道路など) / (幾何で)横軸
- 〈C〉(昔,罪人のはりつけの刑に用いた)『十字架』 / 《the C-》キリストがはりつけになった十字架;キリスト教の象徴としての十字架 / 〈C〉十字(キリスト教徒が右手で切る) / 〈C〉イエスのために耐える苦しみ,受難 / 〈C〉十字架像;(紋章などの)十字形 / 〈C〉キリスト教信仰;《集合的に》キリスト教徒 / 〈C〉十字記号(crisscross)(+または×) / 〈C〉《修飾語を伴って》十字勲章 / 《『the Cross』》南十字星(the Southern Cross) / 〈C〉(動物・植物の)(…間の)異種交配;雑種《+『between』+『名』+『and』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(ボクシングの)クロスパンチ / (信仰のしるしとして)〈人・自分〉‘に'『十字を切る』 / …'を'『交差させる』(『する』) / …‘に'『交差させて線を引く』;《英》〈小切手〉‘に'線引きする;…'を'横線(×印)をつけて消す《+『名』+『out』(『off』),+『out』(『off』)+『名』》 / …'を'『横切る』,横断する,渡る / 〈心〉'を'よぎる,‘に'ふと浮かぶ / …‘と'すれ違う,行き違う / …'を'妨げる,‘の'じゃまをする / …'を'交配する / 『交差する』,交わる / (…へ)『横切る』,渡る《+『over to』+『名』》 / すれ違いになる / 〈動物・植物が〉交配する,雑種になる / おこりっぽい,ふきげんな / (風が)反対の / 十文字に交差した,横切った
- 横断,横切ること;渡航 / 交差点,十字路;踏切,《英》横断歩道(《米》crosswalk),(河川・水路の)横断場所 / 異種交配(crossbreeding)
- (幾何で)横断線
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/10/06 20:55:49」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Transverse may refer to:
- Transverse City, a 1989 album by Warren Zevon
- Transverse engine, an engine in which the crankshaft is oriented side-to-side relative to the wheels of the vehicle
- Transverse flute, a flute that is held horizontally
- Transverse mass, a particle physics quantity
- Transverse plane, the plane orthogonal to the anteroposterior or oral-aboral axis
- Transverse rotors, a type of rotorcraft in which there are two rotors mounted side by side
- Transverse wave, a wave that causes a disturbance in the medium perpendicular to the direction it advances
- Transversality theorem, a concept related to the intersection of manifolds in topology
- Transversality (mathematics), a notion in mathematics
- Transverse Island, an island on the east side of Stefansson Bay, off the coast of Enderby Land
See also
- Transversal (disambiguation)
- Transversality (disambiguation)
- All pages beginning with "Transverse"
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English Journal
- One sensor acoustic emission localization in plates.
- Ernst R1, Zwimpfer F2, Dual J3.
- Ultrasonics.Ultrasonics.2016 Jan;64:139-50. doi: 10.1016/j.ultras.2015.08.010. Epub 2015 Sep 3.
- Acoustic emissions are elastic waves accompanying damage processes and are therefore used for monitoring the health state of structures. Most of the traditional acoustic emission techniques use a trilateration approach requiring at least three sensors on a 2D domain in order to localize sources of a
- PMID 26372509
- Methane and carbon dioxide emissions from constructed wetlands receiving anaerobically pretreated sewage.
- de la Varga D1, Ruiz I1, Álvarez JA2, Soto M3.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2015 Dec 15;538:824-33. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.08.090. Epub 2015 Sep 28.
- The aim of this research was to determine methane and carbon dioxide emissions from a hybrid constructed wetland (CW) treating anaerobically pre-treated sewage. The CW was constituted of two horizontal flow (free water surface followed by a subsurface) units. A long-term study was carried out as bot
- PMID 26342902
- Stibarokris mariasi sp. nov. - a new quill mite species (Acariformes: Syringophilidae) parasitizing Puffinus pacificus (Gmelin) (Procellariidae) on Johnston Atoll.
- Glowska E.
- Acta parasitologica / Witold Stefański Institute of Parasitology, Warszawa, Poland.Acta Parasitol.2015 Dec 1;60(4):614-7. doi: 10.1515/ap-2015-0086.
- A new quill mite species Stibarokris mariasi sp. nov. (Acariformes: Syringophilidae) is described from the Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus (Gmelin) (Procellariiformes: Procellariidae) from Johnston Atoll. Females of S. mariasi sp. nov. differ from most similar species S. phoeniconaias Sko
- PMID 26408580
Japanese Journal
- Cavity mode enhancement of terahertz emission from equilateral triangular microstrip antennas of the high-T c superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 + δ
- Multiband enhanced absorption of monolayer graphene with attenuated total reflectance configuration and sensing application
- Quasiparticle Excitations in the Superconducting State of FeSe Probed by Thermal Hall Conductivity in the Vicinity of the BCS–BEC Crossover
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- transverseとは。意味や和訳。[形容詞]1 横の,(斜めに)横切る,横断のa transverse beam(建物・船などの)横梁はりthe transverse strokes in the letter KK という文字の斜めの線.2 〈フルートが〉横吹きの. cf. END-BLOWN3 トランスバース ...
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- 関
- crossbred、crossbreeding、crossing、crossing over、crosslink、crossreact、decussation、hybridization、hybridize、intersect、intersection、pass、pass through、passage、transect、transit、transversal、transverse
- 関
- ablate、ablation、ablative、cross、crossing、excise、excision、excisional、extirpation、horizontal incision、resect、resection、resective、transection、transversal、transverse、transverse incision
- 英
- crossing、cross、transect、transverse、transversal
- 関
- 横位、横径、横行、横行性、横切、横切開、クロス、交差、交差性、交雑、交雑種、切除、通過、交叉性
- 関
- cross、crossbred、crossbreeding、crossed、hybridization、hybridize、transect、transversal、transverse
- 関
- cross、crossing、transect、transverse、transverse lie、transverse presentation