- 閉じた、閉鎖した、業務を停止した、交通を遮断した、閉鎖的な、排他的な、非公開の、(~に)非公開で、閉鎖的で、禁止中の
- with shutters closed
- blocked against entry; "a closed porch" (同)closed in
- used especially of mouth or eyes; "he sat quietly with closed eyes"; "his eyes were shut against the sunlight" (同)shut
- not having an open mind; "a closed mind unreceptive to new ideas" (同)unsympathetic
- (set theory) of an interval that contains both its endpoints
- not open or affording passage or access; "the many closed streets made travel difficult"; "our neighbors peeped from behind closed curtains"
- not open to the general public; "a closed meeting"
- requiring union membership; "a closed shop"
- broadcast with captions that are seen only on receivers having special equipment; can be provided for hard-of-hearing viewers
- made known (especially something secret or concealed); "the disclosed purpose of their wicked plan"
- heart surgery in which a small incision is made (the chest cavity is not opened)
- used of hair or haircuts; "a close military haircut"
- finish a game in baseball by protecting a lead; "The relief pitcher closed with two runs in the second inning"
- inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information; "although they knew her whereabouts her friends kept close about it" (同)closelipped, closemouthed, secretive, tightlipped
- in an attentive manner; "he remained close on his guard" (同)closely, tight
- come together, as if in an embrace; "Her arms closed around her long lost relative" (同)come_together
- crowded; "close quarters" (同)confining
- marked by fidelity to an original; "a close translation"; "a faithful copy of the portrait"; "a faithful rendering of the observed facts" (同)faithful
- fill or stop up; "Can you close the cracks with caulking?" (同)fill_up
- become closed; "The windows closed with a loud bang" (同)shut
- move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut; "Close the door"; "shut the window" (同)shut
- fitting closely but comfortably; "a close fit" (同)snug, close-fitting
- (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched; "a close contest"; "a close election"; "a tight game" (同)tight
- of textiles; "a close weave"; "smooth percale with a very tight weave" (同)tight
- at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other; "close to noon"; "how close are we to town?"; "a close formation of ships"
- bar access to; "Due to the accident, the road had to be closed for several hours"
- be priced or listed when trading stops; "The stock market closed high this Friday"; "My new stocks closed at $59 last night"
- bring together all the elements or parts of; "Management closed ranks"
- cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop
- change ones body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact
- close in relevance or relationship; "a close family"; "we are all...in close sympathy with..."; "close kin"; "a close resemblance"
- complete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement; "We closed on the house on Friday"; "They closed the deal on the building"
- confined to specific persons; "a close secret"
- draw near; "The probe closed with the space station"
- engage at close quarters; "close with the enemy"
- finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.); "The meeting was closed with a charge by the chairman of the board"
- rigorously attentive; strict and thorough; "close supervision"; "paid close attention"; "a close study"; "kept a close watch on expenditures"
- strictly confined or guarded; "kept under close custody"
- …'を'『閉じる』,閉める(shut) / …'を'ふさぐ(fill) / 〈事務・仕事・話など〉'を'『終える』,済ませる / 〈通路・施設など〉'を'一時的に閉じる,‘の'使用を一時中止する / (一つにまとまるように)…'を'つめる / 〈ドア・目・花などが〉『閉じる』,閉まる;ふさがる / 〈話・相談・契約などが〉『終る』,終了する,〈店などが〉終業(休業)する / くっつく,接近する(come together) / 終結,結末,終り(end) / 締め切り / (音楽の)終止
- (距離・時間・関係が)『近い』,接近している・《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『親密な』,親しい・ぎっしり詰まった,密集した;目のつんだ,きめの細かい・綿密な,厳重な(strict) ・息がつまる,重苦しい(stuffy) / 厳重に隠された,秘密の / ほとんど同等の,匹敵する・《補語にのみ用いて》(金銭が)乏しい;(…に)けちな(stingy)《+『with』+『名』》・(音声が)閉鎖音の(舌を口蓋(こうがい)に近づけて発音する) / (…に)『近接して』,(…の)すぐそば(近く)に;(…に)ぴったりくっついて《+『to(behind, by)』+『名』》 / きっちりと;ぎっしりと・(大寺院の)囲い地;(学校の)構内,校庭・《英》袋小路
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/12/26 01:23:49」(JST)
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Look up closed in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Closed may refer to:
- Closed (poker), a betting round where no player will have the right to raise
- Closed (album), a 2010 album by Bomb Factory
- Closed GmbH, a German fashion brand
- A set is closed under a set of operations when applying those operations on its members always results in another member.
- A set is a closed when it is closed under limits, that is, it contains all its limit points.
- An interval is closed when it includes its endpoints.
- In linguistics, a closed class is a class of words or other entities which rarely changes.
See also
- All pages beginning with "Closed"
- Close (disambiguation)
- Closure (disambiguation)
- Open (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- A Radial Basis Function (RBF)-Finite Difference (FD) Method for Diffusion and Reaction-Diffusion Equations on Surfaces.
- Shankar V1, Wright GB2, Kirby RM1, Fogelson AL3.
- Journal of scientific computing.J Sci Comput.2016 Jun 1;63(3):745-768.
- In this paper, we present a method based on Radial Basis Function (RBF)-generated Finite Differences (FD) for numerically solving diffusion and reaction-diffusion equations (PDEs) on closed surfaces embedded in ℝ d . Our method uses a method-of-lines formulation, in which surface derivatives that
- PMID 25983388
- Cell Cycle Synchronization Using a Microfluidic Synchronizer for Fission Yeast Cells.
- Wang S1, Luo C.
- Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.).Methods Mol Biol.2016;1342:259-68. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2957-3_15.
- To produce synchronized cell colonies, many cell cycle synchronization technologies have been developed, among which the baby machine may be considered the most artifact-free. Baby machines incubate "mother cells" under normal conditions and collects their "babies," producing cell cultures that are
- PMID 26254929
- Ultra-thin Rigid diagnostic and therapeutic arthroscopy during arthrocentesis: Development and preliminary clinical findings.
- Moon SY1, Chung H2.
- Maxillofacial plastic and reconstructive surgery.Maxillofac Plast Reconstr Surg.2015 Jul 15;37(1):17. eCollection 2015.
- Arthroscopy is useful to detect early changes in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Despite great advances in arthroscopy, many arthroscopic surgeries have now been replaced by arthrocentesis. We propose a simple diagnostic and therapeutic method having operative rigid ultra-thin arthroscopy with 16
- PMID 26191518
- Can the algicidal material Ca-aminoclay be harmful when applied to a natural ecosystem? An assessment using microcosms.
- Jung SW1, Yun SM2, Yoo JW3, Zhun L4, Jang PG5, Lim DI6, Lee YC7, Lee HU8, Lee TK5, Heo J5, Lee JH2, Han MS9.
- Journal of hazardous materials.J Hazard Mater.2015 Nov 15;298:178-87. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2015.05.012. Epub 2015 May 14.
- We assessed the ability of an artificial clay (Ca-aminoclay) to suppress harmful algal bloom species (HABs) such as Cochlodinium polykrikoides and Chattonella marina and investigated the ecological responses in the closed and open microcosm systems. The Ca-aminoclay induced rapidly and selectively c
- PMID 26051993
Japanese Journal
- 時間変化する特徴語によるマイクロブログ地名曖昧性解消
- 落合 桂一,鳥居 大祐
- 情報処理学会論文誌. データベース 7(2), 51-60, 2014-06-30
- 本研究では,Twitterなどの文章が短いマイクロブログを対象として,位置に関する特徴語を利用した地名の曖昧性解消手法を提案する.従来,同名地名の曖昧性解消には地理的に近い地名との共起が用いられていた.しかし,マイクロブログは文章が短いため,地名以外の単語も曖昧性解消に利用すべきである.そこで,マイクロブログの投稿にはその場所特有のトピックが存在することが多いと考え,地名ごとにその場所特有の単語( …
- NAID 110009799911
- Evaluation modules for the q-tetrahedron algebra
- Ito Tatsuro,Rosengren Hjalmar,Terwilliger Paul
- Linear Algebra and Its Applications 451, 107-168, 2014-06-15
- … Let F denote an algebraically closed field, and fix a nonzero qε F that is not a root of unity. …
- NAID 120005435497
- 大教室での講義活性化のためのリアルタイムコミュニケーションツールの開発と評価
- 安田 光孝,前田 真人
- 情報処理学会研究報告. EC, エンタテインメントコンピューティング 2014-EC-32(12), 1-6, 2014-05-30
- 北海道情報大学では 2014 年度より,新 1・2 年生の全学生を対象に 900 台の iPad を貸与した.これにより中・大教室での座学講義でも全受講生が iPad を利用できるようになる.この状況を受けて,2011 年に開発したクローズド型の教室内リアルタイムコミュニケーションツール 「Kaiwa」 をこの 3 年間のデータをもとに再度分析した.評価の結果,講義で Kaiwa を利用することは …
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- 専門医試験をめざす症例問題トレーニング 手関節・手疾患(外傷を含む)
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- without opening; with all openings covered or closed. 43. confined; narrow: close quarters. 44. lacking fresh or freely circulating air: a hot, close room. 45. heavy; oppressive: a spell of close, sultry weather. 46. narrowly confined 47. ...
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- 関
- adjacent、approximate、atresia、closely、closure、contiguous、inextricably、intimate、near、nearby、occlude、occlusion、proximate、proximity、shut、terminate、tight、tighten、tightly、vicinal、vicinity