- 関
- biting force
- do forcibly; exert force; "Dont force it!"
- (physics) the influence that produces a change in a physical quantity; "force equals mass times acceleration"
- physical energy or intensity; "he hit with all the force he could muster"; "it was destroyed by the strength of the gale"; "a government has not the vitality and forcefulness of a living man" (同)forcefulness, strength
- group of people willing to obey orders; "a public force is necessary to give security to the rights of citizens" (同)personnel
- a group of people having the power of effective action; "he joined forces with a band of adventurers"
- a powerful effect or influence; "the force of his eloquence easily persuaded them"
- force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically; "She rammed her mind into focus"; "He drives me mad" (同)drive, ram
- impose urgently, importunately, or inexorably; "She forced her diet fads on him" (同)thrust
- a wound resulting from biting by an animal or a person
- penetrate or cut, as with a knife; "The fork bit into the surface"
- the act of gripping or chewing off with the teeth and jaws (同)chomp
- a portion removed from the whole; "the governments weekly bite from my paycheck"
- a light informal meal (同)collation, snack
- (angling) an instance of a fish taking the bait; "after fishing for an hour he still had not had a bite"
- to grip, cut off, or tear with or as if with the teeth or jaws; "Gunny invariably tried to bite her" (同)seize with teeth
- cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort; "The sun burned his face" (同)sting, burn
- a unit of measurement of information (from binary + digit); the amount of information in a system having two equiprobable states; "there are 8 bits in a byte"
- piece of metal held in horses mouth by reins and used to control the horse while riding; "the horse was not accustomed to a bit"
- the cutting part of a drill; usually pointed and threaded and is replaceable in a brace or bitstock or drill press; "he looked around for the right size bit"
- the part of a key that enters a lock and lifts the tumblers
- a small fragment of something broken off from the whole; "a bit of rock caught him in the eye" (同)chip, flake, fleck, scrap
- produced by or subjected to forcing; "forced-air heating"; "furnaces of the forced-convection type"; "forced convection in plasma generators"
- forced or compelled; "promised to abolish forced labor"
- made necessary by an unexpected situation or emergency; "a forced landing"
- 〈U〉(物理的な)『力』,勢い;体力 / 〈U〉『暴力』,腕ずく / 〈C〉《集合的に》(共通の目的・活動のための)集団,隊 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》『軍隊』,部隊 / 〈C〉(社会的)勢力;有力な人物 / 〈U〉(精神あるいは知性の)力 / 〈U〉『影響力』,効果 / 〈U〉(言葉の)意味,真意 / 〈人〉‘に'『強いる』,無理を言う / (…から)…‘を'力ずくで手に入れる《+『名』+『from』(『out of』)+『名』》 / …‘を'むりに押し出す / (容器などに)…‘を'むりに押し込む《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / (人に)…‘を'『押しつける』《+『名』+『on』(『upon』)+『名』〈人〉》 / 〈植物〉‘を'促成栽培する
- …'を'『かむ』,かじる,くわえる / 〈虫が〉…'を'刺す,食う / 〈こしょうなどが〉…'を'刺激する;〈寒さが〉…‘に'しみる;〈霜が〉…'を'いためる;〈酸が〉…'を'腐食す / る / 〈歯車や機械などが〉…‘に'かみ合う;〈刃物などが〉…‘に'切り(食い)込む / かむ;かみつく;〈魚が〉えさに食いつく / 〈寒さが〉しみる;〈こしょうなどが〉刺激する;〈言葉などが〉(…に)食い込む《+『into』+『名』) / (歯車などが)かみ合う,空回りしない / 『かむこと』,食いつくこと;(釣りで,魚の)食い / 〈C〉(食べ物の)1口[分]《+『of』+『名』》;《話》軽い食事 / 〈C〉かみ傷,(虫などの)刺した跡 / 〈U〉ぴっとする刺激;辛み;(傷の)痛み;激痛 / 〈U〉(機械などの)かみ合い
- (…の)『小片』,少量,少し(の…)《+『of』+『名』》 / 《a~》《話》わずかの時間,しばらく;ちよっと,少し / 《米俗》12セント半;《英》小銭 / =bit part
- (くつわの)はみ / 錐(きり)の先;(かんなの)刃 / (かぎの)かかり / 〈馬〉‘に'はみをふくませる,はみに慣れさせる
- bitの過去・過去分詞
- ビット(電算機の情報量の基本単位)
- 《時間・距離》『…の間』 / 《利益・貢献》『…のために』 / 《適応・用途》『…向きの(に);』…用の(に);…のための(に) / 《目的・意向》『…のために,』に / 《敬意・記念》『…のために;』…を記念して / 《獲得・追求》『…を得るために』,を求めて / 《行く先・方向》『…あてに;』…[方面]行きの,に向けて / 《交換・報償など》『…に対して』;…と引き換えに;…のお返しに / 《原因・理由》『…のために』,なので / 《代理・代表》『…の代わりに;』…を代表して / 《形容詞の後に用いて》『…にとって,』には / 《比較級の後に用いて》『…の結果として,』…のために / 《対比》『…としては,』のわりには / 《関連》『…について,』の点では / 《資格・属性》『…として』 / 《賛成・支持》…『に賛成して』,を支持して / 《傾向・好み》…『に対する』,には / 《模倣》《おもに米》《英文》…の名を取って(after) / 《割合》…に対して / 《『for』+『名』〈人〉+『to』 doの形で,〈人〉が不定詞to doの意味上の主語を表して》…が(…することは,…するために) / […というのは]…だから
- 強いられた,強制的な / 強いて作った,不自然な
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This article provides insufficient context for those unfamiliar with the subject. Please help improve the article with a good introductory style. (February 2013) |
Bite force quotient (BFQ) is the regression of the quotient of an animal's bite force divided by its body mass.[1][2]
Carnivore BFQs
Aardwolf |
77 |
European Badger |
109 |
Asiatic black bear |
44 |
American black bear |
64 |
Brown bear |
78 |
Domestic cat |
58 |
Cheetah |
119 |
Cougar |
108 |
Coyote |
88 |
Dhole |
132 |
Dingo |
125 |
African wild dog |
142 |
Domestic dog |
117 |
Singing dog |
100 |
Arctic fox |
97 |
Cape genet |
48 |
Grey fox |
80 |
Red fox |
92 |
Grey wolf |
136 |
Brown hyena |
113 |
Spotted hyena |
117 |
Jaguar |
137 |
Jaguarundi |
75 |
Leopard |
94 |
Clouded leopard |
137 |
Lion |
112 |
Northern olingo |
162 |
Sand cat |
136 |
Sun bear |
160 |
Least weasel |
164 |
Spotted-tailed quoll |
179 |
Tasmanian devil |
181 |
Tiger |
127 |
Table sources (unless otherwise stated):[2][3][4]
- ^ The science and engineering of cutting: the mechanics and processes of separating and puncturing biomaterials, metals and non-metals, Antony Atkins, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009, p. 311, 413pp, ISBN 978-0-7506-8531-3 (retrieved 15 August 2010 via Google Books)
- ^ a b Bite club: comparative bite force in big biting mammals and the prediction of predatory behaviour in fossil taxa, Stephen Wroe, Colin McHenry, Jeffrey Thomason; Proceedings of the Royal Society, 22 March 2005 (retrieved 15 August 2010 from the National Center for Biotechnology Information)
- ^ Fish That Fake Orgasms: And Other Zoological Curiosities, Matt Walker, Macmillan, 2007, pp. 98-9, ISBN 978-0-312-37116-6 (retrieved 15 August 2010 from Google Books)
- ^ Per Christiansen; Stephen Wroe (2007). "Bite Forces and Evolutionary Adaptations to Feeding Ecology in Carnivores". Ecology 88 (2): 347–358. doi:10.1890/0012-9658(2007)88[347:bfaeat]2.0.co;2.
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Japanese Journal
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- 英
- bite force、biting force
- 関
- bite force
- 関
- bites and stings、biting、sting
- 関
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- 関
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- 関
- bite