- 関
- compulsory、forced、forcedly、imperative、obligately、obligatorily、obligatory
- in a manner that cannot be evaded; "the ministry considers that contributions to such a fund should be met from voluntary donations rather than from rates compulsorily levied." (同)obligatorily, mandatorily
- requiring attention or action; "as nuclear weapons proliferate, preventing war becomes imperative"; "requests that grew more and more imperative"
- some duty that is essential and urgent
- relating to verbs in the imperative mood
- required by obligation or compulsion or convention; "he made all the obligatory apologies"
- morally or legally constraining or binding; "attendance is obligatory"; "an obligatory contribution"
- produced by or subjected to forcing; "forced-air heating"; "furnaces of the forced-convection type"; "forced convection in plasma generators"
- forced or compelled; "promised to abolish forced labor"
- made necessary by an unexpected situation or emergency; "a forced landing"
- required by rule; "in most schools physical education is compulsory"; "attendance is mandatory"; "required reading" (同)mandatory, required
- in an obligatory manner; "this rule applies obligatorily"
- 強制的に,義務的に
- 『命令的な』,断固とした / (行動などが)‐避けられない』,のっぴきならない / (文法で動詞が)命令法の / (文法で)命令法;〈C〉命令文
- (道徳上・法律上)義務のある,強制的な;(課目など)必修の;(・・・に)必須の《+『on』(『upon』)+『 / 名』》
- 強いられた,強制的な / 強いて作った,不自然な
- 強制的な,無理じいの / 義務的な,必修の
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English Journal
- Admissions to acute adolescent psychiatric units: a prospective study of clinical severity and outcome.
- Hanssen-Bauer K, Heyerdahl S, Hatling T, Jensen G, Olstad PM, Stangeland T, Tinderholt T.SourceCentre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Eastern and Southern Norway, PO Box 4623 Nydalen, N-0405 Oslo, Norway. ketil.hanssen-bauer@r-bup.no.
- International journal of mental health systems.Int J Ment Health Syst.2011 Jan 6;5(1):1.
- BACKGROUND: Several countries have established or are planning acute psychiatric in-patient services that accept around-the-clock emergency admission of adolescents. Our aim was to investigate the characteristics and clinical outcomes of a cohort of patients at four Norwegian units.METHODS: We used
- PMID 21211046
- Ethnic variations in pathways to acute care and compulsory detention for women experiencing a mental health crisis.
- Lawlor C, Johnson S, Cole L, Howard LM.SourceUniversity College London, London, UK.
- The International journal of social psychiatry.Int J Soc Psychiatry.2010 Nov 8. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Much recent debate on excess rates of compulsory detention and coercive routes to care has focused on young black men; evidence is less clear regarding ethnic variations among women and factors that may mediate these.AIM: To explore ethnic variations in compulsory detentions of women, an
- PMID 21059630
- [Long-term care insurance in taiwan: theory and challenges].
- Lee JL, Lung CH, Liu LF.SourceInstitute of Gerontology, National Cheng Kung University, ROC.
- Hu li za zhi The journal of nursing.Hu Li Za Zhi.2010 Aug;57(4):11-6.
- Long-term care insurance, now being intensively discussed as part of the formal governmental agenda, is widely expected to be inaugurated by 2011. As all entitled citizens will be enrolled compulsorily in accordance with social insurance rules, tight scrutiny in the planning process is strongly advi
- PMID 20661851
Japanese Journal
- 韓国の個別化教育計画と日本の個別の指導計画に関する比較研究 : 「障がい者制度改革推進会議」の内容に着目して
- 崔 明福,Cui Mingfu
- 広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 59, 133-139, 2010-12-24
- … Korean Individualized Educational Program is compulsorily organized based on "Special Education Law for Persons with Disabilities" and contains most of items like "Rights of Parents and Persons with Disabilities", "Prohibitions of Discrimination", "Inclusive Education" and others which are mentioned in "The Primary Agenda of Basic Idea for Reformation of Administrative Systems for Persons with Disabilities" and "Penal Regulations against Discrimination" which is not mentioned in the agenda. …
- NAID 120002835671
- 藤井 律之
- 東方学報 85, 107-132, 2010-03
- … In the Southern Dynasties, the authorities could expire bureaucrats' terms of office compulsorily by giving them "滿報" or "滿叙". …
- NAID 120002619601
- 中等科音楽における生徒の理解に着目した和器楽指導 : 「箏」を扱った授業における効果的な指導とは
- 宮本 憲二
- 尚美学園大学芸術情報研究 16, 1-19, 2009-11
- 第7次学習指導要領(平成10年告示)において、中学校音楽科での和楽器指導必修が明示されてから約10 年が過ぎた。この間、中学校現場では、それぞれの学校の状況や生徒の実態に合わせて、楽器選択や教材開発等が行われ、指導法についての研究も進められてきた。取り扱われている和楽器は学校によりさまざまである。音楽科の授業以外でも、例えば、「総合的な学習の時間」や「選択授業」等において和楽器を取り扱った取組が展 …
- NAID 110008447803
Related Links
- compulsorily. 出典: フリー多機能辞典『ウィクショナリー日本語版(Wiktionary)』. 移動: 案内, 検索. [編集] 英語. [編集] 副詞. 強制的に. [編集] 関連語. compulsory. "http://ja. wiktionary.org/wiki/compulsorily" より作成. カテゴリ: 英語 | 英語 副詞 ...
- com・pul・so・ry (k m-p l s -r ). adj. 1. Obligatory; required: a compulsory examination. 2. Employing or exerting compulsion; coercive. n. pl. com・pul・so・ries Sports. An element, such as a dive or school figure, required of all competitors in an ...
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- 必須の、急を要する、肝要の、避けられない、厳然たる、やむを得ない、緊急の、絶対に必要な、欠かせない
- it is imperative for clinicians to appreciate the pathophysiology, etiologic classification, diagnostic strategies, and principles of management of diarrhea and constipation.(HIM.246)
- 命令的な、威圧的な、強制的な、高圧的な、有無を言わさぬ
- (文法)命令法の
- 緊急になすべきこと、命令、要請、規則、規範、義務、責務
- (文法)命令法
- 関
- compulsorily、compulsory、forced、forcedly、inescapable、inevitable、obligatory、unavoidable
- 関
- compulsorily、compulsory、essential、imperative、inescapable、inevitable、mandatory、obligately、obligatorily、prerequisite、unavoidable
- 関
- compulsorily、forced、forcedly、imperative、obligately、obligatorily、obligatory
- 英
- obligatory、compulsory、obligatorily、obligately、compulsorily
- 関
- 強制的、必須、不可避
- 英
- compulsory、forced、imperative、compulsorily、forcedly
- 関
- 義務的、不可避、命令的