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- 1. 皮膚病変に対するレーザーおよびインテンスパルスライトの原理principles of laser and intense pulsed light for cutaneous lesions [show details]
…skin. Transmission – Light can pass through tissue without being absorbed, scattered, or reflected. No clinical effect occurs from light that simply passes through tissue. The amount of light that penetrates …
- 2. 出血性疾患の疑いのある成人患者へのアプローチapproach to the adult with a suspected bleeding disorder [show details]
… unclear, and the extent of diagnostic testing is often highly individualized. This topic discusses the diagnostic approach to a suspected bleeding disorder (eg, an abnormality of hemostasis involving platelet …
- 3. 皮膚疾患の診断法approach to the clinical dermatologic diagnosis [show details]
… establish a diagnosis in rare cases. For instance, the epidermolytic ichthyoses have a distinctive odor, as does pseudomonas infection. A Wood light is a hand-held source of ultraviolet light from which …
- 4. 子宮鏡検査の概要overview of hysteroscopy [show details]
… Light source – Illumination for hysteroscopy is provided by a light source connected to the hysteroscope by a fiberoptic cable. Fiberoptics allow transmission of bright light without the transmission… persist and initial diagnostic tests are normal (eg, blind endometrial sampling). Streamlined diagnosis and treatment planning – Additional benefits of office evaluation with hysteroscopy…
- 5. ヒトヘルペスウイルス8感染のウイルス学、疫学、および伝播virology epidemiology and transmission of human herpesvirus 8 infection [show details]
… direct virologic testing have shown a high prevalence of HHV-8 in many regions of Africa . Overall, epidemiologic studies suggest horizontal transmission to be the predominant… and the transmembrane light chain of the human cystine/glutamate exchange transporter system x-c (xCT) .…
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- 水頭症が疑われれば、頭痛・嘔吐・意識障害などの症状を観察し、CT・MRIなど断層撮影を行います。. また正常圧水頭症では、歩行障害・認知症・尿失禁などの症状を観察し、CT・MRIなど断層撮影に加え髄液タップテスト(髄液排除試験)を試みます ...
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