- 英
- ray、light
- 関
- 明るい、見地、光、軽い
- emit as rays; "That tower rays a laser beam for miles across the sky"
- (mathematics) a straight line extending from a point
- a branch of an umbel or an umbelliform inflorescence
- any of the stiff bony spines in the fin of a fish
- cartilaginous fishes having horizontally flattened bodies and enlarged winglike pectoral fins with gills on the underside; most swim by moving the pectoral fins
- very thin and insubstantial; "thin paper"; "light summer dresses"
- make lighter or brighter; "This lamp lightens the room a bit" (同)illume, illumine, light_up, illuminate
- a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination; "follow Gods light" (同)illumination
- having abundant light or illumination; "they played as long as it was light"; "as long as the lighting was good" (同)lighting
- (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation; "the light was filtered through a soft glass window" (同)visible_light, visible_radiation
- any device serving as a source of illumination; "he stopped the car and turned off the lights" (同)light_source
- the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures; "he could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark" (同)lightness
- a particular perspective or aspect of a situation; "although he saw it in a different light, he still did not understand"
- a person regarded very fondly; "the light of my life"
- a visual warning signal; "they saw the light of the beacon"; "there was a light at every corner"
- an illuminated area; "he stepped into the light"
- mental understanding as an enlightening experience; "he finally saw the light"; "can you shed light on this problem?"
- public awareness; "it brought the scandal to light"
- (used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent; "light blue"; "light colors such as pastels"; "a light-colored powder" (同)light-colored
- moving easily and quickly; nimble; "the dancer was light and graceful"; "a lightsome buoyant step"; "walked with a light tripping step" (同)lightsome, tripping
- having relatively few calories; "diet cola"; "light (or lite) beer"; "lite (or light) mayonnaise"; "a low-cal diet" (同)lite, low-cal, calorie-free
- less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so; "a light pound"; "a scant cup of sugar"; "regularly gives short weight" (同)scant, short
- (of sleep) easily disturbed; "in a light doze"; "a light sleeper"; "a restless wakeful night" (同)wakeful
- (physics, chemistry) not having atomic weight greater than average; "light water is ordinary water"
- (used of soil) loose and large-grained in consistency; "light soil"
- characterized by or emitting light; "a room that is light when the shutters are open"; "the inside of the house was airy and light"
- demanding little effort; not burdensome; "light housework"; "light exercise"
- designed for ease of movement or to carry little weight; "light aircraft"; "a light truck"
- easily assimilated in the alimentary canal; not rich or heavily seasoned; "a light diet"
- having little importance; "losing his job was no light matter"
- intended primarily as entertainment; not serious or profound; "light verse"; "a light comedy"
- not great in degree or quantity or number; "a light sentence"; "a light accent"; "casualties were light"; "light snow was falling"; "light misty rain"; "light smoke from the chimney"
- of comparatively little physical weight or density; "a light load"; "magnesium is a light metal--having a specific gravity of 1.74 at 20 degrees C"
- of little intensity or power or force; "the light touch of her fingers"; "a light breeze"
- of the military or industry; using (or being) relatively small or light arms or equipment; "light infantry"; "light cavalry"; "light industry"; "light weapons"
- psychologically light; especially free from sadness or troubles; "a light heart"
- 『光線』;熱線;放射線 / 《a ~》(希望などの)一筋(ひとすじ),ごく少量《+『of』+『名』》 / 放射状に突き出たもの;(ヒトデなどの)腕
- (魚の)エイ
- 〈U〉『光,光線』;明るさ / 〈U〉夜明け;日中;日光 / 〈C〉『明かり』(太陽・灯火など光を出すもの) / 〈U〉《時にa~》光輝(brightness),(目などの)輝き / 〈C〉(点火するための)火,火花 / 〈C〉明かり採り,採光窓 / 〈C〉《通例単数形で》(絵などの)明るい部分 / 〈U〉(…についての)知識,情報,理解《+『on』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(ものを見る)観点,見地;相 / 〈C〉この世に光を与える人;指導的な人物 / …‘に'『火をつける』《+『up』+『名』+『名』+『up』》 / …‘に'『明かりをつける』,‘を'照らす《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》 / 〈人〉‘を'明かりをつけて案内する / 〈表情など〉‘を'明るくする《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》 / 〈物が〉火がつく,点火する;明かりがつく《+『up』》 / 明るくなる,晴れ晴れする《+『up』》 / 『明るい』 / (色が)『薄い』
- (重量が)『軽い』 / (いろいろな事について,その程座・量が)軽い,小さい / 『軽快な』 / 軽装の / 肩のこらない;気軽な / 手軽な,骨の折れなし / (食べ物が)消化のよい,もたれない / ふらふらする,目まいのする / アルコール分の少ない / (パンなどが)ふんわりした / (重量が)軽く / (程度が)軽く,容易に;軽装で
- (車・馬などから)降りる《+『from』+『名』》(alight) / (木などに)〈鳥などが〉止まる《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / (…に)〈打撃・運などが〉突然ふりかかる《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/03/04 10:09:19」(JST)
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Japanese Journal
- 坂本 優
- 日本レーザー医学会誌 33(2), 110-110, 2021
- … 光線力学療法(PDT)の現状と展望について,杏雲堂病院の坂本が概説いたします.さらに,子宮体部病変に対するレーザー治療の開発状況について,奈良県立医科大学の重富先生に執筆していただきました.また,産科領域では,双胎間輸血症候群における胎児レーザー治療の現状と展望について国立成育医療センターの山下先生に執筆していただきました.最後に,子宮頸部再発病変に対する光線 …
- NAID 130004893551
- ブロードスペクトラム日やけ止め化粧料 : 光線過敏症患者に対する有用性と市場における需要の増加 (特集 サンスクリーンの新技術と素材開発 : お天道さまに顔向けできる)
- 小林清親の生涯 (小林清親 : "光線画"に描かれた郷愁の東京)
Related Links
- 一般社団法人 日本光線療法協会 ・本部事務局 静岡県静岡市清水区中之郷2-29-8 アーク光線治療器/ 発売元 ・ピアレアモーレ株式会社 医療機器事業部 開発/製造販売元 ・ イビデンエンジニアリング株式会社
- 太陽の光を暖かさをあなたに届けます。光線治療で健やかに ... 780nm~3000nmの範囲 ( nm : ナノメートル=1mの10億分の1 , 1mmの100万分の1) 赤外線は目では見えない光線です。
Related Pictures

- 関
- bright、photic、photoradiation、point of view、ray、viewpoint、visible light、visible radiation
- 英
- viewpoint、point of view、light
- 関
- 明るい、可視光、観点、光、光放射、軽い、光線、視点
- 英
- light、bright
- 関
- 見地、光、軽い、光線、輝く
- 英
- light、photic
- 関
- 明るい、見地、軽い、光線
- 英
- light
- 関
- 明るい、見地、光、光線
- 英
- visible light、visible radiation、visible rays
- ラ
- radii visibles
- 関
- 可視光
- 英
- photodynamic therapy
- 関
- 光線力学的治療、光力学治療、光力学療法
- 英
- photoinduced、photo-induced
- 関
- 光誘導、光誘導性
- 英
- photosensitivity reaction
- 関
- 光過敏性反応
- 英
- line、string
- 関
- 裏打ち、系統、弦、紐、ライン