- 英
- view、opinion
- 関
- 意見、考え、観点、所見、みなす
- look at carefully; study mentally; "view a problem" (同)consider, look at
- the act of looking or seeing or observing; "he tried to get a better view of it"; "his survey of the battlefield was limited" (同)survey, sight
- outward appearance; "they look the same in outward view"
- the visual percept of a region; "the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views" (同)aspect, prospect, scene, vista, panorama
- the range of the eye; "they were soon out of view" (同)eyeshot
- purpose; the phrase `with a view to means `with the intention of or `for the purpose of; "he took the computer with a view to pawning it"
- the reason for a courts judgment (as opposed to the decision itself) (同)ruling
- the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision; "opinions are usually written by a single judge" (同)legal opinion, judgment, judgement
- a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "I am not of your persuasion"; "what are your thoughts on Haiti?" (同)sentiment, persuasion, view, thought
- a message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof; "his opinions appeared frequently on the editorial page" (同)view
- 〈C〉〈U〉(…を)『見ること』,ながめること,一見,一覧《+of+名》 / 〈U〉(…の)『視界』,視野《+of+名》 / 〈U〉《しばしばa ~》(…の)『ながめ』,光景,けしき《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(…の)風景画(写真)《+of+名》 / 〈C〉《しばしば単数形で》『見方』,考え方,見解 / 〈C〉意図
- 〈C〉『意見』,見解《複数形で》所信 / 〈C〉《good,bad;high,lowなどの修飾語を伴って》(人・物事に対する)『評仮』《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉『世論』;(あるグループ全体の)意見
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Japanese Journal
- 「総合エネ企業化」はAIとIoTとも密接に連動。欧州EV化は新ルールが狙い エネルギー政策の展開、保坂資エ庁次長が見解
- 特集「環境-エネルギーフォーラム2017 in 福島」より 福島再生の鍵は「人の和」と行動力にあり! : 吉葉正行企画運営委員長の論点と見解 (特集 環境-エネルギーフォーラム2017 in 福島)
- 環境施設 = Journal of water & solid waste management (149), 33-35, 2017-09
- NAID 40021333928
- 対談 運用業界の展望 : KKR 40年超のグローバル投資経験を通じた見解 (特集 資産運用ビジネスの新しい動きとそれに向けた戦略 : 第8回国際セミナーより)
- 証券アナリストジャーナル = Securities analysts journal 55(9), 18-23, 2017-09
- NAID 40021329537
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- 英
- finding、observation、manifestation、impression、opinion、comment、remark
- 関
- 圧痕、意見、印象、考え、観察、感銘、見解、コメント、出現、症状、知見、徴候、発見、発現、評論、論評、現れること、顕在化、顕性化
- 関
- comment、consider、idea、intent、intention、judgement、judgment、look、notion、opinion、point of view、postulate、regard、respect、standpoint、thinking、thought、viewpoint
- 英
- consider、regard、view、look、postulate
- 関
- 意見、仮説、仮定、考え、考える、関心、関する、観点、外見、敬意、見解、考慮、探す、調べる、推論、想定、みえる、見る、配慮
- 関
- comment、finding、idea、impression、intent、intention、judgement、judgment、manifestation、notion、observation、remark、thinking、thought、view
- 英
- opinion、view、comment、notion、judgment、judgement
- 関
- 考え、観点、概念、見解、コメント、所見、審査、判断、評価、評論、みなす、論評