- 英
- search、seek、look
- 関
- 外見、検索、調べる、探究、探索、努力、みえる、みなす、見る、求める、サーチ
- perceive with attention; direct ones gaze towards; "She looked over the expanse of land"; "Look at your child!"; "Look--a deer in the backyard!"
- have a certain outward or facial expression; "How does she look?"; "The child looks unhappy"; "She looked pale after the surgery"
- the act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually; "he went out to have a look"; "his look was fixed on her eyes"; "he gave it a good looking at"; "his camera does his looking for him" (同)looking, looking at
- physical appearance; "I dont like the looks of this place"
- give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect; "She seems to be sleeping"; "This appears to be a very difficult problem"; "This project looks fishy"; "They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time" (同)appear, seem
- accord in appearance with; "You dont look your age!"
- convey by ones expression; "She looked her devotion to me"
- subject to a search; "The police searched the suspect"; "We searched the whole house for the missing keys"
- an operation that determines whether one or more of a set of items has a specified property; "they wrote a program to do a table lookup" (同)lookup
- the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone (同)hunt, hunting
- an investigation seeking answers; "a thorough search of the ledgers revealed nothing"; "the outcome justified the search"
- boarding and inspecting a ship on the high seas; "right of search"
- the examination of alternative hypotheses; "his search for a move that would avoid checkmate was unsuccessful"
- search or seek; "We looked all day and finally found the child in the forest"; "Look elsewhere for the perfect gift!" (同)look
- try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of; "The police are searching for clues"; "They are searching for the missing man in the entire county" (同)seek, look for
- try to get or reach; "seek a position"; "seek an education"; "seek happiness"
- the movement of a read/write head to a specific data track on a disk
- go to or towards; "a liquid seeks its own level"
- inquire for; "seek directions from a local"
- 目を向ける,眺める / (ある状態に)『見える』 / 〈家などが〉(…の)方を向いている,(…を)見渡せる《+『on』(『upon,into,to,toward,over』)+『名』》 / 〈状況・事態が〉(…に)傾く,向かう《+『to』(『toward』)+『名』》 / 《命令の慣用表現で注意や要求・抗議など》 / …‘を'『じっと見る;』…‘に'目をやめる / …‘に'ふさわしく見える / …‘を'(顔つき)で表す / 《単数形で》(…を)『見ること』《+『at』+『名』》 / 《単数形で》(人の)『顔つき』,表情,目つき / 《単数形で》(物事の)『外観』,様子 / 《複数形で》容ぼう,器量
- (…を求めて)〈ある場所・人の体など〉‘を'『くまなく捜す』,撤底的に捜す《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / …‘を'『綿密に調査する』(probe) / (…を)綿密に調査する《+『into』+『名』》 / (…を求めて…を)『くまなく捜す』《+『through』+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / 『捜索』;調査;(を)捜すこと《+『for』(『of』)+『名』》
- 《文》…‘を'捜し求める,捜す;捜し出す《+『out』+『名,』+『名』+『out』》 / 《『seek to』 do》《おもに文》…しようと努力する / …‘を'手に入れようとする,求める / …‘へ'自然に動く / (…を)捜す,求める《+『for』(『after』)+『名』》
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Japanese Journal
- 伏見 卓恭,斉藤 和巳,風間 一洋
- 情報処理学会論文誌. データベース 5(3), 26-35, 2012-09-28
- … 法は,ネットワーク全体でのランダムウォークにより類似経路構造を探す方法であり, PageRank 反復計算時のスコア収束曲線の類似性を用いる手法である.結果より,局所的なリンク構造に着目する Versim 法と Simrank 法では,手法の問題点が顕著に現れる人工ネットワークや表出する構造にバラつきのある現実ネットワークへの適用に限界があることを示す.一方,大域的な構造上での現象の類似性による Randwalk 法は,現実ネ …
- NAID 110009456273
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- 関
- appear、appearance、check、consider、evaluate、examine、interrogate、investigate、postulate、regard、search、see、seek、seem、view、watch
- 英
- consider、regard、view、look、postulate
- 関
- 意見、仮説、仮定、考え、考える、関心、関する、観点、外見、敬意、見解、考慮、探す、調べる、推論、想定、みえる、見る、配慮
- 英
- examine、investigate、evaluate、check、look、interrogate
- 関
- 外見、研究、検査、探す、試験、調査、点検、評価、みえる、みなす、見る、検討、チェック、尋問
- 英
- exploration、search、probing、explore、search、probe、exploratory
- 関
- 検索、探す、触針、審査、ゾンデ、探究、探索子、探索性、探触子、調査、プローブ、サーチ
- 関
- exploration、exploratory、explore、look、probe、probing、retrieval、retrieve、seek